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  1. Hi, I am modest web developer/ visual studio, asp, mssql, and vb (or c+). I am struggling with web.config (Authentication and Authorization) for login process. By any chance, you might recognise this issue, please recommend me how to tackle around. Otherwise enjoy day!
  2. Just discovered all the machines using Avira anti-virus protection and that is the reason the above outcome appearing. So I disable this protection and it works alright. Sorry for dragging you into this matter. Please close this topic & continue your great day!
  3. So are you saying this website is working perfectly?
  4. I tried to browse www.phuketimmigration.go.th using 4 different machines. The output is still the same as above. Please note I was present at Phuket Immigration and I did show this problem to them. The volunteer checks his mobile and there is no problems! When I got home, I got no lucks. That is really baffling me. Can anyone guess the solid explanation? Thanks.
  5. Me too. After that, I always check with the seller via chat first to ensure there is no misunderstanding before making the order. Up to now, I have no issues with Lazada.
  6. Hi, just out of curious, do you know any good online Thai-English crosswords? Who will be interested to try them? Should these be used for education, media or pleasure? What benefits will be for whom? Once gathering resource from you, I might like to develop something for fun. For instance, creating one online crossword (Thai - English) can be done within one day !
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