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Posts posted by KimSamui

  1. If you've ever been to the full moon parties you would know that bins on / next to the beach are almost non existent.

    And moving freely to find one through 1000's of people is no easy task.

    I've seen whole families of Thais and other Asian tourists simply leave all their litter on a beach when they pack up snd move on home. Actually walking past bins as they make their way off.

    Not excusing the mess from the picture, but demonizing all foreign partygoers for wholesale pollution is not really fair tbh

    Look it is not pretty, there should be better behavior and use/availability of more rubbish bins.

    As for leaving the locals to clean up. Tourists pay an entry fee to enter Had Rin and entry to the Party.

    The public beach is being used by locals to make money, and ultimately work.

    It is their responsibility primarily that this sort of thing is better catered for.

  2. Got a few mates in Koh Samui now, hope its not them, but also hope that whoever was inside the jeep is ok.

    The Jeep is Phuket registered, and the locals conclusion is that it was hired there.

    The magnitude of the accident indicates excessive speed.

    Samui traffic is at best 45kph at the moment, which is the limit in that area.

  3. The symptoms described do not (in my opinion) indicate "clear evidence" of allergy to anything !

    However , testing is available here


    I should have added also that I'm allergic to many other things, including dogs, cats, mold, pollens (and these aren't simple allergies but cause a life threatening 'allergy induced asthma')...but I've never had food allergies and I'm 69 so I'd think I wouldn't now. But it *is* possible to develop new allergies through exposure. (In fact it takes time in any allergy for one's body to become sensitive and develop a reaction.)

    Thanks for the link. Bumrungrad has an allergy center too, but I'd like to know a place that tests for food allergies specifically. I've taken many "complete" allergen tests in my past (including Bumrungrad's) but they never included food substances.

    EDIT: My apologies. The web page you link to *does* say they test food allergies.

    More than likely Gastritis from street food.

    I have had this as well as Typhoid fever in the 8 years here. my tolerance is decreasing with the years, also exacerbated by alcohol, or the many other stomach irritants such as coffee, fried food, blah, blah.

  4. TrueVisions and TrueOnline (internet) have always responded very quickly to any technical issues I have had with their cable/satellite TV or cable internet. I've been with them for around 7 years.

    But when it came to getting my deposit refund on TrueVisions TV Setup top boxes a few times over the years they fail miserably at that process based on my experience (took almost 3 and 6 months in two different cases with lot of followup contacts with the 6 month issue). When turning in the boxes for deposit refund their standard answer it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the refund check to arrive. But I finally did get the deposit refunds. I have seen many posts where others have experience the same refund issue. And a fair amount of posts where people do get their refund checks in around a month. Guess everyone results will vary on the deposit refunds.

    Refunds seem to be a dirty word here in Thailand.

  5. I paid THB 1000 to a police man who stopped my car at a tollway entry Rama 2 Samut Sakorn on last Saturday.

    Supposedly I crossed yellow lines further back.

    Could not dispute it as he already had my license and wanted me to go to the Police Station, pay the fine and get it back.

    Solution, pay him and get License back, No Ticket.

    Really pssed. bah.gif

  6. Here we go again, this surfaces every time we change govt, cynically I would say there is a group/groups of Thai business owners who can't compete so lobby the govt to 'crack down'. Change your silly laws, these foreign run companies do well through efficiency and employ lots of people and contribute to the state coffers disproportionately. How about a crack down on all those Thai owned/controlled businesses that pay little tax and abuse their workforce.

    Business Development "Thai Style".

  7. I would be worried about reporting this to the Police.

    They would be facing a countercharge for any number of things to preserve Face for Thailand.

    Phuket Police urge Aussie tourists to file complaint over vicious beating by Bangla bar bouncers
    Eakkapop Thongtub

    The guards claim the fight started after the two Australian tourists sexually harassed female customers and refused to pay for their drinks.

    PHUKET: -- Police have called on two Australian tourists who suffered a severe beating by security staff on Patong’s Bangla Rd to step forward and file a complaint so that charges can be pressed.

    The attack, which occurred around midnight on Wednesday (Oct 7), was captured on video by a bystander who later posted the disturbing footage on Facebook.

    The video went viral before it was taken offline.

    The footage showed five Thai men dressed in black security uniforms repeatedly beating the two men, kicking the men in the head even while they were on the ground.

    Police have identified and questioned the five security staff captured on video beating the two tourists, but so far have declined to name the attackers.

    “All five security guards said that two drunk foreign men came into the pub and after they ordered more drinks, they refused to pay,” said Kathu Police Deputy Superintendent Lt Col Akanit Danpitaksarn.

    “The guards said the two foreign men started the fight when the guards attempted to stop them from sexually harassing female customers in the pub.

    “All guards admitted that they got very impatient with the two and escorted them out of the pub and said that the fight started after the two men tried to re-enter the pub.

    Col Akanit urged the two tourists to come forward and file a complaint.

    “Otherwise, there is nothing more we can do,” he said. “I have warned the guards and told them to help preserve our ‘tourism image’ [sic], but no charges can be pressed against them until the victims file a complaint.

