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Posts posted by Neilcnx

  1. I need to learn DreamWeaver to create websites for a graphic designer friend. If you are proficient in this program and willing to spend some time - for a reasonable fee, of course - to bring me up to a functional level please let me know how to contact you.

  2. Will this box be able to receive live snooker, american football and Ultimate Fighting Champ. (UFC) with original commentary?

    The site I currently use (without a box) can get snooker but the Thai commentary (dee - long lao; mai dee!) leaves a lot to be desired. The Thai commentary for buffalo fights in Isaan seem to be acceptable - of course I have nothing with which to compare.

  3. I'd like to toss True. So my research has led me to Jsat; TOT with xbmc and IPTV - all at different prices. I find that I am confused. For example, muratremix explained that he can get everything he wants in English with a practically free TOT box and additional programs but I have no idea how to decipher what he's saying.

    I'd like to be able to watch snooker, UFC, american football, baseball and nature stuff like discovery and nat geo on my TV. If there's a decent movie available when no sports programming is on, that's ok. But I'm otherwise happy to watch TV shows and movies on my computer.

    I live in Chiang Mai and my wi-fi connection speed is usually around 10.

    Just like Denzel Washington said in Philadelphia, can someone explain this to me like I'm in 3rd grade?

  4. As a former owner of a mortgage brokerage, I can say with some authority that lender's need to protect themselves from "flash-in-the-pan" successes. It's reasonable to want to see a track record. Why not wait and see if your company is for real for another year or so. If you really feel compelled to engage in conspicuous consumption, buy a Mercedes or a Porche and suffer in your existing house for a while.

  5. The gossip in the village is that the cow was a real slut and hoofed around very provocatively - just asking for it. Khun Ta was spending a small fortune on the cow and was deluded; thinking he owned her. But his love was unrequited. All she wanted was to make hay while the sun shined.

    When asked what made him love her he replied, "she gave the best cud I've ever had."

    The press will milk this story for weeks to come. Look for tomorrow's story "Two Fisted Love"

  6. Tug McGraw was an amazing pitcher who was instrumental in the Phillies winning the '80 World Series after coining the battle cry "ya gotta believe" for the Mets. He was once asked which he liked better; grass or astroturf to which he replied, "I never smoked astroturf".

    The grass always seems greener until you get to the other side and find it's astroturf. If you're happy where you are, life is good.

  7. My guess is that she doesn't trust that a washing machine in Thailand is grounded because she has expirience with using one that wasn't grounded and got a shock while emptying the machine with wet clothes and touching bare metal. My wife uses a wooden toss salad fork/spoon scisors type thing to empty the machine. She refuses to believe the machine is grounded and she won't get a shock. It's kinda cool though. Every time i see her at the machine, I sneak up behind her and poke her with a finger while yelling ZZzzzzzzttt! She jumps like hell.

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  8. I was divorced 3 times while in the U.S.: two Jewish American Princesses (JAP) and a Phillipina American Princess (PAP). On each of the 3 ocassions, my wife at the time and I used the same attorney to handle the divorce which was uncontested and amicable. Save the legal fees and find the right woman - they're out there if you're patient and shoot straight.

    By the way the difference between a JAP and a PAP is with one, the jewelry is fake and the organsms are real.

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  9. It is still not decided whether you can do volunteer work - even without pay - without a work permit. So yes, you'll need one to avoid risk from possible fines, deportation or both. Don't take my word for it or any other amateur who may respond. I can't imagine any lawyer who would not answer your question in a free consultation. If you don't trust a lawyer, call your embassy.

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  10. I took my girl friend who was half my age at the time, to a thanksgiving party my Canadian friend was having. I was standing in front of the table where the food was laid out buffet style planning my dinner strategy when a Canadian or American woman, well past menopause, came up to me and said, "Is that Thai girl your date? She must be half your age, aren't you ashamed?" I paused for a moment and said, "Well, it's a medical condition. Every time I dated a woman your age, I'd break out in hives. So I went to see my doctor and he told me I had to change my eating habits. We've been living together for 2 years now and touch wood... no hives."

