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Posts posted by Doza

  1. If you say you have never done it then you are most likely lying. After few drinks one night we all make mistakes, you would have to be a saint if you go through your whole life without once having unprotected sex without 100% checking if she was taking the pill or not..we all know asking doesnt always mean you will get the correct answer.

    I have done a few odd drunken one nights stands without a condom no knowing for sure if the girl was on the pill, yes. But werne't you in a relationship??? As I understand it your siutation is not a shag "After few drinks" where "we all make mistakes"! It sure sounded to me like you were in a relationship with her - or are you saying you had an agreement about contraception but you then had a one night drunken shag with her and she got preggers from that?

    I have never been in a relationship with someone:

    a. I wans't very sure about the contraception situation with

    B. I didn't trust enough to be very sure I was getting the correct answer

    But hey,maybe I have just been in relationships with girls who I could communicate well with and had lots in common with so understood well. Compatability.


    If you were in England would you have:

    1) Dated a girl who hardly spoke English, and therefore assuming you can't (really, properly) communicate well with (unless your Thai is fluent)

    2) Moved in with a girl not long after meeting her

    3) Shagged a gilr without a condom not knowing if she was taking the pill


  3. The other night I ordered the capriccosia from Bella Napoli I think - very good pizza but while it arrived before time, it had been tipped upside down and most of the topping was stuck to the top of the box. This was my second order from CHXP and the first one took over an hour to arrive (depite being a restaurant 5 mins moto ride away) - I did get a credit for that one which was good but still. Two deliveries, two <deleted> ups. Not good.

  4. QUOTE (Doza @ 2008-07-10 17:17:09)

    In terms of maids or anyone else that is targetting the foreign non-Thai market for a job, surely English is a skill you need to pick up and is a requirement of the job? If its not good enough for the job, of course the employer will complain. Its not a charity service where the employee dictates the conditions or self-evaluates their own performance.

    Like I said. Colonial Mentality.

    No mate - its called the real world. Nothing colonial about it. Its called competitiveness, skills for the job, ummmm...... pretty simple.

    Its like me trying to be a maid in Australia for Japanese families particularly. But I can't speak Japanese except for a few words. Jap family rings me up, asks if I can speak Japanese since its a requirement of the job, I say, yeah, offer me the job - turns out my Japanese is <deleted>, can'[t commuinicate with the family properly so my work is ordinary. So they complain.

    Since they are the employer (nothing colonial about employing somebody) and there are requiremetnts for the job which I can't satisfy, its pretty normal they would complain about me and/or replace me if they find a better employee.

    This is called the real world. (yes Thais live in it too sometimes...)

  5. Well since the staff at my local Starbucks speak good English and greet me in English I would feel pretty stupid trying to order in Thai and kind of feel likes its a bit of an in-your-face when thats done. Almost like - 'don't speak to me in English, your English isn't good enough, I'll speak to you in Thai thanks' which can seem rude.

    In terms of maids or anyone else that is targetting the foreign non-Thai market for a job, surely English is a skill you need to pick up and is a requirement of the job? If its not good enough for the job, of course the employer will complain. Its not a charity service where the employee dictates the conditions or self-evaluates their own performance.

  6. On the other side of the river you can also get a moto taxi to the park instead of walking which is called Suan Sii Nakorn Khuan Khan but you can just say "bai suan sii" and they will know. Rent a bike and take it over for a great day touring around (not just in the park).

  7. They are silly (but yes look great). Universities are supposed to incubators for independant thought,forging identities, challenging the status quo.Instead in Thailand they're for copying everyone else (work and dress) for 4 years and recieving a piece of paper afterwards regardless.... Universiities should not be about uniforms or uniformity- defeats half the purpose...

  8. Give me a good old fashioned sandwich shop any day where I can buy ham cut from the bone, fresh salad straight out of the garden and a touch of English mustard.

    That's what Im TALKING ABOUT.

    And no, not a Thai style sandwhich as someone said....a real sandwhich with fresh salad, fresh cold cuts, frech bread and heaps of options. Sun dried tomatoes anyone? Pesto? Wholegrain mustard? Rocket? Swiss cheese? Mmmmmm......

  9. QUOTE (tuky @ 2008-07-10 02:42:32)

    QUOTE (tomuk76 @ 2008-07-10 09:36:22)

    Please dont get me wrong! I try to live thai style as much as possible as of course im living in the kingdom of thailand so i should do.


    Exactly, when was the last time you saw Thais in your home country (immigrants not their kids) abandoning Thai culture, food, customs etc, and taking up those of your home country? They don't, why should we? They set up their own restaurants, ghettos even, temples, festivals, community groups etc etc H*ll, they can even starft buying up land. We call it multiculturalism, mainstreaming....