    “Right now we are looking to find out who the two victims are and why they did not come forward to police after being attacked. So far we have no record of anyone filing a police report for assault over the incident.”

    Kathu District Chief Sayan Chanachaiwong, who is investigating the incident, told The Phuket News that police have called on the Australian Embassy to try to contact the two men and convince them to file a police complaint.

    “I have also recommended to Phuket Governor Chamroen Tipayapongtada that he order the White Room, the venue where the attack took place, to close for at least one week, while this incident is being sorted out,” he said.

    “Right now all the police have is the security guards’ version of what happened. We really need the two tourists to come in and give us their version of events.”

    Street violence in Phuket’s famed party town of Patong made international headlines in March, when 59-year-old expat Mark Pendlebury from Western Australia was charged for fatally stabbing a nightclub staffer.

    Mr Pendlebury was charged with murder, despite his claims that he was acting in self-defence. He was later cleared by CCTV footage that convinced the Patong police to drop the charge against him.

    Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-police-urge-aussie-tourists-to-file-complaint-over-vicious-beating-by-bangla-bar-bouncers-54463.php

    -- Phuket News 2015-10-09

  8. So which are the Thai airlines in question?

    I flew on Bangkok Air PG962 from Singapore on Monday Night to Samui.

    One of the Exit Doors over the Starboard Wing had a piece of paper taped over the illuminated Exit Sign and a No Entry sign on the Exit Door.

    I personally am getting concerned. This has to breach it's Airworthiness Certificate.

    The Aircraft was 98% full.


    Would you want to exit through an unsafe door ?

    Not the point. The Aircraft has insufficient doors to provide a speedy exit.

  9. So which are the Thai airlines in question?

    I flew on Bangkok Air PG962 from Singapore on Monday Night to Samui.

    One of the Exit Doors over the Starboard Wing had a piece of paper taped over the illuminated Exit Sign and a No Entry sign on the Exit Door.

    I personally am getting concerned. This has to breach it's Airworthiness Certificate.

    The Aircraft was 98% full.


  10. I listened attentively to a migrant from Syria already in Europe expressing his hope to go on to Germany.

    When asked about solving the the problem in Syria he stated "he would prefer if it was sorted out by Arab Countries".

    There is disconnect with problem solving unfortunately. The Arabs, do not want to upset Bashir.

    You were doing well until your last sentence. The Gulf State Arabs would like to chop Bashir into little pieces, preferably through their proxy militias, of which ISIS is one.

    You could substitute the final sentence by saying the ruling Gulf State tribes don't want to lose their immense wealth, power and complete lack of accountability for their actions and they see Iranian-backed Shias as the most likely source of trouble, followed closely by the fear of upsetting their own cossetted Sunni populations.

    Take a look at what is happening in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, all proxy wars which are not self-funded.

    I stand corrected. Its the inaction and unaccountability that sticks in my throat. Arab problems are the World's problems even more so.

  11. Not cowardice, the driver probably had no idea who he hit. Who was at fault, we don't know.

    Many times at the scene of an accident it is very dangerous for the driver who survived to stay.

    He left his vehicle, which is 99.99% registered to his name and the officers will see him at his house.

    This is true for all nations, the safety of the surviving driver.

    Registered to his name ? This is Thailand.

    He just did a runner because he unlawfully killed a Tourist.

    True of All Nations....You are so wrong.

  12. I listened attentively to a migrant from Syria already in Europe expressing his hope to go on to Germany.

    When asked about solving the the problem in Syria he stated "he would prefer if it was sorted out by Arab Countries".

    There is disconnect with problem solving unfortunately. The Arabs, do not want to upset Bashir.

  13. I went to my local office in Nathon and asked for a "yellow book " after a quick chat with her friend the girls said that will be fine but you have to pay 30,000 baht and the self elected PM claims he is wiping out corruption maybe he should visit his government offices in Nathon Koh Samui. My friend who lives on Koh Phangan had gotten his the day before for a cost of 200 baht.

    Six years ago I had to enlist my lawyer to accompany me to the Nathon Tesabaan after my wife, who was in our blue book, was refused a yellow book for me, even though we met the Criteria. The ladies laughed at my wife and refused to take it upstairs to their boss after 3 trips compiling all their requirements.

    Nothing has changed. they will not issue a replacement blue book, so i am back with the Lawyer.

    Samui is the worst place for officials setting their own laws, and tea money.

  14. I thought campaigning on this issue was banned? Ahh, it's ok if you're the junta's mouth piece lap dog though,

    This will go further into creating division, not solving it.

    I think he can see an easier route to power by rejecting the Draft, later with support claiming an appointed role governing Thailand, as he expressed before during the Protests.

  15. Get the cell ready.

    Prejudging and ignoring evidence put forth by the defendant shows that it is a fore gone conclusion what will happen to Yingluck.

    Allowing extra evidence not presented earlier, and now introduced by the OAG reinforces the double standards of Thailand's Legal System, which can be manipulated to suit the desired outcome.

    It is not a joke, it could be your worst nightmare too.

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