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Posts posted by Doza

  1. Well I think the OP is a total d*ckhead and will probably do the same thing over and over again!!

    I have to agree. That or 12 years old. Or never been out in the real world before. Or grew up in a commune. Or is just so lame and desperate to get his end away and/or get married that he actually needs our help. Train wreck is right. Its freakin sad.

  2. Mate, you can call me a w*nker all you want but you are the one that looks like the idiot around here.

    Telling us it takes time to get to know someone for a relationship who is not a prostitute (as if its the latest news).

    Wanting to marry someone after 4 months.

    Wanting to pay a dowry in installments so she'll stay around.

    Wanting to marry a chick you can't communicate with.

    Dribbling about going out with name cards and maybe getting a dance.



  3. Using a talking dictionary. ??????????????????????

    Have YOU tried discussing a C-section with a Thai? No? Then don't criticise me for using one in situations where there is a need for more than basic Thai !!

    "A Thai"? It was your wife-tobe!!! So you were going to marry someone who you could only communicate with on a "basic" level? Awesome..................

    My thought was that I was going to delay the marriage indefinitely until her truthfulness was tested and found to be honest, but I was not going to go without sexual intercourse with her or someone

    What a great start to a marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeeeeeezzzzzzz............

    That way I knew I would not be conned to cough up a sin-sot and have her leave soon after - something nthat I understand cand and maybe does happen.

    Looks like you guys really had a good base to start sharing your complete lives together in love sharing your hopes and dreams going through trials and tribulations and working through problems, understanding and being there for each other. Hmmmmm..............you were basically paying someone to be with you. Awesome man. You go.

    But it takes time and effort to get to know a lady with a decent job / a 'normal' woman. Even with the help of Thai friends it takes time.

    Ummmmm.......no sh*t mate. Welcome to the real world of real people and real relationships. Are you even for real????

  4. Basically prostitution.

    You give me money, house and car and stable secure life. I'll have sex with you (to a carying degree!), have your babies, and maybe keep the house.

    On reflection I guess that works for many and is the historical tale of marriage anyway. No wonder men shag around and visit prostitutes when this is the basis of their marriage (the sexual part). Depressing.

  5. Seriously this sh*t amazes me. You knew her 4 months and was dreaming of marriage? You communicate through a dictionary? She calls 'sex' "something above the waist"?!

    Honestly, what sort of a connection do / did you have with this girl? Are you really on the same page? Compatible in your dreams for the future, cultural and social ideals, in tune in and out of the sack, understand each other (I mean really)??? Sometimes it seems to me like so many farangs in Thailand try to force the relationship thing when deep down, honest-to-goodness, they cannot realy understand and connect with these girls and they are usually miles apart in the affection area especially. But still they persist - 'must get married, need me a wife, want to settle down, happily ever after'.

    Seriously, is it any wonder the fail rate seems so high???

    Find someone you actually really understand, are compatible with, and can effectively communicate on all levels with.

  6. It really doesn't matter one bit what wildlife organisations in my country or Britain are doing with centres there when we are talking about one or two centres here in Thailand.

    To argue that I don't have the right to (negatively) comment about Thai wildlife organisations because there may be marginal ones operating in my own country is pretty ridiculous since we are on a Thai forum and the thread is about Thai place. Doesn't seem like a reasoned comment coming from a wildlife "professional" to me.

    Just so we are clear moving, shipping, trafficking, transporting, holding, showing off, controlling, training, breeding, keeping, capturing, wild animals for human benefit such as to feed for fun, to watch in trained unnnatural shows, and to interact with unnaturally for monetary gain or otherwise WITHOUT the core focus being in rescue, rehabilitation (which really doesn't happen with most exotic animals - back into the wild I mean), education and awarness raising is the WRONG THING TO DO. My opinion.

