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Posts posted by EastSaxCol

  1. ColU 2 MK Franchise 0

    With clean sheets in the last two games, it seems that a goal in each half from Leeds loanee David Prutton and Kevin Lisbie finally put to rest the beginning of the 2010 nightmare of conceding 12 (twelve) goals and scoring none.

    Although the gap for an automatic promotion place has been narrowed to eight points with two games in hand, a play-off place still seems the more realistic possibility.

    A disappointing crowd attendance though of 3,061 -- the lowest of the season I think.

    Leeds on Saturday. They've been going through a bit of a woble in the league lately and may have other things on their mind with their upcoming Cup replay. But Prutton is ineligible as part of the loan deal and we picked up a couple of injuries last night. All-in-all, a draw at Elland Road wouldn't be a bad result for the upwards on onwards U's.

  2. I take more pleasure in seeing Chelsea lose than I do in seeing QPR win

    at the moment.

    I sat through so many matches when we were absolute dogs**t under the

    likes of Ray Harford and with people like Paul Bruce, Matthew Brazier

    and Mark Perry in the squad and I never felt like this.

    The club isn't ours anymore but more so than that - football is just

    properly gash these days.

    I mean really gash.

    football generally.

    I hate nearly everything about it these days....

    I hate the Prem and the myth that it is exciting this year. Man City

    breaking into the top four isn't exciting. They spent loads of money.

    It's no more exciting that Nameless C*** getting to number 1 in the

    charts after winning the X-Factor.

    I hate the myth of Arsene's kids. Buying some French kid when he's 17,

    playing him in the League Cup and then selling him when he's 20 after

    about 3 appearances in the league is NOTHING SPECIAL.

    I hate hearing about Liverpool/Man Utd's debt but nothing ever happening

    about it. A club needs to go to the wall for the money thing to change

    but it doesn't happen. Why the **** are Charlton, Leeds and Southampton

    still in business?

    I hate Frank Lampard's stupid f'ing face. I hate that Joe Cole's tongue

    is never in his mouth, the downsy spacker. I hate John Terry being

    England captain when he's CLEARLY AN OAF.

    I hate the England team.

    I hate young exciting wingers who have nothing but pace. Tony Scully had

    nothing but pace.

    I hate the FA Cup. There may be little shocks like last night but for

    the most part you know who's going to win it. Unless a team throws away

    all their financial security to win it a la Pompey.

    I hate Harry f'ing Redknapp. And Jamie Redknapp. And Louise Redknapp.

    And the Wii.

    I hate James Nesbitt, Eammon Holmes and f***ing everyone.

    I hate Gary Lineker and Alan Shearer.

    I hate Garth Crooks.

    I hate Garth Brooks for that matter.

    I hate Sky Sports.

    I hate that when a lower league player beats 10 players and chips the

    keeper it doesn't matter but if Rooney scores from more than 20 yards

    it's amazing.

    I hate that everything football related has to have 'Club Foot' playing

    behind it.

    I hate that female sports journos are now mandatory.

    I hate Mark Lawrensen for not coming out. 'I do like a big man at the

    back'. I bet you do.

    I hate any advert that portrays football to be about anything other than

    pain and disappointment.

    I hate any advert that mentions pies at football.

    I hate Lee Hughes and the fact that he makes a living from the game. I

    hate Marlon King and any team that signs him when he gets out. I hate

    that it'll probably be us.

    I hate Phil Brown.

    I hate 'well the ball is a lot lighter now and will cause goalkeepers

    real problems this summer' before EVERY F'ING TOURNAMENT.

    I hate that Kieron Dyer earned more in the time I took to write this

    post than I'll earn this month.

    I hate Adrian Durham, Ian Wright and Alan Brazil.

    I hate Gazza. Either die or shut up. Stop f'ing lingering.

    I hate hearing about Hillsborough more than I hear about Heysel or


    I hate that a comeback from 4-0 down at half time (TWICE) means nothing

    because we aren't f'ing scouse.

    I hate Leeds.

    I hate Roy Keane.

    I hate grown men wearing football shirts of their team whilst shopping

    on a saturday when their team is playing at home.

