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Posts posted by KKr

  1. 14 days between ovulation and menstruation. 
    So, if she is ten days pregnant that means she conceived when ?
    Before ovulation ?

    unfortunately higher maths seems not to be a topic in primary school

  2. Possible, in traditional families and traditional villages, not an exception.
    Also, among government employees, sleeping around or getting pregnant before marriage is frowned upon.

    If you are seriously looking for a relationship and think this may be it, as mentioned before, take it slowly and accept her way of doing and timing things.
    WhamBamThankYouM'am does not exist in her mind if your summary  is correct.

    Also, before your next visit, suggest you go on a 50 hours Thai  communication course and send her on an English course.
    Instead of only smiles, you'll find out if there is something to say.
    Having higher Education and having passed the Government Job Entry Exam, she will have a good level of Education, and above average comprehension so it may be working out well.

    other upside of learning how to communicate:
    In case you find out there is nothing to say, you'll awe your mates knowing how to order food, drinks, and transport.
    If you bring your mates the first visit, and they are not taking it seriously, you'll be peer-pressured out of the relationship or she'll back out.

    Good Luck !

    by the way, re earlier date:
    as most people know someone who knows someone in a village, it is possible that the girl warning her about a fast-dater was sincerely trying to inform her as she was known to be inexperienced and in this respect naive.
    (And remove a competitor, maybe )

  3. On 10/1/2017 at 2:06 PM, chickenslegs said:


    True, in specific circumstances. Section 25 of this ... http://thailaws.com/law/t_laws/tlaw0140_5.pdf

    good post, thank you.
    section 45 relates to overtaking on the left.

    then I saw section 46.... no overtaking when driving up a slope :saai:
    But that is when it is possible to quickly overtake that old lorrie or 800 cc passenger car,  puzzled about that.

  4. Whatever a monk receives, is going to his brotherhood.
    At least that is what I have seen. 
    Some good folks felt sorry for a group of monks traveling without watches and iPads, so donated them some rather nice examples of technology.
    Upon return, they handed all in to their house's property pool.
    Same with other gifts they collected, including a lot of cash.
    I would have expected that the Lottery tickets would be cashed by the Treasurer of the lucky Monks' Brotherhood, and applied to the good causes that they undertake.
    Thai "Men in Orange" seem to have different rules from monks.

  5. 9 minutes ago, off road pat said:

    Hmm,...Do you know the saying "when in Rome do as the Romans" ? well this goes for Thailand to, "When in Thailand do as ....".???


    good idea, am here to enjoy life, not to improve the world.
    Nevertheless, road abuse p.... me off big time, especially when driving a lot of KM every week and some jokers are blocking the road. Be they minivans, motorbikes, holiday travellers, or tourbuses, that ride on the middle line on the one KM where one can overtake and continue driving 90 KM instead of 60 and having to hit the brake on every turn because someone does not know how to keep a vehicle between two lines when going into a bend.
    My favorites-not are the ones that speed up to close the gap to their buddy when someone is overtaking and there is oncoming traffic. Great fun. 
    Solution: leave one hour earlier and doodle along. that is four hours per week extra to reflect .... 

  6. :cheesy:

    good idea, am here to enjoy life, not to improve the world.
    Nevertheless, road abuse p.... me off big time, especially when driving a lot of KM every week and some jokers are blocking the road. Be they minivans, motorbikes, holiday travellers, or tourbuses, that ride on the middle line on the one KM where one can overtake and continue driving 90 KM instead of 60 and having to hit the brake on every turn because someone does not know how to keep a vehicle between two lines when going into a bend.
    My favorites-not are the ones that speed up to close the gap to their buddy when someone is overtaking and there is oncoming traffic. Great fun. 
    Solution: leave one hour earlier and doodle along.


  7. 3 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    Well, you definitely haven't been there.






    where this paper with rules comes from, there I have no desire to be whatsoever.
    this are rules of an informal organization, or in this case group of bikers.
    got nothing to do with Law. 
    build a playground and apply your rules there, do not endanger other people, or try to impose your internal rules on others.
    Unless you do not like freedom, then you are on track.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Why would you remove a valuable safety connection?


    Yes, TN-C-S with MEN is generally considered safer than TT despite the potential issues of an open neutral (which is why MEN is used not just TN-C-S).


    Please, if you don't KNOW don't post.


