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Everything posted by pokerface1

  1. I don’t think so it’s been replaced by a stack of brown paper envelopes. The game flows a lot better that way
  2. This is all just stinks of a national scam. Buyer beware your cookies been spiked.
  3. But smart enough to know the truth unfortunately they cannot afford justice and they know it. Shame Shame.
  4. Yep the restrictions continue as the covid election variant is expected to arrive and never leave.
  5. Definitely needs a wing devoted to ear syringImg for media personal who consistently report the facts ass about.
  6. The quicker self driving cars become the norm the better as far as saving lives is concerned. Until that day comes then nothing will change as most of the attitude drivers display is related to stupidity and you can't fix Stupid
  7. Yep you got it right don’t try to use logic or it will give you a head spin.
  8. No special powers just knowing peoples ability to make good judgement calls when there affected by drugs are often skewed.
  9. The problem is that after the party they will drive home off there faces and kill some innocent pedestrians at a crossing or crash into your car. At least the police are being proactive which is imo is good to see for a change.
  10. The joke is on him he’s fallen for it again. Thais might not have much to smile about but there laughing their heads off right now.
  11. I bet the government protestors will take advantage of the songkan festival. Armed with their water pistols and flour. I dare uncle to step outside. Pls pls do.
  12. Has the 300 baht fee been applied to arriving tourists yet? If it has then here is an opportunity for it to be put to good use. A Wartel may be the answer if hotels get government support. I can’t see this problem ending anytime soon for those trapped here.
  13. The friendly mentioned countries have all just responded saying No money no honey babe!!
  14. The old saying comes to mind. Not another Itty bitty titty committee. ????
  15. Thailand will now return the envelope filled with Reubals as the currency is almost worthless. The other Asian countries were smarter getting USD ????????????
  16. Australia is not far behind the UK just masks on public transport, hospitals, and nursing homes that's about it. All because of almost everyone is either triple or double vaccinated.
  17. Obviously he didn’t get the memo from Prayut but instead went with the populist Thai sentiment.
  18. Doesn’t seem like Buddha is smiling on Thailand these days. One blow after another. what coming next?
  19. They will make more money not flighing at all the way they are going.
  20. The knockers have been on a roll for to long to change. Give them a break it takes time and more good news stories.
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