  7. I know of no western country in which the rural folk are shy to take a personal stand.

    Maybe shy to personally take a stand but they love a collective stand. Are they always lobbying or protesting at government house for their debts to be wiped, food prices to be lowered, rain to be made.............??? The Caravan For the Poor and other Isaan farmers groups seem quite political to me.

  8. Under 200baht and decent? No chance.

    Considering good English style breakfasts usually go for 200 - 300 baht no way will you get a (good) buffet for less. Usually I can only handle whats on some of these plates anyway so buffet would be a waste.


    Black Swan for food

    Irish bar in soi 4 for food and not being so dark

    Kuppa more for ambience than food but food is ok

    Crepes and Co for ambience and different sort of breaky than you usual English style

    Marriott for coffee shop style breaky and relaxing

  9. That was a good fight! A real brawl. JWP fought better than I thought he would and seemed to land quite a few on Yod but Yod never seemed hurt. Meanwhile Yod's punches were landing hard. JWP is a hard b*stard no doubt about it. And Yod is just class. Great finale. But was there 2 lead in bouts? I only caught the end of the one before the final - was there one before that? What happened?

  10. Get the hel_l off that mighty moralistic horse you're on.

    Got kids Doza?

    Want to explain to a four year old why he can't go when all his classmates have?

    I bet you belong to PETA as well, don't you? Chickens rights before peoples? Isn't that what you people want?

    Get a life.

    Get the hel_l of an idea Etrigan.

    No kids.

    If I did, I think I would be explaining the issues animals are facing like destruction of habitat etc and use it as an education exercise. "Look at this lovely bear, do you think it enjoys this compound and riding a bicycle when it usually lives in the forest with other bears?". Would get my kids to THINK instead of just look and be "entertained".

    No I don't. No. No.

    I've got a life, just trying to ensure wild animals have a life too, undisturbed by us and not made to do unnatural shows for our (your and your kids) "enjoyment".

    Enjoy the orangutang boxing. Completely natural....

  11. Please "Doza" give us a break, these shows are very common in Thailand and for Thai Folks and Tourist to have this in Kan at that price well....I .....am....... speechless

    Aah, sorry. I forgot the golden rules of conservation and using captured wild animals:

    1) If it is common in a country its ok

    2) If nationals of that country enjoy it, its ok

    3) If its cheap, its even more ok!

    ...bear bile anyone?

  12. Also there are shows as well and all in one price

    Perfect reason to avoid.

    Teach your kids that wild animals best remain in the wild unless for the specific purpose of rescue and or rehabilitation and possibly reintegration (almost impossible),and secondary for education and awareness. Not caught, bred, shipped around the world shown off and trained for shows jut for our pleasure.

  13. Pretty sure the embassy or AIT (Aussies in Thailand) or AustCham organise a trip up. Also Thailand Tigers (the AFL guys here) do an annual trip as well. Get on to all these a couple months before for next year and you'll be sweet.

    Apologies so late.

  14. I would say there is a good demand for it at international schools - considering some of them have golf coaches, track and field and swimming coaches (actually I know for sure some already have tennis coaching but are Thais - and tennis is so popular for hi-so Thais whose kids at at these schools there must be options. Also try places like the British Club, Soi Klang Racquet Club and the Polo Club. All have tennis programmes and although will prob hire Thai before (cheaper!) farang but you never know.

    I bet there are heaps of opps for private tutoring for rich expats and Thais with tennis courts at their condos.

  15. Thais are bad communicators (by our Western standards / expectations) - amongst themselves, with foreigners, in Thai and English. Responsibility is no existent, pride in work hard to find, and general expectations on oneself pretty low it seems.

    Doesn't mean I don't like Thai people or like living here. Its just a point. Can be d*mned frustrating though...!

  16. Dont go.

    Anywhere that has animals performing for people instead of being allowed to exist peacefully in a near natural habitat (assuming they have actually been rescued / bred in captivity for a reason and not bought for the purpose) or in nature itself with people benefiting from them doesnt deserve your money.

    That goes for the "Tiger Temple" in Kanchanaburi.

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