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Posts posted by bkkstooge

  1. They have evidence, so likely they know who is involved in some of the cases, all they need is to round up a few of them and make them squeal, which they certainly will do, and I hope it ends in an almighty domino topple and leads right to the door of the UDD leaders.

    We all know that they have been implicit in all these murders, and we also know on who's word.

    Let's all hope that as I suspect, the names Jatuporn. Thida, Nattawut, Surapong and Chalerm come out in the wash... The biggest bonus names will be Thaksin and Yingluck.

    The UDD is deffo going to become an outlawed organization, and I doubt they will be able to just reinvent themselves under a new name.

    Would also be nice if certain police are named as being involved in both the actions taking place and the cover ups and who ordered the investigations to be stifled.

    The 'red shirts' are coming to their end.


    Post of the Year BY FAR wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    The persons in charge of the interrogations must be wear ear protectors due to high volume of squealing right now and it will lead to the likes of Nat, Jat and theedar and because of this it is almost a certainty that that reptile in Dubai will never be able political represent himself or be represented by his simpleton siblings ever again. One more thing to add I wish the powers that be ( and what a brilliant job they are doing right now ) would stop focusing on some silly little hairdresser in London and channel their energies into getting their hands on that slug Amsterdam because his hate speech contained enough evidence of sedition, incitement etc... to much more easily strengthen an extradition request than a mickey mouse facebook page.

    • Like 2
  2. Photos can be distorting at best and I wouldn't be surprised to find out some cheeky young assistant had used photoshop skills to enlarge Ms Yinlacks posterior but if the photo is to be believed it looks like she has been going the same way as her mate Chalerm knocking back a bottle a night. Incidentally another great lady of politics Mrs M Thatcher also did the same thing for a few years after she was unceremoniously kicked out of her job

  3. This is just flat out hilarious all though one thing does puzzle me a bit and that is why would the RTP basically give kudos to Chuwit ( someone they most certainly have had issues with in the past ) huh.png !!!

    It really is funny. In the past there were some threats made against Chuwit when he was exposing police involvement in gambling. He then made a public statement that he had a little black book full of high ranking people who had used his services. He also said if something untoward happened to him, the book would be released. And that was the end of that..... I swear to god, you could not make this stuff up. Truly Amazing Thailand...


    didn't know or had forgotten about that little book Now I am laughing even more


  4. A very nasty detail of Thai law makes human trafficking perfectly legal. Any couple who has a either parent unregistered here and who has a child born here cannot get a birth certificate. Having a birth certificate, keep in mind, does not confer Thai citizenship, and so this situation has no justification. The implications are horribly profound because there are over 2 million illegal foreigners here and MORE than that number of native Thais in the rural areas who cannot get a birth certificate. Some natives' families have been here for more than a century and are WAY exploited for the gain of a few. There are entire villages of illegal Thais in the north and south. They have no rights, get no public health care, and cannot vote.

    How convenient for all concerned.

    The unregistered Thais set aside, which is a sticky way to discuss this I know, foreign parents who have a child born here when either parent is not registered are grisly grist for the pancreas mill. These couples are the unwilling source for a huge number of deprivations.

    Grieving parent: "My beautiful child was taken away by bad Thai men."

    Police: "What child? Show us their birth certificate"

    Parent: "You have made it illegal to give us a birth certificate, and my child does not even have a country at all."

    Police: "Your child does not exist. Please leave. And thank you for your contribution."

    These children, literally, have no country, and in many circumstances cannot be registered even in the home country of either parent in question....because...those countries require a birth certificate. This is no loophole -- it is a deliberate malapropism of law that every color has as a stain, and some of both sides have this stain on their underwear.

    It's not a red or yellow issue -- it's a Thai issue. It is a matter of shame and well-earned contempt. The route to Laos for such landless children is as well established as a Filipino Visa run. No Laos government official, officer or lowly deputy volunteer has ever been prosecuted for human trafficking. Ever. Makes it so easy even the maid could pull it off.

