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Posts posted by bkkstooge

  1. how many times can these buffoons shoot themselves in the foot and still think they have a strong case against these 2 boys. If we could be shown actual evidence and not the made up crap they keep spraying around now people might start to listen but with all the allegations and retractions, bullsh*t dna tests etc this will never end in anything but a heap of sh*t.

    I do not like the way this has been going but you need to wake up a little. Are you an investigator, a member of the court, a government official or just a plain old farang ex-pat.

    What right do you or anyone have to state, "If we could be shown actual evidence" No Police force in the world has to or would show any of its evidence to civilians, nor do they have to explain their investigation to you.

    It is very unfortunate that the investigation from beginning to now leaves a lot to be desired and that there have been many misleading statements issued but let's not, as civilians, try to be judge and jury in this matter. If somewhere down the track it is found that someone or a number of persons have acted inappropriately or even criminally, then they could face criminal charges.

    The law in Thailand is far different from the west, so we need to take this into consideration and be very careful on how it is commented on. One can note the differences and possibly the lack of knowledge and understanding throughout the inquiry but to go on and on with crude remarks in an attempt to state one's case is not the way to debate the matter.

    I can understand the reactions being expressed here but none of us know the full extent of what is going on, so how can we say for sure they are innocent or guilty. We were not there. None of us know the extent of the investigations, what has been or has not been uncovered, the amount of incriminating evidence, yet many are lambasting the police basing their assumptions and speculation on conflicting statements issued by Police and some poor reporting by journalists. Unless they are proven to be out and out liars then no one should intimate they are until it is proven one way or another.

    Sure the alleged offenders made admissions and then recanted them alleging they were threatened and bashed but has anyone, hospital, doctors lawyers or the NHRC seen any evidence of physical torture? If anyone has then why has this not been written about. If it, has in fact, occurred then with their lawyers, the NHRC and others assisting the alleged offenders, surely the truth will prevail and, if charged, they will either be found guilty or innocent. Given that the Prosecutors have returned the police briefs on four occasions, then maybe the latter will occur, which hopefully, if they are innocent, will see justice prevail.

    Sea Thea01

    The reasons for the entirely justified comments of the cops are because and this as was pointed out in another post here they have done the same urine poor investigative work in high profile and horrifying rape/murder cases time and time again. And they always get away with it. There is however a very small and sadly getting smaller as the weeks go on window of opportunity that they might actually be held accountable for their contemptible (deliberate?) inept work.

  2. This general is doing more good for Thailand than anyone has ever-

    He is destroying its image and reputation to such an extent he is turning all the country slowly Red.

    By the time Bangkok crashes and businesses vanish and the middle class Thai/Chinese Gold store owners lament their Protests which started almost a year ago-

    This Junta would have Galvanised the entire country *(against it

    Even right wing elitist mouth pieces like the NATION newspaper are starting to raise questions about the course this THAI_TANIC is on.

    Which is extraordinary in itself

    Red shirt uprising blah blah blah, seething masses Blah Blah Blah, Bangkok crashes blah blah blah.

    In your adolescent wet dreams boyo.

    Late 2015 or early 2016

    Robespiere [sic]

    It took a matter of days for the red shirt movement to be taken down in 2010 by the Thai army (and with all due respect it ain't exactly the Navy seals or the Gurkha regiment) In May this year they were just shouted at by a soldier from the stage at Puthamonton and they all cleared off in less than 48 hours. They have no backing other than Thaksin's wealth and is he going to start shovelling millions into this place for guns etc...again? Can he? Unless your rural peasant movement can get backing just please tell me how are they going to achieve their and your revolutionary goals. Even the Khmer Rouge had the backing of China (and the usa), The North Vietnamese who are a damn sight more effective as guerrilla soldiers than the red shirt dross had Russia. Is Laos going to support their brothers across the Maekhong? methinks NOT Is Hun Sen going to come to the aid of his Thai comrades? Again NO

    Please Bob just tell me how they are going to do it?

  3. "Chalerm said the controversial "blanket amnesty" brought an end to the Yingluck government because it provided the PDRC with a valid reason to overthrow the government." So very true and whose idea was that bil? and what happened as a direct consequence?

    Thaksin's idea and No 2 his incompetent criminal proxy Govt was kicked out and this works out well for Thaksin NOT!

  4. This general is doing more good for Thailand than anyone has ever-

    He is destroying its image and reputation to such an extent he is turning all the country slowly Red.

    By the time Bangkok crashes and businesses vanish and the middle class Thai/Chinese Gold store owners lament their Protests which started almost a year ago-

    This Junta would have Galvanised the entire country *(against it

    Even right wing elitist mouth pieces like the NATION newspaper are starting to raise questions about the course this THAI_TANIC is on.

    Which is extraordinary in itself

    Red shirt uprising blah blah blah, seething masses Blah Blah Blah, Bangkok crashes blah blah blah.

