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Everything posted by pokerface1

  1. He could just claim to be the media mouth for the PM. Not involved in politics just reporting it. 555
  2. True enough!! We all know how's pulling her strings Age doesn't matter so much when you have your daddy to guide you. The headline tries to dismiss the obvious pretending to be ignorant.
  3. Chemical spill sounds a bit accidental. My money is on Chemical dumping!! This sort of thing will continue to pollute until authorities get tough at all levels of waste disposal.
  4. Hey Fat Man if your a member on this site please tell us what planet you came from. Don’t be shy NOT
  5. One day a diamond next day a stone. Reverse and repeat again and again.
  6. Now I’m thinking the real reason for this return was so he could die in his homeland and have a Thai traditional funeral.
  7. I guess 500 to 1000 will turn up. Hardly enough to make it meaningful. What a pity.
  8. Good point so might I add there afraid of the military or perhaps the rallly organisers were paid off
  9. Perhaps most Thais have other things more important to themselves. They are debt slaves with no time to worry about who should run the country.
  10. I’m sure they would nominate one of themselves after a shoot out. Last man standing wins
  11. Rain storm forecasted that’s not going to help the numbers. Next time check the forecast before you plan a gathering.
  12. All I can say is set up. Defamation fund for anyone who has the balls to use their voice in condemning the woeful inaction of the senators. Let’s see how they react to a tongue lashing that in a public forum
  13. Perhaps he should ACT as caretaker PM while the mess is sorted out. After all the whole political circus is just like a Thai soapy.
  14. Talk about shifty eyes that pic should have been caught years ago. might have been a election loser for him.
  15. The ugly or over weight girls make the ordinary girls look beautiful. Even more so after a few beers. Everyone has a role to play.
  16. It should be mandatory that they do a advanced driving course. Learning how to regain control after they lose control of the van. That would be at least a start in reducing accidents. If they cannot pass the test they cannot transport the general public.
  17. The simple minded virus is everywhere especially in Thailand. My wife says it's a product of low or no education. I definitely recommend self Defence classes if you live in Thailand.
  18. To much Information would be full of misinformation so lets just keep it simple
  19. Another example of fake news that conviently slipped under the radar of those responsible.
  20. That person standing beside the vending machine perhaps wants to hookup with a customer. Perhaps anyone standing there might have a sexual encounter in mind with a like minded customer. Better to be safe than sorry I suppose.
  21. He lost all his cash so nothing to be gained in helping him. Perhaps he should have offer the police an insensitive I'm sure that would have helped.
  22. When does the 300 Baht health insurance policy for tourist entering Thailand start? Dam cheap 555
  23. Well now the students have their first assignment to find the culprit
  24. This deal smells off!!
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