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Posts posted by mercman24

  1. US intelligence, ? what a kin joke, like the weapons of mass destruction, ? that never existed, which was an absolute lie, look at IRAQ now, just a war zone. never use to be, thanks to the US and UK (and others), all the drone videos i see, you can clearly see the *bandits* as they call them carrying AK47,s so where is the video they like to show off,  how many families are devastated now as the breadwinner is dead of injured, because some <deleted> with a joystick playing video games with innocents lives.

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  2. HI are there any rivers or streams, even free lakes, near Pattaya, one can fish, about a 30 mile radius, fancy a change from the fishing parks, i did fish the lARGE LAKE what a waste of time that was, snagged every cast, one guy out with a fixed gill net, about 40 feet long, two guys with spear guns swimming around. 

  3. thanks for the replies, as to stress, my mate has got a dozen houses,  gonna hit him hard, his flighty mrs, went off with an old guy from Benidorm, (she lives there now) seems she has got her claws into a new richer guy now, ha ha, now where have i heard that before, i am sure she has got Thai blood in her , and the best bloody bit is, they divorced now for 6 months, and the cheeky buggers, sent him a letter asking about his earnings during the last 6 months, my take on it is. *you are a single man, its none of their dam business* i bet most of us could write a book , me included. mine was *where is the rolls royce*? who me? i havent got one, my new lady has, ( she could not drive) lol

  4.  I got a mate in the UK going through the wringer at the moment, (havent we all) coming to visit here soon, i am writing some sort of itinery, any fresh ideas welcome, at the moment i have got, visiting the usual, flesh spots, Walking street, lk metro, a days fishing, a day off roading (biker) a weekend in bangkok, HELP.

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