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About oxo1947

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  1. . There was a young man from nantucket You know the rest
  2. OK Will27--- Breaking Dad -yer its not a typo. 2 parts put out by Amazon EZTV has it and PB...just 2 parts ---so whoever posted it----Thank You https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Breaking-Dad-Britains-Unlikeliest-Drug-Dealer/0OZLJHTG7NEWGHGPM90F7UXY0Z
  3. How many years ago was that ?...... Do you know anyone (friend etc) in Thailand James9999 ? I also knew someone who had the same problem, he had a friend talk to the motorbike taxi 's, cost him 1,200 a day (8 years ago) 2 guys shared it --no one takes any notice of those guys, they can sit outside clubs apartments etc. & yer he got the answer , although not really the one he wanted.
  4. Keep away from swimming pools -month-6 weeks-- was the strict advice I got when I had a lens replacement (same opp) just curious--what was the price. What made you have it there ? or do you live there
  5. Just watched "Breaking Dad"-- I think it was from Will27....fascinating, really good watch just 2 parts. Thanks for that.............
  6. Has anyone been to Hoi An From what I read about its one of those places that they say –see it before its ruined by tourist. —Or by the time you read about it--maybe it’s too late already. I want to do a Vietnam trip in the next month or so (I have done a few over the years, last one Hanoi) —was going Ho Chi Minh –but this place sounds nice, its 30Klm from Da Nang , which I haven’t been to either. So as my wife is a shopaholic, I thought about doing 4 days in each. So- anyone know is Da Nang good for shopping many markets etc. Or advise, scrap that idea and just do HCM. Thanks for any feedback.
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