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Everything posted by rtco

  1. Lots of supposition when really no one knows the cause. Has anyone considered a mental breakdown? I suffered for 6-months when I regularly lost it and punched/kicked walls, shouted, and screamed obscenities at the top of my voice until I visited the Mental Health Centre at BPH. I have now been on suitable medication for 2-years and the problem is now sorted.
  2. I roll mine so they crack in the middle then remove the the two pieces
  3. Oh you mean just like the unelected, undemocratic government has done for the last goodness knows how many years.
  4. You smoke cannabis not inject it
  5. Don't they follow the science anymore? Not that they did in the first place. Knowing what I know now about vaccines I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
  6. Stop belittling Mental Health. I suffered for 6 months thinking I could sort it myself before I sought help and it ain't nice I can tell you. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  7. I've had a YouTube channel for 3 years (65 videos) and have amassed a mind-boggling 391 subscribers. Looks like I won't be making millions anytime soon. 555
  8. That was no That was no "onlooker" it was a set-up ... thumbs up I'm ready to start wracking the place.
  9. Probably smoked some herb and got stoned
  10. Did he clean his camera lens before filming?
  11. Why spend money when you can use ChatGPT?
  12. And that would mean the dissolution of parliament as every one of them is in it up to their eyeballs.
  13. And the next revelation ... Charlie is not really his real father it's that Major whathisname. Why not go the whole hog Harry'kins
  14. Talk about the bleedin' obvious
  15. Maybe they should have built the real one from matchsticks it may have stayed afloat.
  16. Has it happened already because there was no footie on True 4U yesterday evening?
  17. As I was scrolling through my channels yesterday evening I came upon True4U just in time for the start of the England vs Iran game ... free
  18. If I played the lottery after having to stop in time for some animal or d#$%head suddenly crossing in front of me I'd either be mega rich or mega poor depending on the lottery outcome.
  19. My point exactly ... RTP = Royal Thai P@edo'$ ... 555
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