    I hate that I don't hate Roy Hodgson.

    I hate Jermaine Beckford and any player who has neck tattoos.

    I hate songs being inappropriately taken as club anthems and then sung

    in a manly way. 'I'm forever blowing bubbles....'. Gaylords.

    I hate Danny Dyer and anyone he's ever interviewed.

    I hate the book 'Cass' by Cass Pennant. It is honestly the stupidest

    thing I've ever read. Chapter 1: Millwall. 'Yeah we took 50 to Millwall.

    They had 1000 in their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'.

    Chapter 2: Liverpool. 'Yeah we took 50 to Liverpool. They had 2000 in

    their mob but we ran 'em up and down the street'. Fk me... Jade Goody's

    autobiography is probably better. Even her non-ghost written one.

    I hate that all good youngsters end their careers at Spurs before they start

  3. Swindon 2 - 1 Huddersfield

    A very good home win against one of the division heavyweights. Charlie Austin Scoring the winner, again.

    Yes, I think so. Huddersfield are a pretty good side and I personally fancy them for a play-off place. But it's pretty tight at the top and that defeat saw them slip from 3rd on Saturday to 5th last night.

  4. I wasnt going to continue with any non Arsenal comments on this thread....but dont make suggestions about me being homophobic without knowing too much about me just yet :)

    Can a female be accused of being homophobic if making aspersions about a man's sexuality ? Not by my reckoning. But carry on with the Arsenal do. :D


    Best Wishes

  5. post-20082-1259104904.gif

    ColU 2 Stockport 0

    Couldn't make this one (dicky tum) but first half goals by Lisbie and Platt saw the U's beat first from bottom Stockpot. Although according to the report on the official site the U's second-half showing had a lot to be desired as they failed to push home the advantage and dominate the game.

    Nevertheless, back up to third, so still on course ...

  6. Hazri

    I was being diplomatic/tactful by calling it male bonding

    i had some other term in mind actually, but have to pretend to be politically correct :)

    Don't pretend to be anything that you're not MIG. If in the twenty-first century and dislike gay people, then so be it.

    Personally, I don't understand what football has got to do with women either -- especially women commentators who whiter on about a players hair style and other irrelevancies.

    So I guess that we're both dinosaurs in our own ways. :D

  7. HappyHammer, i think i owe you an apology. Maybe i've rushed myself to make some comments without understanding the whole situation. That sometimes happen when i talk about football. I offer my apologies. I'm here to make new friends, not otherwise. Peace :)

    Thank you, my friend, for your apology. It's true that sometimes we can make comments without understanding the whole situation -- we've all done it. You seem like a nice person to me, and I do have a begrudging soft spot for Arsenal too. :D

  8. For the record Migsy, comments from people like the poster in question mean absolute zero to me. He can say what he wants. I know some people choose this path due to insecurities known only to them. Perhaps it's subconscious.

    And youre even trying on psychobabble now. :)

    Get real, James. Ooops sorry ...

    For someone who doesn't care about the Prem, he sure spends an awful amount of time on threads concerning it.

    Well, a lifetime of following football -- you know how it is, James. :D

  9. Well, let them say what they want Miss Mig. I'm sure they'll get tired some day. They should realise that the world market is as important as the local market. TV rights, merchandise etc. How much can a club earn if it doesn't have international supporters?

    And just how many Premiership teams aren't in dire financial straights ? And what would be your solution to that problem ?

    But as it happens, I don't give a monkey's about the Premiership, or any of the trappings that go with it. I gave up in disgust long ago. As far as I'm concerned , you are barking up the wrong tree , my friend. There is no royal 'we' on that score.

  10. Ive seen too many of the digs particularly at James....simply cos hes not English? or cos he hasnt been watching/supporting football for long enough? or cos he doesnt know enough about football? or cos he doesnt play? I dont know if any or all of the above is the case, and to be honest I dont think it should matter.

    It has nothing to do with any of the above MIG. But because of his arrogance. So yes, he will have his lack of football knowledge thrown back at him.

    but isnt the point of football about bringing people together? people that enjoy the game, even if its just watching it? including people who are ignorant about it?