    And if you wish to LEARN (so you know in future) start here and scroll down https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthing_system


    IF it were better to connect Neutral to Earth, SURELY someone would have thought of that and done away with the third cable.

    otherwise I agree with your post.

    from your link: For these reasons, most countries have now mandated dedicated protective earth connections that are now almost universal.

    Enuf said from my side.


  9. On 9/27/2017 at 7:54 PM, MrDetUdom said:

    This is the neutral that comes from the street pole/PEA.


    In that case, I think it would make sense to remove the wire on top that connects the Neutral and Earth.
    If you are not sure that your Earth is Earthed, just get a one or two meter copper spike from the local hardware and grocery and lao store and push / hammer that down in the earth in a place that is usually damp, that should give sufficient earthing when connected with a fat yellow and green wire to your switch box earth rail. 
    The leakage breakers should work properly after that as well. As I understand, they get triggered by a difference between what is going into a circuit and what is going out. If not all is going out, that better go to a managed earth wire and trigger the safety, than through a person turning on the shower.
    I'd also check those appliances that are not earthed for live leakage through an improperly connected neutral somewhere down the line in the wall or above the ceiling, or a mix up between live and neutral somewhere out of sight.
    Then, moreover, test all earthed sockets to see that they have earth as well as neutral connected and live at the correct pin.
    (but I am not a qualified engineer, so at your own risk, but I think you see the logic.)

  10. On 3/16/2017 at 9:58 AM, lajame said:

    @rice555 @Hereinthailand Thanks so much your input and helpful post.


    I'm trying with Sulfuric Acid now, it's 33.2%. I mixed the ratio of 50ml of acid with distilled water 950ml to make a 1.67% pH down.

    It costs me $15 per 3L jug of sulfuric acid.


    If the minimum of 100kg of micro, that's too much out of my range. That's a lot for me at least in my current scale.

    I'll follow up to get more useful info.
    Thank you!

    What is the rationale for using distilled water, instead of filtered or tap water ?

  11. 2 hours ago, nandele said:

    Blocking intersection, even if not 100% correct, is the safest way to pass when riding in convoy, in order to avoid to split it up and rick incident caused by misunderstanding with other road users (I know is a pain if you are the one blocked at red light...)any organized group of bikers ( or other convoys) I have ever saw in Thailand does like this, probably for a convoy that long they should have asked for police escort (and they would have blocked the intersection).

    Just as usual the rant is because the bikers were foreigners, guess if the shock would have been the same in case was one of the local MC...



    There is a very big difference between a convoy, with police arranging free passage,
    and a gang of whoever taking the law in their own hands. 

    Are people on motorbikes so immature that they cannot travel in smaller groups and gather at a predetermined place?.
    Similar to Chinese cars clans that are just impeding the flow of traffic, and some even refuse overtakers to merge back into "their" lane.

  12. seems earthed back to neutral, so basically pointless. if the plug goes into the socket the wrong way your electrical appliances will "tingle".
    A proper electrician can verify the existence of an earth "spike", and then the wires should be switched.
    Do your sockets have three wires, or two and the Earth connected to Neutral? 

    the black wire on the left that is connected to the Neutral rail comes from where ?

    http://www. paigewire. com/pumpWireCalc.aspx. gives a handy calculation tool, did not check the calculations though.

    Good luck, do not run heavy equipment until all sorted out..

  13. 6 minutes ago, robertthesculptor said:

    Total insanity by a small malignant group of idiots. Any real culture would see the honor and respect such an artpiece as this residence is. 

    I think you have a small group of fools who love to hate. No thought processo real vslues

    I rather be called an insane malignant idiot and fool than putting myself above the surroundings in a typical artists ivory tower under the claim of "real culture".
    (by the way, where can we admire your art pieces?)
    Buddha, or symbols of any religion or belief for that matter, are not furniture or decoration.
    They should be respected accordingly. 

  14. maybe out of the box, but why do you not give her the opportunity to finish high school in a weekend program (As she was working when 17, I think she did not have the chance to do that), and maybe even higher education.
    She would have time to  work during the week, and learn to make ends meet while at weekends create the chance for herself to create a better future, or at least the chance to get a more interesting or good job.
    Being more educated would also change her, and maybe close the gap that has grown between the two of you.
    If it does not work out, you will be respected for thinking about her as a good person, and taking care of her life even though she is not a good wife any more rather than, as mentioned before, putting her outside with no perspective in life.

    Up to you / her, as the saying goes. 
    Good Luck.

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