    I cannot be kind about this. This issue is stone cold, barbaric buffalo thinking made into a mandate. This issue is the only thing I truly despise about Thai law, and the only thing. All law is imprecise, that is how lawyers make their money, but this is horrendous. This is inhumane, and if the King knew about this detail I think things would change abruptly.

    One such couple was told, and this is a damning quote, "It is sad you lost your daughter, but at least you are alive."

    The threat was subtle, and perfectly legal. If anyone has no documentation to prove their existence in the blind justice court of law their very existence is perfectly questionable. It always seems so reasonable to be a beast in certain circumstances.

    If I think about this for more than an hour I literally puke. All you siders -- red, yellow and every other color -- this turd is on the plate of your favorite players.

    Would you like some cheese for your shit sandwich? Go on ranting about corruption and evil politicians all you like -- the real problems are not being fixed. The real problems are far too profitable.

    While this post seems to have become the predictable Uncle Sam vs everyone and visa versa I can't get past this post by fangferang a TVF member, who I never agree with and probably never will again. Nevertheless it really is a great and informative post. Thanks FangFerang

    Like Very Muchwai2.gifclap2.gif



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  5. I don't use taxis as a rule because of the drivers attitudes, however to do a comparative perspective on swamppee thing. Has anybody arrived in Manila recently? Because that place used to be terrifying to arrive at. Female passengers in Vietnam are at a substantial risk of being sexually assaulted by drivers. A few years ago there was stories of Brit tourists being robbed at gun point in Miami by taxi drivers. A mate of mine was robbed at gun point in Birgmingham U.K airport. Not to condone the lousy rip off behavior of drivers here but it seems to be same in quite a few other places.

  6. This deluded idea about high end tourism has been going on here since Oh I don't know maybe the 80s, Thaksin started that Elite laugh.png Card scheme and got how many members to sign up about 150 and it had promotional campaign on CNN for weeks maybe months. People with money, who want to go on holiday, DON'T come to Thailand simple! and because of this TAT should aim for the Chinese, the backpackers,etc.. because the Philippines is a lot safer than it used to be a decade or so ago, Vietnam (IMHO) dumps all over Thailand in service, clean beaches, decent hotels and right now Chinese nationals are wary of going to the 2 above countries because of political disputes and how does TAT milk this situation to their benefit. it slags of the Chinese tourist shock1.gif

  7. the foreign presstitutes thought they could make Thailand a Libya or Iraq but with all their PR they could beat the power of Buddha and so the world now laughs at the BS churned out by the BBC propaganda machine and all the idiots hungry for attention like the German that runs round causing trouble making this a great lesson for corrupt medias

    I totally agree with your comments, however because of the utter c**p that has been reported by Beeb or to be more precise J.R.Head over the last few months families and mine in particular in the UK have been very concerned about their relatives here in the LOS.

    • Like 1
  8. Any weapons taken off the streets is a good thing, but lets not get too ahead of ourselves here Jamie, in a country with over, what was it you said before ? oh yes, a million weapons at their disposal (UDD militias) What's been found and handed in, is still insignificant in the overall context, if that's indeed the case, then throw in your every day criminal element, and that's probably going to double the amount of illegal weapons.

    So yes, the steps and weapons off the streets and out of the hands of the public is a good thing, but bare in mind that even in the UK when there was an amnesty of Rifles (after Hungerford) and handguns ( Dunblane) it didn't stop, nor eradicate the criminal element using weapons in violent crimes.

    It is folly to expect that Thailand will rid the country of illegally held weapons, when their borders are as porous as a sponge wink.png

    It's a long process, but it's slowly achieving some pretty decent results.

    Haggis I respect your knowledge of firearms and I am not been condescending but why would a common garden variety criminal need a M79 grenade launcher?