  10. Guesthouse - the establishment of a foreign charity/NGO (foundation in Thailand) is very difficult to do and takes years. Its well regulated. No-one in their right mind would pursue this for visas. It is much easier to set up a for profit company and rip people off. However it is easier to set up a Thai Foundation - if you have only Thai's on your board. But still this can take 6 months to a year.

    Garro - The legalisation and regulation of volunteers is in place too and one officially needs a "work permit" to volunteer (specific volunteer permit) with all the right papers to be filed by the foundation ion advance. I agree it could be better policed in regards to those working with children though as Guesthouse says.

    As usual, Thailand has many sensible laws, many copied or based on those from foreign countries, its just the policing and implementation which is f**kd up.

    I definately get the feeling Thais don't like foreigners working in charities in Thailand and view them with suspicion and probably yes, feel like they are losing face. Its like this "why would they do that for free..." type thought process not believing some people in the world do just like to help out of the kindness of their hearts.

    A telling comment from a Thai colleague the other week made me think. She was referring to a foreigner in Thailand she knew for a few years who had drifted around a few crap jobs then set up a company or something and was keen to stay in Thailand. She basically said: "hes' just doing that so he can live in Thailand, I hate it when foreigners do that, they aren't really interested in helping the country". I felt like saying, welcome to the rest of the world, where people immigrate because they want to. Ever seen how many Thai restaurants on the streets of Sydney, Melbourne, London etc? Do you think they are living in those countries because they want to help? They're there for purely personal reasons, get over it.

  11. At first glance you think he is describing an ideal existence - but all he is doing is pointing out how he can afford "luxuries" here that he couldn't in Europe (internet / cable / two bed apartment / eat out every day, seafood etc). So for him it all comes down to money like any of us.

    BUT....this show what he really thinks of Thailand:

    If you have nothing for them to take then they cant take it off you"
  12. I've just had a few more shirts done at Rajas. Great stuff. Also getting a suit done at Rajawongse's for the first time as Rajas didn't have the fabirc I wanted. Very happy with first fitting. Spent about 15 minutes with the actual tailor with my jackets minus sleeves and pockets etc, getting the fit just right (I am picky). Looking forward to next fitting.

    Very happy with suits, shirts and pants from Rajas in the past BTW - but you have to be firm with Bobby sdo you don't get railroaded into the stadnadr stuff he wants to fit you with - especially if yoiu are particular about a certain style or fit.

  13. What Bangkok really needs is an altrnative sandwhich place especially for the take-away business luinch crowd similar to what you get in Australia, Europe etc.

    Every time I go to describe it, it just sounds like Subway but if you have seen a good sandwhich shop back home, with healthy options, heaps of different breads and filler selections made in front of you, you know what I mean. There are even some great ones in Aus where you just go along and ad all your own stuff yourself and the selction is amazing. Pay at the door as you go.

    I really miss good sandwhich options aside from Au Bon and Subway.

  14. Yeah - the Tigers are transfered to an alternative wildlife sanctuary where they are not used for:

    a) the financial gain of anyone

    b. fun such as petting, holding, playing and taking photographs with (you see allowing photos make people think exotic wildlife is for our (human) enjoyment and to do as we please with...)

    c) the centre actively engages in REAL research, REAL education and outreach and REAL conservation initiatives for wildlife in Thailand (conservation is not buying bred tigers illegally and charging people to pet them while claiming its ok because they are building bigger enclosures and the tigers are "healthy" and not abused [all that much]).

    d) the centre does not operate as a zoo

    e) the centre is recognised by respected and reputable wildlife conservation authorities and agreements and partnerships and is regularly inspected

    Something along the lines of the WFFT centre. Funds extracted so far from the Abbot for this con could be used to help finance the whole thing.

  15. Yep - Thailand pushing coal is not good but its meeting strong opposition from communities. And so it should.

    At a more local level there is a push for renewables. There is a push for bio fuels (Bangchuck Petroleum etc) and the BMA has even placed over 100 bio gas digesters in schools, unis and restaurants with variying degrees of success. But this is not necessarily mirrored by the government in its energy strategy.

    Of course there is a fair amount (relatively) of hydro power being produced - 7%?- (more enviro probs there too tho) from dams but almost no wind as far as I know. There are plans for at least one private bio fuel refinery for celulosic ethanol production to set up in central and north east Thailand which aim to connect to the grid and sell energy.

    Deforestation is a serious concern too. Between 1990 and 2005 Thailand lost nearly 15% of its forests and woodland habitat.

  16. I;m heading up to CM next weekend to heading out ito the mountains with the GF bike riding. I did this a few years ago on the MHS loop and hired a 400CC Honda something Harley style but can't remember where from.

    It was ideal and want to get something similar (or bigger as GF will be on back). Anyone recommend? And prices? Anytjhing else?

  17. dont recall ever saying leave the tiger temple alone

    Really?What about this:

    If you dont approve of the Abbots Antics, Well Stay Away,
    I do recall saying that I have spoken to the abbot on many occasions

    You said much more than that!

    we will sort it!!

