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  1. sead

    Condoms :)

    Can't beat that ...
  2. sead

    Condoms :)

    Do you want me to put a measure tape on and send a photo to you ????
  3. sead

    Condoms :)

  4. sead

    Condoms :)

    I'm so sorry I'm having a circumference at almost 147mm. God made me this way
  5. sead

    Condoms :)

    Lol. Yes I usually measure half up their arm if that is considered info. But I found up to 72 on lazada and that is impressive
  6. sead

    Condoms :)

    Yes the circumference
  7. sead

    Condoms :)

    Just bought from lazada
  8. sead

    Condoms :)

    Ty for that
  9. sead

    Condoms :)

    Ty for that.
  10. Yes..couple.of years ago I was asked the same..they told me to send under 50k. So I sent several 49k and never had problems
  11. I smile all day long to whomever. Even the wind lowing in the air. Question is why would.you not?
  12. sead

    Condoms :)

    So I always buy my condoms in Sweden before departure. Now I need more and I can't find any with size above 62.. where do you.guys buy it? I'm in Pattaya
  13. I got 2 kids 19 and 22. Both have good jobs and great lifes. Now my thai wife wants a child and i loved the time i had with my kids so i guess at 52 im on it again ???? She is 32 btw
  14. Answered many of my and others questions. RIP
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