  9. Wasn't this charge of sedition made by the DSI under the leadership of Tarit, Surapong or was it Chalerm? (could be wrong) therefore it is nothing more than a trumped up, politically motivated, mickey mouse charge whose purpose was to get the PDRC of the streets.

    • Like 2
  10. This to my mind was the most cynical of the PTP popularist polices.

    Right at the height of the I-Pad frenzy when Thailand's middle classes where near fighting over I-Pads and when no Thai Soap Opera watched by the masses was complete without I-Pads in every other scene, the PTP (Thaksin) came up with the "One Tablet per Child' policy, selling the rural poor idea they too might get an I-Pad - that the PTP I-Pad was going to open the door for poor kids to get an education.

    Like nearly every PTP Promise, it was hollow and false.

    As for who's making money out of this scam - Too late by far, the money was made in the bidding stage - Even PTP MPs know they should not wait for any PTP promise to deliver anything, including their backhander - grab first and s0d the consequences.

    I don't know Guesthouse, withholding rice from the world's rice eating population (Alot) in order to increase the price seemed pretty bloody cynical to me. All populist policies are cynical to an extent however, I do think this one was the most innocuous, nobody died as a direct or indirect result, rice farmers committed suicide as a result of the rice pledge policy, that car thing probably resulted in traffic fatalities, the amnesty bill caused massive protests and consequently the murders of protest site guards not to mention what happened in Trat. This particular policy IN THEORY, did have some merit.

  11. Good. Close the book on anything & everything PTP did; all was a major farce unparalleled in history by a bunch of greedy clowns.

    The senior teachers at the schools will be rubbing their hands, back to 'the good old days' of selling books to the kids. Nice little earner back on track for them. The kids education however, left back in the 19th century, just where the Amart want it.

    the trouble is/was these cheap knock off tablets provided by PTP didn't bring the kids into the 21st century in the first place Prem. As I said in an earlier post, in theory the idea of all school children been provided with modern educational tools to improve their learning experience is a noble one but unfortunately the whole scheme went pear shaped in it's implementation by PTP ( No Surprise there ). I kinda hope the next Govt reactivates this scheme and successfully provides the students with effective tablets.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    ************* THIS IS NOT A RUMOR*****************

    Just merely a request for accurate info:

    More than 10 years ago I had a conversation concerning the 1000,000 Baht per village scheme and was told that in order for the villagers to receive their loans they had to give over their land deed documents (quite a lot of Isarn farmers had/have 1, 2, 3 rai of land ) as collateral which suggested to me that the scheme was nothing more than an attempted land grab. Frankly I have had trouble believing this to be true even I can't believe Thaksin would try anything that low.

    Simply put do any of the TVF posters know this to be correct or is it as I believe a falsehood

    Thanks in advance


    Been to the Robert school to learn some new tactics have we fabie?

    You guys seem to think that everybody who reads these threads is totally stupid and totally gullible.

    xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png Scorecard I am a million miles away from ever having an opinion close to Fabby let alone that slug Amsterdam ( Please checkout my previous posts in fact the one I made about a minute ago on the "international concern amounts" post ) I sincerely would like to know if villagers had to hand over official documents showing their ownership of small land holdings in order to get a loan

    Whoops Maybe Not!

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    ************* THIS IS NOT A RUMOR*****************

    Just merely a request for accurate info:

    More than 10 years ago I had a conversation concerning the 1000,000 Baht per village scheme and was told that in order for the villagers to receive their loans they had to give over their land deed documents (quite a lot of Isarn farmers had/have 1, 2, 3 rai of land ) as collateral which suggested to me that the scheme was nothing more than an attempted land grab. Frankly I have had trouble believing this to be true even I can't believe Thaksin would try anything that low.

    Simply put do any of the TVF posters know this to be correct or is it as I believe a falsehood

    Thanks in advance


    Been to the Robert school to learn some new tactics have we fabie?

