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Posts posted by reptile91602

  1. 15 years ago my wife and I were sitting on our balcony in ban mai , koh samui watching poachers stealing what was left of the sea urchins along what was left of the dying coral reef. We contacted the authorities but no one really cared. They came out 2 hours later and chased them off then the next day they were all back.

    Now the water from Pattya down to samui was terribly polluted 15 years ago. Can't imagine swimming in that crappy ocean these days as little is done to police the oceans here.

  2. One other unimaginable thought. I lived in koh Samui for many years and was around lots of falang that their thai wives were tired of them and set them up to be duped. I hope that your wife is totally legit but in Thailand you often times don't know. Now i trust my wife with my life any time but I watched falang get killed by their wives brothers for his money, others get there house taken away just because their wife finally got tired of them. Lovely thoughts and place to live but consider a con if everything else is up to snuff.
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  3. I just wrote in another blog that I wouldn't live in Thailand if my wife and her family weren't well connected and got someone kind of pissed at me. .

    But this is what I mean. They can come and play there games any time they want with the falang or falang wife but never with me. Once they know my family here we are forgotten quickly.

    If you think that any one other than the family you are in cares about a falang here you are kidding yourself and foolish. but if you choose to live here without the connections be prepared to deal with this kind of crap and probably paying them a little backshish is as good a way out as any.

    Just try and find out what they are really after. Your wife can go down to the police headquarters and inquire. If they don't respect her and probably won't if she is married to a farang then you just wait it out and probably need to pay them off.

  4. Sorry to ruin your day but Thailand is still one very crazy place no matter what happens here. And yes my wife has put up with one crazy god damn westerner for over 20 years and she could tell you a lot of very crazy stories about me as could my friends.

    But in all that timeI have been faithful to her and have never run after the Thai whores. Hopefully that could be said about the other bloggers.

  5. Thailand will always be the mixed bag of great and outright stupid shit. It can't get passed its own nonsense.

    Two dumb little teenage boys on a motorcycle drove passed us very fast and very close in the park next door. They turned and laughed as they drove off. This park has park security and my wife is related to the top guy.

    Within minutes of telling one park guard they were looking for the boys. when we got home there was 2 mafia kinda guys waiting to tell us that that won't happen again. Don't know if they ever found them to scold them or the boys were ever found again.

    A lot of the good stuff is who you know. Probably if my wife wasn't related to so many people that can get things done here I wouldn't live here.

    That is unfortunate. I don't know how the rest of you put up with a lot of the crazy stuff with out connections.

  6. There is a lot of bad and stupid in Thailand but there is also great small stories as so many have written which outweighs so much of the negative.

    My sister in law blacked out and fell off her bike in the park next door. When she woke up she had been laid on the grass and all her belongings, including her cell phone and necklace which was worth quite a bit of money were laid on top of her. The person had gone and gotten help but never returned for my sister in law to thank.

  7. In my conclusion I have to say I do not have as friendly and as trustworthy brothers and sisters as my wife's Thai family. The brother-in -laws you might have to watch but she has 3 sisters I would give my life for and they would give for me. Well thqat in includes one of the brother-in -laws as well.

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  8. My wife, who is from a middle class Thai family and have no hookers in the family is always friendly to any thai woman who is respectful to her. There just aren't that many that are. Mostly educated Thai woman. She couldn't make but few Thai women friends when living 20 years in the states and can't do it here. The funny thing is that we have met many falang with prostitute wives and my wife tried to be friends with them but they all thought they were better than my wife because we lived a fairly simple life style. They always were showing off whatever crappy gift there man would give them. My wife could care less and ultimately could never have any kind of normal relationship with these girls . The katoys are much better to befriend than the woman.

  9. There are many things to dislike about Thailand but there are many advantages to living here as a farang. I look at it that this is Thaialand and belongs to thai people so if I don't like it f... me and get out because it belongs to Thais not me. However I just moved back here from LA and there I have a different view as I don't see California belonging to the Mexicans and yet they have taken it over and that really pisses me off. One of the big reasons to get out of California. And no I do not hate Mexicans. They should just integrate into the American society better and not create such a diverse amount of difference to the landscape. Thailand would never allow it and good for them.

  10. my 19 year old son just had all four taken out by a really great dentist in Bangkok in his office. Just local Novocain. He was in pain 3 days and better after that. The same dentist has worked on my family for nearly 20 years. Done numerous inplants for my wife and all of our cavities , root canals and whatever. He is excellent if you want his name and phone. He is down the street from the Dusit thani. Not in a hospital. Can do everything. Pretty amazing since I have used dentist in the states. They are so specialized you have to go to 3 of them to get many issues worked on.

  11. When I lived in Koh Samui over 10 years ago the international schools were a joke and basically taught how to play computer games but 10 years later I wouldn't expect them to be so much better. It would certainly depend on the management of the school and that could be great anywhere that Thai people are not directly involved.. Sorry to say. But unfortunately so many private schools around Thailand are just not that legit. I would always say good luck to anyone attempting to depend on schools in this country to educate there kids if they want a real western education. It will certainly have most to do with the child's personal motivation.

  12. I am an American citizen that raised both of my boys in Thailand with a Thai wife who lived in the states for 15 years prior to us moving back here. This started 20 years ago. But I doubt things have changed that much. One was born here, the other 2 years old. They both learned Thai early on due to our extended family not school. You are looking at many, many issues if you bring children soon to be teenagers and a husband.

    My kids never connected with Thai kids. Only half farang and half Thai. My wife could not relate to the Thai women because of there backgrounds in many cases and there very small minded ness. We watched husband after husband of western women that came with there husband leave there western wives to be with the Thai women. The Thai people will continuously try to rip you off and even the most shrewd negotiator will have difficulty dealing with this and certainly tire of it after a while. Even your best friend Thai could succumb to the ripoff scam.

    If you can home school you are best off. I did with my kids. The international schools are not good and cost from a $1000/mo up. The local schools at best will not teach your kids Thai but by osmosis they may learn some. The local kids will spit on your kids for a while but after a short time they are fairly accepting except your kids will probably never become very close to any unless they speak English which few do. The cost of the local private Thai schools is next to nothing $50 a month at best and all schools require uniforms which is pretty cool. There are extra curricular activities to find so look.

    Though, of course there is a drug problem in Thailand there is everywhere so a close family atmosphere is the best solution for keeping kids safe. We moved out of thailand back to the states when the kids were 10 and 12 and my boys , though are forever thankful they grew up in Thailand they are even more thankful to us they got the state side education they got. They would have learned little from the education system here if they would have stayed for the things they have interest in but I just wish to give you these thoughts.

    The cost of everything else is comparable to the states except rent and food which , unless you are planning to rent a Phuket high rise on the beach, rents are very reasonable.

    Good luck.

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