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  1. You are aware the Lisa from "Black Pink" is from Buriram.
  2. Japan is open to travel. So why aren't tourists coming back? https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/japan-is-open-to-travel-so-why-aren-t-tourists-coming-back/ar-AA10arlR?ocid=&cvid=cdf3ec719b1746dbbd645e70951b1077
  3. THE RISKS OF LEGALIZED MARIJUANA https://www.primoprevention.com/marijuana/legalized-marijuana-dangers https://www.samhsa.gov/marijuana Affects youg users brains Brain health: Marijuana can cause permanent IQ loss of as much as 8 points when people start using it at a young age. These IQ points do not come back, even after quitting marijuana.
  4. If he wants NB repaired it's probably for the same reason I do. For avid runners NB is about the only running shoe maker that makes widths from AA to 5W for men and narrow to wide widths for women. I usually order from the US or have friends who are coming over bring me a few pairs. Knock offs may look the same but do not give the support/fit , comfort , performance nesessary for runners. If you do a lot of running you can really mess up your feet,ankles, legs and body with a bad pair of running shoes especially knock offs.
  5. When I wrote I never did or took those things you posted a sad emoji, why? They say you never miss what you never had. I am naturaly gregariuos and don't need artificial stimulants/chemicals to make me feel good. Cousins some of who were older cuter asked how come you get all the girls. I said you know I don't drink and by the time you guys have had 2--3 shots to get up the curage to ask them to dance I already have and you guys are sluring your speach and smell of alcohol so they say Pass. I have gone to parties, dances, concerts and have a great time but I don't need drugs to feel that way. Ever hear of Runner's High? "A runner's high is a brief, deeply relaxing state of euphoria. Euphoria is a sense of extreme joy or delight. In this case, it occurs after intense or lengthy exercise. Often, people who experience a runner's high also report feeling less anxiety and pain immediately after their run." I started running in Jr High an also trained in Martial arts so didn;t need chemicals or MJ to make me feel good or relax me. I don't look down on those that need help to relax ,reduce anxiatey or boost their spirits and I will sit in a bar with friends to socialise but I'm only drinking Coke or 7-Up. Gen Z Is Sober Curious: Why Many Young People Are Rethinking Their Relationship With Alcohol https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/gen-z-is-sober-curious-why-many-young-people-are-rethinking-their-relationship-with-alcohol/ar-AA101rBb?ocid=hponeservicefeed&cvid=a7f698e9f4fe49d5b789bf86477757c0
  6. Never drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes/weed or taken any drugs like cocaine/crack. As my cousins used to say "he's just high on life" .Always was an athlete and didn't want to take anything to affect my performance or mess up my body. I don't care what others do just posting the article showing data on adverse effects on growing brains/children. Adults not affected as much.
  7. UPI News High-potency marijuana linked to higher risk of addiction, mental health problems https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/high-potency-marijuana-linked-to-higher-risk-of-addiction-mental-health-problems/ar-AAZZz6J?cvid=e3f94dfcdef44774a2911b5dde7314cc
  8. UPI News High-potency marijuana linked to higher risk of addiction, mental health problems https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/high-potency-marijuana-linked-to-higher-risk-of-addiction-mental-health-problems/ar-AAZZz6J?cvid=e3f94dfcdef44774a2911b5dde7314cc
  9. Not a superficial discovery as Alzheimers, Diabetes and many other diseases are age related so if you could stop/reverse aging these diseases would not occur.
  10. UPDATE Thailand's first monkeypox patient found after fleeing to Cambodia https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/thailand-s-first-monkeypox-patient-found-after-fleeing-to-cambodia/ar-AAZTyur?cvid=99825da088764fb0ad03a95f6499c493
  11. Unfortunately MJ use by young adults shows adverse affect on their developing brains: Even a little marijuana may change teen brain, study finds https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/legal-pot/even-little-marijuana-may-change-teen-brain-study-finds-n958536 https://wRegular marijuana use bad for teens' brains, study findsww.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/08/140809141436.htm#:~:text=Summary%3A,decreased IQ%2C according to psychologists.
  12. I think many of motocy riders are protecting themselves from dust, bugs , polution and small particles kicked up from the road. That's main reason they wear the masks.
  13. They don't even know their own history where women did not even have to wear tops until 1941 when Thai Gov was overthrown by a Thai General who alighned with the Japanese and did,'t want thailand to come off as uncivilized. Look at old temples that even depict women topless or naked.
  14. I've exercised all my life except for a short period when I first came here, got fat/out of shape and suffered a heart attack. After recovering got back to working out , eating better and feel great but still have a long way to go to make it to mom and dad's age. Mom 92, dad 95, gran -ma (Dad's side ) 102.
  15. In the bank case it's not coruption per se. The bank has told the clerks to promote the insurance by offering it to any customers opening an account. In many cases expats will do it as it is easier than getting a Thai person to recommend you or running down to get a letter from your embassy to verify your passport or address and in case for USA citizen paying $50 to do that. I have had clerks offer me the insurance or extra services when renewing a debit card.
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