    I think she was satisfied with my answer because she went away without another word.

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  11. The advice here is pretty reasonable, i.e. don't be a lighting rod for possible physical response. Finding a lawyer with ethics can also be a problem. OCPB can file a lawsuit on your behalf which could be strenghtened by the fact that others in the project are harmed as well. To that end, rather than warning potential customers, start lining up other owners to join you with a list of their problems. Law of survival: safety in numbers.

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  12. I have a retirement visa and spend 60 baht to send my 90 day check-in via EMS. Immigration sends me back the next check-in date by return mail. Last time I renewed my visa, it took about 30 minutes - not counting the time I had to wait in line to get an appointment number and kill time for half a day until my number was called. It's possible to get a fixed appointment online although I've never been able to find an available slot. Compared to 10 years ago, it's a pleasure.

    Two things to keep in mind for other visa categories; 1) you have no entitlement especially anything even close to citizenship. You're a guest here and it's not a bad place to live for cheaper than just about anywhere else; 2) Unless you were born here, you will never understand the eastern mind so applying western "logic" will always leave you wanting.

    You tend to forget cultural differences that exist at home when you're away from it. For example, a mother was helping her daughter move into her dorm room for her first year at college. They were hanging curtains on the window when the dorm room door opened.

    "Well ha there, ahm Ellie May from Tennesse, where y'all from?"

    The mother, still standing on a chair turned and looked down.

    "We are from a place that people know better than to end a sentence with a preposition."

    "Oh yeah, mah bad! So... where y'all from, <deleted>?

  13. First, you need to give up on the concept of making her an honest woman unless she's from Appalachia and her daddy has a shotgun. Society pretty much accepts that a Thai woman over the age of consent might have sex and even a baby without being married... otherwise, what would Thai mothers do with their time if they weren't raising their daughter's kids when the Thai boyfriend disappears.

    You have to go to your embassy and get an affadavit that swears you're eligible to marry, i.e. no current wives. Then the form has to be translated into Thai and certified by a government office - dont remember the name. That in hand, you and your wife go to the Amphur office with the documents I just mentioned and your passport and your dishonest girlfriend soon-to-be-honest woman wife ha! needs her ID and house registration. There are services that do this and you should find one because otherwise you'll running all over town and end up taking several days. Shop around though, there are some minor government fees to be paid and a reasonable service charge to do the running around. But there is another charge for someone who has pizza pie eyes, doesn't speak Thai and who looks like they can get away with charging you double 'cause you don't know shit.

    And by the way, keep this word in mind.... HALF!

  14. The short answer is that if the money came into Thailand from abroad, the receiving bank is obligated to provide you with a tor-tor saam (TT3) a record at the central bank. You can take/send that amount back out of the country without question. If there is no record of money in your account coming from abroad then it's taxable.

    If that's the case...,

    i met this guy who was visiting Thailand one day while I was walking my dogs. Carlos something... oh yeah, Calos Gonzalez with 2 zs. Really nice guy. He likes Shih Tsus. He told me no one eats Shih Tsus where he's from. Anyway, we were taIking and I was telling him about my trip to Tia Juana when I was in my early 20's (it surprised me I even remembered) and he told me there's no way that girl was the taxi driver's sister. I mean, he know's what he's talking about. Turns out his cousin's brother-in-law is a taxi driver in Tia Juana and says they all say stuff like that. Ah, I digress... Soooo, it turns out that he know's a guy who knows a guy that's supposed to be high up in one of the Mexican cartels.... can't remember which one. Anyway, those guys know how to move money around, knowwhadimean? I wasn't too interested at the time 'cause hey, when you've been in Thailand a long time, 10,000 baht is a large amount of money and I never heard about anyone having trouble moving it around. But if you want, I can call him for you and ask him to find out the best way. Only problem is I'll need to use your phone 'cause my pre-paid is running low.

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