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Posts posted by mercman24

  1. got 200,000  a CLUE, go for that T shirt, as they wear the same one for ever and a day, you can gaurantee, when caught he will still be wearing it, note to all bank robbers, use 100 baht if your ill gotten gains, and buy a new T shirt. got no gloves on, his dabs will be on his queue ticket, oh silly me, i wonder if they want an advisor.

  2. brilliant interview with the KRANKIE last week, by Andrew Marr, Scottish debt is running at £2400 per head, there deficit is the same in the same league as Greece and Italy, for the last 12 years, he asked her how she would , overcome this, as they are being propped up by Westminster, she could could only waffle, on and not give a plausable answer, typical politician. rubbish, he said i think you ought to be thanking the British taxpayer for propping you up all these years,, great stuff.

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