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Posts posted by faraday

  1. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    draft a ministerial announcement to set the appropriate proportion of AstraZeneca vaccine for export and for domestic use, which will be submitted to the CCSA for consideration.

    "Draft" + "Consideration" 


    Meanwhile, cases rise each day, & they faff around, with wooly language like this.


    In truth, I think this is about how much dosh they can make, nothing else.

    • Like 1
  2. 48 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

    "at least he doesn't have a gun".

    Are you sure about that?

    If you've been here long enough, you will remember one of his ministers dining with wife and friends with an Uzi Machine pistol brazenly sitting on the dining table, which suddenly appeared to auto open fire, killing his wife, sitting opposite! 

    So, if one of his ministers has such weapons, why would you think he wouldn't have one as well?



    Yes, of course he would have armed protection, although an Uzi is perhaps a bit of overkill. (pun intended)


    What I meant though, was the Army being in control here.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Just consider that "big pharma" also sink billions into research, make losses on some research, pay large salaries to informed scientists and medicos, Yes they make large profits, but take large risks. 

    I am sure you take their products if prescribed and enjoy the benefits of their large investments in health and research.

    Saved millions of lives>> have you?


    You just commented on my last paragraph - which was a slightly, but true, 'throwaway line'.


    So really, your post could be considered irrelevant.


    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, bobandyson said:

    Even when we no longer had overhead cisterns in the toilets, we would always be told 'Don't forget to pull the chain' (meaning flush the toilet).

    I was always a bit worried about those cisterns, right up high above my head, made of metal & attached to a chain.


    Then, you have to pull the chain!!


    Despite my childish exasperation at being told all these things that I could or could not do: M & D were right.


    Miss them so much.

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  5. 2 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    My wife has warned me to not go out at all (I don't currently work) because there's some kind of reward money for Thais turning in foreigners for being out and about in BKK right now. She's a social media addict so I tend to heed her warnings.

    You heard of Dog The Bounty Hunter?


    Now, it's Somchai....


    *Laughing emoji*


    To address your post: No, there isn't.

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