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Everything posted by pokerface1

  1. Surprise Surprise Thailand is not number 1 in this survey must be fake news again. Next Article will make up for missing Thailand off the list Thailand ranks number 1 for non retiree Potheads, offering a wide variety of marijuana at great prices with free delivery Thailand ranks number 1 with the largest variety of munchies. So kick back forget about the dirty beaches, culture and history just relax and enjoy your smoke filled dreams.
  2. For a start many Thais believe their amulets will protect them no matter how drunk or how fast they drive. Many don't even have a drivers license or insurance or a reasonable degree of road sense.
  3. Thais need to rebrand drunks who drive as Terrorist's. Then the courts should follow through the same way and lock them up for 20 years.
  4. What’s wrong with giving a break down of tourist numbers.? Inbound foreign tourist Thai tourists then give Outbound foreign tourists Outbound Thai tourists Then show me the money!! If you dare????
  5. yep maybe a bridge to far. Better to finish off all the other projects that are half finished.
  6. She knew something was wrong when he asked her to wear a collar. The penny has certainly dropped
  7. They keep 2 sets of books I’m sure of that. Drawer your own conclusions
  8. That’s closer to the truth it’s certainly stronger to the AUD.
  9. Looks like the RTP have hired a PR company for staging tourist happy endings lm sure this will be a daily occurrence from now on. People have long memories so lots of brain washing will be needed.
  10. The word concurrently means he must be using Zoom to show his face across all those meetings. Or perhaps more likely a cardboard cut out is more his style.
  11. What about an amulet for the poor suffering car. Pity he didn’t have an amulet for his wallet as well. Good luck with the lottery you’ll need it.
  12. The wealthy Chinese would be okay as they often build up to the boundary limits with no garden it’s quite a common practice in Australia.
  13. The BB guns would probably be sold to customers who would shoot all of the pesty rats running around Bangkok. A community service lost just so police can get their photo taken with all those Weapons.
  14. I’d like a copy of the insurance policy I’m covered under what’s covered and what’s mot. Do I have to pay anything upon making a claim?
  15. This joker shouldn't have been driving if the road is wet as he's incapable of good car control. Know your limitations or suffer the consequences.
  16. This guy could be the host of a great game show perhaps call blankety blanks.
  17. First thought was was wow!! Police busting themselves great????Then I read the article ????????
  18. Scarey Pic so it must be worse. Isn't that how you scare people into following the rules.
  19. There cheap and then there's cheaper perhaps thailand will give away free cookies with every hemp product sold ????
  20. Yep actions speak louder than waffle.
  21. He was dammed if he did and dammed if he didn't hand it in. The lesson in this case is don't touch things that don't belong to you.
  22. Better add an escalator then as I said hang the expense lol
  23. No it won't work as it's way to complicated. hang the expense build a bridge that will work
  24. Discrimination in this day and age will have consequences. If the hotels follow the directive forced on them I would hope agoda and booking dot com. Remove all Thai hotels from their websites due to discrimination. That would surely give the TAT a big kick in the family jewels.
  25. I just recently got my wife to book a 5 star hotel called the Royal Crest at 3800 Baht per night which has 400 rooms with occupancy of only 50. There's no way this business is making a profit or covering its costs. I reckon the proposed changes will cause them down completely.
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