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Posts posted by larsjohnsson

  1. The quote even have their income so we know they are rather poor by our standard. And the whole thread is about people that try to live on a very small monthly budget. Not about middle class people. I have never seen any middle class family that lives on the budgets people talk about in this thread. From $10 a day to $500 monthly

  2. $500 (presumably American dollars) a month is a respectable but modest wage for many, many Thais. All depends on how you want to live, your expectations and preparations for emergencies.

    A foreigner also have much larger expenditures than a Thai. Things like visa, visa-runs, extensions of stay, health or travel Insurance doesn't really exist for Thai people

    Wait a minute....Thais don't have health or travel insurance? Who told you that? I would say that 80% of all the Thais I am friends with have private health insurance. Everyone (except one aunt) in my Thai family has private health insurance. You think Thais don't purchase travel insurance? Wrong again.

    Do you belive poor Thais buy travel insurence when living in their own country !!!! The Thais that travel in other countries are not the ones that have a 10k s month salary. And Thais already have a health insurence without buying a private one. Which of course no Thai with minimum salary will buy anyway.

  3. To me it's rather obvious that at least 95% and probably 99% of the farangs that try to survive on $ 10 a day doesn't have 800 k in the bank. Or 65k in monthly income.

    And going out of the country on visa runs many times every year would eat up months of their budget.

  4. Hello, I'm moving to Thailand and my budget is $10 a day. I think this is enough. 2k baht a month is enough for a good apartment. These guys saying you cannot live on such and such amount have obviously never lived in Thailand and are probably naive tourists. I can find rooms for 1k a MONTH in Bangkok, yes, Bangkok(it's not an expensive place at all despite the myths). So Chiang Mai would be just as cheap if not cheaper. What are these guys spending so much money on??? Thais support entire families on $10 a day. This is not a "miserable" existence as many have said. It is easy to live on this amount. $500 a month is a crazy amount of money.

    $ 10 a day is less than the minimum salary in Thailand. So obviously you are not telling the truth. And a room for 1k a month in Bangkok, I would not let my dog sleep in
  5. And not only met him those 3 times. I also know one of the persons that took photos and talked with him in Khaosan last month. So you are just making a fool of your self. Have you talked with him in Swedish like we have? And had a real conversation?. Or you are just feeling foolish being tricked by a guy coming here at least 4 times in one year?

    • Like 1
  6. I can confirm it's the same Swedish man as before in this thread

    How can you confirm??? You met him before? You met him when? Someone who could confirm something would be able to state specifics not just stupidly parrot "I can confirm".

    Please do provide the location, date and time that you met him.

    Look, I can confirm that this teacher that I saw somewhere, sometime is obviously Chuck Norris! I posted it so it must be true...........


    Yes I have met the guy. 3 times at Nana and outside the Swedish Embassy in Sukhomwith.
    • Like 1
  7. Only in Thailand it's normal to fistfight with your brother while you are working

    Really? So fistfights at work do not happen in any other country in the world? Really?

    I have never seen or heard about a fistfight between two brothers working high up in the air. Or even on the ground. Remember this was a real fight and one person died
  8. Don't you guys think that this topic is stale, everything has been said and now it's being repeated, time to put "paid" to this topic and talk about something interesting, move on people

    No because the person they helped home to Sweden came back again. And the moderator told us to continue it in this thread instead of starting a new

  9. Plenty of Thai somewhat more deserving though, nobody forced him to come here did they

    And he have been coming here 3 times since November. After buying all those expensive tickets he like to have one free....................

    Your ignorant cynicism is not surprising given your previous posts where you posted false allegations.

    It really is amazing that after making some foolish false statements, you still feel the need to be so mean spirited about something you obviously no nothing about......what really is the motivation I wonder? Can't you at least begrudgingly be happy that someone who no doubt made some mistakes has a another chance rather than potentially dying on the streets in a foreign land?

    I'm still waiting for you to reply to post #207 which highlights the fact that you can't read information correctly let alone be accurate when referring to it. You were invited to respond but have avoided doing so. Someone with a degree of credibility would at least acknowledge their obvious mistake but instead you continue with more uninformed cynicism.

    I don't know about the ignorant cynicism. The Swedish man is back in Bangkok again and have been here at least since last month. Same style same things but now in Khaosan road instead

    The same offer as above is extended to you.

    Just because you posted a pic with no link or other info of some white guy that looks similar doesn't mean what you may desperately want it to mean.

    Perhaps, you and lasse (who never bothered to reply to post #207 but chose to ignore the fact that he made false allegations base on an inability to read) can put your collective IQ together and actually post some evidence that the guy is 1) Back in Thailand, and 2) living on the streets.

    I wouldn't be concerned if he was back - he does have matters to attend to in Thailand at some point. I obviously would be concerned if he was back and begging the same I'd be concerned for any begging in a foreign country.

    FYI, I contacted my Swedish friend that helped him and asked him to check this thread. He called back and said that he laughed out loud when he saw the pic as it clearly was not the man he, and others, helped. Is that guy in the pic even begging or just some tourist after some drinks?

    I guess some people really are so petty and mean that they need to stoop to desperate measures to be able to support their cynical world view. And again, you may wish to read what I wrote previously in post #230 @ para 4 and 9 and reflect a little.

    He is back. Or when these pics where taken last month october. Many threads, pics and comments about it on Swedish forums here. Also a few Swedish people that spoked with him.

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