    You guys seem to think that everybody who reads these threads is totally stupid and totally gullible.

    xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png Scorecard I am a million miles away from ever having an opinion close to Fabby let alone that slug Amsterdam ( Please checkout my previous posts in fact the one I made about a minute ago on the "international concern amounts" post ) I sincerely would like to know if villagers had to hand over official documents showing their ownership of small land holdings in order to get a loan

  14. ************* THIS IS NOT A RUMOR*****************

    Just merely a request for accurate info:

    More than 10 years ago I had a conversation concerning the 1000,000 Baht per village scheme and was told that in order for the villagers to receive their loans they had to give over their land deed documents (quite a lot of Isarn farmers had/have 1, 2, 3 rai of land ) as collateral which suggested to me that the scheme was nothing more than an attempted land grab. Frankly I have had trouble believing this to be true even I can't believe Thaksin would try anything that low.

    Simply put do any of the TVF posters know this to be correct or is it as I believe a falsehood

    Thanks in advance


  15. To the poster who called the PTP "commie" I suggest you look up just what communist implies.

    The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor who constitute the bulk of the population.

    Stalin and Mao were not true communists because Marxist theory says the ruling of the nation is to be in the hands of the proletariat not the military as both of those did.

    I happen to believe that communism is totally unworkable but some socialism as we see in places like Denmark and Sweden does help the general populace. However that requires that folks like you pay a little of your wealth (taxes) to help those less fortunate than you.

    having spent 7 years living and working in Hanoi Vietnam I beg to differ

  16. To the poster who called the PTP "commie" I suggest you look up just what communist implies.

    The only reason I can think of for your reasoning is that you are part of the moneyed class and that the Shinawatras and the PTP used populist policies to redistribute some of the wealth of Thailand down to the rural poor who constitute the bulk of the population.

    Stalin and Mao were not true communists because Marxist theory says the ruling of the nation is to be in the hands of the proletariat not the military as both of those did.

    I happen to believe that communism is totally unworkable but some socialism as we see in places like Denmark and Sweden does help the general populace. However that requires that folks like you pay a little of your wealth (taxes) to help those less fortunate than you.


    Big T Little sis and PTP used badly implemented populist policies to get votes so Thaksin could carry on ripping this country off by proxy.

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  17. the utter hubris of this PRC Mao style 8 pts of attention is as pathetic as it gets. the elites (amarti) are directly responsible for the rice debacle recent & past, persistent abject poverty in city slums, provincial villages/monthons & Thais abroad in low wage labor, a military dictatorship that the US govt has mistakenly backed far too long like so many others... et al agree, John Kerry may have mispoken a bit too soon. no people of any nation in this modern era desire such a tyrannical rule. like it or not, historians & political scientists in the free world will find such synthetic jibberish a footnote in their assessment of recent events. whomever crafted this vdo is full of more krap than a Xmas goose !

    How so? When the policy and it's disastrous implementation came from Thaksin's PTP. And as for the seeger thing all I have to say is

    "never trust a hippy" or in P. Seeger's case

    "never trust a proto hippy"

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  18. Real nations won't accept their reasons and/or potential shenanigans. It's that simple. You either have elections or you're a dictatorship.

    I personally enjoy the peace, and will admit that so far the junta has done a good job and cleaning things up and settling the children down, but please, call it what it is. It's either a democracy, or it's a dictatorship. Even if it's temporary.

    We also know that as soon as the military steps down, this madness starts all over again. It's easy to agree with your armed leaders when they have surrounded you and are the only ones holding the guns. It will unfortunately be business as usual sometime in the distant future. In the meantime, if they can back off the media censorship and internet filtering, I think they are doing a good job.

    I pretty much agree with what you say except for the madness statement. The main players have been "rounded up" and the ones who are really guilty of various serious crimes ( Jatapon Natawood Charlerm Thida etc... ) will receive prison sentences. The military let bygones be bygones 4 years ago their not going to make the same mistake twice.



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