    So you tell people to stay away. You tell them you and your group will sort things out at the temple. You then say its not an organised group but your record of work is well published. Then, after saying that you are going to fix things at the temple you tell us that all you've really been doing is talking to the Abott who doesn't seem to be listening to you. Why would he?

    a couple of us have tried suggestions

    I'm sure many people have tried suggestions mate. But to tell other people to stay away and you are your group are going to sort things is rubbish. Absolute rubbish.

    example undertaking the microchipping and dna fingerprinting of the tigers, to eradicate the interchanging of cubs and maybe tracing where all the new cubs come from

    Ummm....why would they do that? They buy and sell the cubs illegally. They perpetuate a scam to people that they are a conservation organisation. You admit they are dealing and trading illegally yet you don't want to critisice them because bad things happen in other countries and you and your group are going to osrt this TT out.

    What utter cr*p.

  18. So Nignoy - since you said "we" (your non formal group with "well documented results" on wildlife conservation [ but nothing to do with Thailand]) are trying to fix it (the Tiger Temple) can you explain how and when that's going to take place.

    Appreciate you documented some bird stuff 4 years ago, but please - when you told all of us leave the Tiger Temple alone (shall I find the exact quotes?) and that your group was working to fix it (shall I get exact quotes again for the benefit of newbies on this thread?) - you surely had a plan in mind. Do share...

    Or not.......you can always continue pointing to stuff you did years ago, but please - <deleted> off and don't tell us you are fixing the problems at the TT and that we should keep out of it.

    And don't tell us to let it go because in our home countries there are simliar / worse animals abuse situations. Clearly that has nothing to do with this thread.

  19. Good smokescreen Nignoy but your response is all in the past tense - what you did in the past. But your statements earlier were clearly in the present tense - implying that you and your group are taking action nowdays, in Thailand, to do with wildlife conservation.

    You're tangling yourself in knots mate.

    Let me summarise:

    "We investigate...:

    "We are..."

    "We continue..."


    "We exposed....("in Holland how many years ago?)

    "The animals and birds we have purchased were offered on the streets..."(in Brazil and Brazzaville how many years ago?)

    "...sorry most of these are german or Swiss I spent most of my working life based in these 2 countries But this has nothing to do with Thailand..."

    - No sh*t mate - you make out earlier you are doing (present continuous tense) all this stuff to "stamp out the abuse and illegal trade in protected species" but when asked to show what you are doing you point to stuff that happened YEARS AGO which has nothing to do with Thailand!!!

    To summarise your good self:

    You used to be a zoo keeper

    You used to work in wildlife rescue / anti trafficking etc etc

    You now live in Thailand

    You think the TT is ok because you have seen worse in other countries

    You warn people not to get involved as your group ("we") are trying to fix it

    But you can't describe what your group is doing except to point to stuff you did years ago (which has nothing to do with Thailand)


  20. QUOTE (Doza @ 2008-06-24 23:46:08)

    - no crap music -

    This cannot be overvalued in Thailand. No crap music means no crap music and it means no crap music turned up so loud that you can't hear someone screaming two feet away.

    AGREED. Crap music abounds in the Kingdom and it can spoil a few relaxing beers VERY quickly.

    High value on no crap music...

  21. I have never stated that my friends and I belong to any form of official organisation

    Doesn't sounds like that to me. Sounds like you are trying to come across pretty official here (especially if you are purchasing animals for protection / conservation!):


    we continue exposing animal smugglers and traders where ever we can,sometimes at risk to our own lives, our successes are well documented


    We are a group of retired zoological Vets, Retired Zoo Directors and Curators even a couple of Master zoo keepers, Who together try and do our best to help stamp out the abuse and illegal trade in protected Species


    we investigate the trade and illegal possesion of Protected species!!where possible we purchase the animals or birds concerned

    And if your "successes are well documented" where are they documented?

    All sounds a little weird to me.....

  22. Am I the only one who thinks Cheap Charlies is an horrendous place to drink?

    Possibly mate :o

    Its a mission when packed but its not always packed. I like the fact you aren't stuck inside (a dark place as is often the case) - its a good crowd of people largely - no crap music - very casual - there's just something about it which makes it perfect for a casual beer. I like the Bull's Head but its dark, low ceiling and is too "pub-ish" for a few casual one in the early evening if you don't want to feel like you're stuck in the UK.

  23. Nignoy - you say you represent an organisation that undertakes formal conservation work.

    Please name the organisation.

    we continue exposing animal smugglers and traders where ever we can,sometimes at risk to our own lives, our successes are well documented
    We are a group of retired zoological Vets, Retired Zoo Directors and Curators even a couple of Master zoo keepers, Who together try and do our best to help stamp out the abuse and illegal trade in protected Species
    we investigate the trade and illegal possesion of Protected species!!where possible we purchase the animals or birds concerned
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