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Everything posted by rtco

  1. Yes it did but only after it looked like he hit a lamp post or something ... the guy was also doing helluva speed
  2. At first I thought it was a spelling mistake ... Van not Lam Morrison ... but then I realised it wasn't. Been here 12 years and never heard of him but clearly a lot of people have some I wish him well.
  3. One thing that helps natural immunity is Vitamin D ... exposure to the sun. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. Vitamin D has many roles in the body and is essential for optimal health. Thailand has lots of sun!
  4. They'll take as much notice of that as they do zebra crossings
  5. e.g. failure to accrue the amount of "pocket" money
  6. Whatever kind of massage he was certainly rubbed up the wrong way. RIP
  7. He may be but all the others are as well except they are still here on home turf plying their corrupt trade.
  8. Get real Thailand. There is no way to stop Omicron so just let it rip, give us all immunity and let it become endemic. I'm waiting for China's Zero Covid Policy to be decimated soon. I also believe the UK are going to lift all restrictions on 26th January. Let us just get on with our lives
  9. And I thought Sherlock Holmes was only a fictional character but here he/she is on AN with an in-depth report of the situation.
  10. Lots of natural immunity maybe through previous infection?
  11. It isn't ... look at the numbers and research ,,, faster spreading but like a common cold. Take the risk ... the more that get it the greater the immunity.
  12. What they should be doing is making it possible for individuals to work and set up officially as independent consultants rather having to go through that stupid company set up process of employing 4 x (ghost) employees, paying their SS etc etc.
  13. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth ... let me visit them please.
  14. "Thai telecom regulator invites DTAC and True for meetings about potential merger" ... should read "Thai telecom regulator invites DTAC and True for meetings about potential brown envelopes"
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