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Everything posted by pokerface1

  1. During war time it could have been sabotage. However if that was the case it would be cover up no doubt
  2. Price is often set by what the biggest fool is prepared to pay. You must be a smart guy sorry about the ex
  3. They go back to admin to watch. Tutorials on how not to get caught and to hone their skills in slight of hand
  4. Maybe it's the new yellow fever visa that's only available for running Russians.
  5. He doesn’t look like an accountant to me. Looks like the bouncer is taking the fall for the accountant. 555
  6. Just waiting to hear the government announce that PM 0.0 has been achieved for all people who wear masks. Thanking all citizens who continue to wear masks and keeping the dust level down.
  7. Why do I get the feeling there would be no crimes committed if they got rid of the RTP?
  8. You can ask but I’ll never be seen that way by Thailand. The brush will alway be red.
  9. No doubt the first Chinese arriving in Thailand will mainly be those trying to escape Chinese authorities. Immigration will have a busy time rounding them up and sending them back.
  10. As I’ve said before this is the reason the police are not doing there job policing the roads and picking up small change from drivers for breaking the law. They are all chasing the big pay offs in fact you could say they are killing people on the roads while off chasing the big pay day. They kill for money!! Shame shame drop the Royal from their title they don’t deserve it.
  11. The <deleted>tt hasn’t hit the fan yet. I can imagine the planes arriving full of passengers however the return flights being empty as they have all decided to escape the claws of China ???????? So I think the Chinese authorities will be watching closely the first few flights that return to see how many people have absconded. I mean who would want to go back after 3 years of lockdowns and deprivation?
  12. I think the police are off chasing the big dollar pay offs and figure getting in the way of the crazy drivers in order to pickup a few Baht is not worth the risk of being run over. So nothing will change until the police have their priorities adjusted big time.
  13. Yes Minister I accept the offer for accident insurance for 300baht while I'm on holiday just hand over the policy and a receipt.
  14. Don’t forget to ask for your insurance policy once you’ve handed over your 300 baht.
  15. I arrived from Australia last night and found swampy deserted and surprisingly all the immigration booths were maned 555. I didn’t even have to queue up as I was first off the plane. So what time do flight from China land?
  16. The excuse is that they are tested before they leave China.
  17. Deja vu back to 2020 where the Chinese were allowed to spread the virus by allowing its citizens international travel for their New Year holidays. Let’s do it again is the new chant!!!
  18. Just close the road off to traffic that's the easiest way to fix the problem.
  19. Thai's love plastic so give them what they want. just keep it out of the waterways.
  20. He just has to find another witness to say that he had swapped prior to the lady seeing him swap the second time. It might cost him a few baht but it's worth a try Right?
  21. He's probably getting some pay back having been ripped off by another taxi driver. "What goes around comes around" Note left on the back seat I guess.????
  22. I’d like to see the job description when he applied for the position. The world is your oyster your application has been accepted.
  23. I’d like to see a defamation free day on the Thai calandra with a holiday. Just wishful thinking as they keep looking for reasons to create a long weekend.
  24. It was probably the stench that alerted the authorities. Thailand has enough rubbish already. They must have thought just a few container loads wouldn't be noticed.
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