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Posts posted by reptile91602

  1. Sounds like Thailand has a lot of expat republicans. Can't imagine what they are doing in Thailand. The republicans in the US are all but finished and yet they still have idiots that vote them in to office. that is the biggest problem in the US. The other problem is that the democrats are nearly as bad and that is why the US is ultimately finished. Obama at his worse and yes he was very incompetent as a president doesn;t hold a candle to Bush or how destructive Reagan was for the US, starting us down the final stretch.

  2. I lived 6 years in Samui and Chewang was a snake pit then and is 100 times worse now. Would never go back to even visit a day. The Thais that own busisnesses there are all mafia integrated and though they love the falangs money they don't really care much for him. Her is better.

    The Green Mango was a sespool then and I'm sure it is today. And I mean they set up there club creating a wonderful sesspool underneath. It is ashame that a young kid just wanting to go out for a nice evening can't enjoy it but when you hear the reception he got after the beating why is Green Mango even still in business. Pretty crazy. Young kids just think it is funny all the whores and the loud music. Well youcan get hurt real bad in it.

  3. Funny story. There was a european living next to us with his issan wife and he was in his 30's loosing his hair. He'd lived in Thailand off and on for15 years and He complained to us that his family didn't have a history of this. My wife cooked one night with her for a party and my god she put 2 large handfulls of the shit in her curry. It was delicious but if he eats that every day he'll eventually lose more than his hair. He is probably eating a lot of viagra at 40 something. Haha.

  4. There are few to no restaurants or food stands that do not use msg in Thailand . If they tell you they don't, they lie. Well that;s a surprise!

    Every time you eat out you are doing just a little bit of harm to yourself in Thailand as all the food is pretty much chemical ridden and cooked with msg. The larger ocean fish will most likely have formaldehyde unless you know the fisherman personally.

    The only places to go for groceries are the King's ( yeah the real king of Thailand) grocery stores or the very small 4am markets and you get to know the grower who is growing in the yard out back.

    the only restaurant is MK because you can cook the food yourself. I wouldn't doubt that even the donut houses put some msg in the goo. Maybe not.

    Living in Thailand is a real crap shoot. So just enjoy it .

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  5. Alone is the key word in my post. You need to hook up with others and certainly have due diligence as to who they are. Thailand is one of the most dangerous places for single women to run around willy nilly so she should have a fairly well thought out plan and especially of what not to do.. If she be very ugly and very smart she is still not assured of great problems. There is no problem until there is!

    • Like 1
  6. Unlike many I managed to get through most all of it. 2 things. She could easily be a girl getting money from other men. The guy that she had a kid with could have bought her family everything they have. Other men could have bought her all of the stuff she has.

    The big thing is if you want communications then what are you doing there and secondly if you want good sex what are you doing with her. Just know that some day you will have great sex with the woman you love and it will happen but not if you take what ever comes your way.

    Otherwise there really is too many variables to know who this chick is. Good luck.

  7. If the OP is 33 I can still give him some good advice. You've learned something for $100 bucks.Go back to Chewang or Pattya or wherever you have a good time. Enjoy yourself and then get the hell out of here and find a more suitable environment than Thailand for a 33 year old/ Perhaps Greece or Brazil. Haha

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