    In your adolescent wet dreams boyo.

  5. This whole "high Quality" tourist crap has been going on for years. The 80s "visit Bangkok the Venice of the East" Yeah Right!, the 90s "Amazing Thailand" They actually did get that one right! and my favourite "The Elite Card" Thaksin's little gem of an idea and if I'm not mistaken this is the 3rd time this year with had the same verbal diarrhea from TAT. Out of all the institutions this country has TAT is probably the most innocuous however it is by far the most deluded and the least aware of what Thailand is and how Thailand is perceived by the outside world. They truly make me laugh and I look forward to more announcements be they ankle bracelets, Martial Law tourism etc.... While they hopelessly and eternally look forward to tourism numbers increasing.

  6. Why are so many posters down on Soi dogs. Personally I'd like to come back as one in the next life, you should have seen them on Lad Grabang Rd during the floods in 2011 getting fed with big slabs of fried pork 5 times a day given to them by Thais trying to make merit so their houses didn't get flooded. Passing out through the exhaustion of putting away half of their body weight in pork on top of the pile of sandbags ( A VERY COMFY LOOKING BED) DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE 7/11 SHOP'S DOORWAY so as to soak up all of the aircon. I have never seen such a contented bunch of pooches in my life. Honestly A french poodle in heat could of spent all ready stepping out in font of these guys and they wouldn't have lifted an eyelid

    • Like 1
  7. Has anyone heard the General /PM speak English? Any good?

    How many foreign diplomats/presidents/prime ministers speak Thai ?? And you Mango Bob Pood Thai. Krap----urrrr bo ow.

    No need, English is the world common standard language, Thai is spoken in Thailand only. The world do not need to speak Thai but Thai need to learn English unless they want to keep being isolated.

    I get so bored with the "do you speak Thai then brigade". Especially when large junks of the Thai population never use Thai as a daily tool of communication. So if about 75% of Thailand can't be bothered to use it. Why the hell should foreign diplomats etc.... learn to speak it.

  8. 1. Freedom of expression... I guess you haven't read the forum rules, there are limits. I also assume you haven't tried to watch any international news channels recently either or tried to assemble more than 5 people for a political discussion or read 1984 in public or flash a three fingered Hunger Games salute..... and it goes on.

    2. Yeah, yeah Robespierre has two r's and you googled a bit of French history.

    3. I have my reasons for choosing this particular username, unfortunately revealing those reasons, in the censored environment we are in, would result in repercussions I would prefer to avoid. It'll have to be left as an in joke for myself and those I trust to enjoy.

    4. Who currently exercises absolute, unopposed and unquestioned power in this land, because you are saying that this individual will become absolutely corrupt - careful you might end up in a re-education camp.

    The level of your reaction disappoints me, honestly, I expected better than some re-chewed abusive propaganda babble, as in your 1., and about 2., no 'mon cher', I didn't google, but you should have, to find out about the name, while looking for your avatar f.i., the more so considering the pumpous explanation you give around the choosing of it, in your 3., where you seem to reveal some dangerous form of delusion (schizophrenic?), and your 4. shows the typical kind of mirror-view intox we got used to from the hired 'red brigade' PR team of yore, in avoiding to even consider the junta's 'coup' might not have been a matter of choice but an imposed and justified measure of last resort, to save the country from the 'absolutely corrupt power' the 'Thaksin regime' had become, once more proving Montesquieu right...

    The coup was a measure of last resort - I wholeheartedly agree.

    The old ways are dying and the old elites are soon to lose their place of privilege above the peasants.

    This coup is their last, vainglorious attempt to hold back the tides of progress to stop them from swamping their parasitic existence and washing away the last remaining dregs of the Thai-style apartheid that has cursed this land for too many generations.

    Thailand will soon be a free, open and equal society where governments enter and leave office solely through the results of the ballot box not via the barrels of guns.

    You should cast off your bigotry and prejudices and join the overwhelming majority of everyday Thais in looking forward to the day this things become reality.

    So Robespierre the rural peasant masses are going to propel the tide of progress in the 21st century in Thailand by fueling it with 20th century Pol Potist Agrarian Socialist Utopia <deleted> (you know the kind of <deleted> you write in all of your posts) are they? Boy! that's gonna work out so well. And the left wing media in the early seventies got the KR wrong REALLY Wrong looks like the old phrase "Never learn from past mistakes" can easily be applied to the left wing (so called) Intelligentsia.

    • Like 1
  9. What an irresponsible 52 year old child! I know 12 year olds with more self accountability than her. I hope they add the damages she caused to her loan bill.

    bearing in mind you've never met this unfortunate lady and have no background info on which to very spitefully judge her so resolutely. I'd venture to say it'd be hard to find a bottle of human kindness milk in your fridge mate!

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