    Not sure that football ever brought anyone together , except in tribal affiliation. Even amongst their own kind, football supporters will argue about just anything. No problem with ignorance about the game as a totality -- that's the way it's gone now -- only when plastic supporters make sly digs, and not the other way around as you've inferred.

    banter is one thing, but I think sometime you guys take it too far. its fair game to call him on his silly remarks, as we do with anyone, but I think linking it to his non british background or his lack of years to trace it back to his childhood or previous generation as supporter of a team. maybe theres something else about him, or about me that get on your nerves, but the whole you arent Brit, or you havent known Arsenal or ManU long enough is getting a bit tiring.

    MIG, methinks that you protesteth too much. Why are you being so defensive ? I have only spoken of you, and to you, in positive terms. I have no problem with you. But there again you are not James.


    perhaps you could explain childish and obscurantist comments like the one below ?

    Careful Migsy, or HappyHammer will provide us with his valuable insight on the Amir Zaki no go to Portsmouth situation was a footballing decision
  11. Or if you feel like inflicting some brain damage upon yourself, go spend some time in the West Ham, Spurs or Millwall threads

    At least it's worth acknowledging that MIG has a brain to be damaged, James. I don't now how much that she knows about football, nor do I care, only that she doesn't come over as a 'plastic supporter'. Of course you're more than welcome to share your own knowledge of the game any time that you wish, or on whatever thread. But I shan't be holding my breath.

  12. I have heard of another suggestion, which put one or two more referees on the pitch. That would be more interesting.

    Ironically , isn't it in Gaelic Football that they have two umpires at each end to judge the scoring ? If that was applied to Association Football, then it'd be all but impossible that they'd have missed Henry's cheating, and other travesties that happen in and around the penalty area.

    However, it would still be impossible to adjudge whether the ball has actually crossed the line -- as infamously happened in 1966. For that the only solution would be the same sort of technology as applied in tennis that informs whether a ball was out or not.

  13. When is FIFA finally going to arrive in the 21st Century and all video playback? It is a joke that a sport that has considerable amounts of money riding on it still does not use the technologies available :)

    it is precisely because football is not a sport which should put money first that technology should not be used in the game.

    Bang on Stevie... :D

    He might be bang on but that ship sailed a long time ago.....

    Its money first, second and last

    Yes indeed, and disportionately so. Not out of love for the game or in the interest of grass roots football was the Premiership created. No-one need scratch too much into the social history of the game to knows that it's long been the case that money rules football. In fact that the game was played in the financial interests of the rich, via "petit-bourgeois directors who care nothing for the game" , was noted as far back as Eamon Dunphy's 1980's book 'Only a Game?: Diary of a Professional Footballer' to see that football has long been the plaything of the rich. It's just more a noticeable international franchise nowadays.

    It's only that in the past few decades it's players in the top echelons are the main beneficiaries of the game that will ultimately eat itself, alongside the likes of Sky television.

  14. Remember Di Canio's gentlemanly/sportsmanlike at conduct at Everton ? Not all, but most. :)

    He doesn't play today though does he ?? :D

    And if he did ? Professional football players, not unlike other humans (some are in fact) are not all automatons , there still are a few mavericks who will break the cynical mindset. Di Canio was one such player, and I'd like to think that there are others, who in similar circumstances ...

  15. I am sure, that if the game is analyzed, you will find examples of Irish players making fouls not noticed by the referee.

    I think that most on here can think of one Irishman who made a career of committing fouls, and in fact made **great score (no pun) of it -- well, to sell his ghost written autobiography anyway.

    Although Roy Keane's misdemeanors weren't witnessed by 3 billion others to my knowledge. And there's the rub. :D

    **"great store", is what I meant to say. :)

  16. The fact that Henry admitted it. That doesn't make him a cheat in my opinion.

    He had to admit it, was he going to say it wasn't a handball?? he had no choice..... In my opinion he is a cheat BUT so are most of the players today..


    Remember Di Canio's gentlemanly/sportsmanlike at conduct at Everton ? Not all, but most. :)

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