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Everything posted by pokerface1

  1. Need to wash your hands regularly I think it's just as important as wearing a mask.
  2. From what I've read least half of the global population have caught covid 19 so far which means there is still going to be plenty of infections to come. We will all get it eventually so lets hope the subvariants are no going to be a big problem. So until more is known about these new variants I'm staying vigilant.
  3. Since when did the Muslims become so concerned about the infidels I though we were all dammed anyway. At least let us enjoy lifes little pleasures before the hammer comes down.
  4. Perhaps a large proportion of those wearing masks are infected and don’t want to spread it to others. This is what is called the X factor. Someone needs to investigate this in detail.
  5. Must be that thatch roof they thought would do the trick
  6. Same the world over. Nothing new about exploitation unfortunately. We are all involved in it one way or another. IMO
  7. Perhaps they need to open the windows that should get rid of the smell no need to ban it completely.
  8. Of course , certainly till after the elections. After all they have to keep the protesters of the streets and the state of emergency needs to be extended again and again.
  9. Exactly but anywhere else is okay he continued to add that eye drops clear the redness in your eyes so pls keep a bottle of Viseen at the ready.
  10. Yes. Anyway it's one of the perks of the job and the position held. As long as the person is capable and good at keeping secrets. Why not 555
  11. Or leave your gold chains at the door under police guard. Lose lose situation I'm afraid. Fakes only allowed inside. ????
  12. Looks like good honest opinions even though the survey segment is quite small. All the questions are on most people's minds at the moment. Let's see the same survey in 12 months time, then we will know what direction the dope is taking us.
  13. I'd agree that most of the time there is no problem but why am I seeing cars on the expressway chugging along at 60kph in the right hand lane with a clear road ahead. Pothead at the wheel no doubt.
  14. maybe because they wobble their heads from side to side when they speak, it just makes it so much easier to remover the neckless.
  15. As usual they will flp flop time and time again get used to it.
  16. It plain and simple only Thai drug dealers are above the law in this instance. Oh! I'm not sure if that makes sense? Or $$$
  17. Haha your directed to the prikpot counter after you pass through customs to get your fuzzy deal.
  18. Dam this means I'll have to shave every morning.
  19. Right you are perhaps there hoping for a ganja lead recovery in tourism. In any case the the TAT will boost the numbers on paper as usual perhaps more so after a few puff.
  20. Most of the symptoms could be the result of stress leaving the body especially due to the governments flip floping over countless issues.
  21. Agreed Doesn't matter logic or no logic. That's the rule cross the line and pay the fine or don't
  22. The old saying comes to mind where there's a will there's a way. Obstacle can be overcome if you approach things logically.
  23. Just thinking further along. It would probably cause a traffic jam on all Thai roads.
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