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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 14 hours ago, Will27 said:

    Tv Series - Undercover Police: Hunting Paedophiles


    Episode one on Lime.


    Summary: This hard-hitting series follows covert police officers undercover online trying to catch sexual predators who pose a threat to children.



    That was a difficult programme to watch in places, but extremely informative; must be hugely stressful for the officers.


    John Wedger is an ex- police officer who has worked on such cases. Worth looking him up on Google & YouTube.

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  2. 1 hour ago, KannikaP said:

    Get some sort of fold-down seat.


    I've been considering getting a chair for the shower, as washing my feet is near impossible. I am concerned about the quality & weight bearing though, as the standard of many things here are not so good.


    Anyone got any recommendations for a shower chair?

  3. Looks lovely, although bloomin' cold, hope you've got yer thermals on!


    Raining & cold (to me anyway) here in Nongbualamphu.


    What's the vaccination situation in Scotland? My UK bil had the AZ last week, apart from feeling a little tired, he's ok.


    When are you next offshore?


    Keep warm, & your spirits ???? up!





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