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Posts posted by EnlightenedAtheist

  1. 1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Unless you went to an Amper/Ket and got the  pretty paper you are not legally married. The formal ceremony is a  buddhist ceremony and not a legal marriage.  


    Immigration requires both a de jure and de facto marriage if you are legally married and have 400,000 in the bank the 1 year extension of say is easy and much cheaper than visa runs IMNSHO. immigration does not care about the ceremony pictures, just both of you in and around your house.

    Thanks for that. Very helpful.


    I have the pretty papers. 


    Good news if you say that it is not that hard! Now I need to convince the wife and fight off all of the agents that will tell her I (we) are crazy!


    I have B. 100 K in the bank here and lots back home ready to transfer (as we are about to build a house). We bought a piece of land. Not sure how soon I need to have it seasoned in Chiang mai.  Considering I will need to transfer the money anyway, it is a smart move to attempt, if I can do it in time.


    Can I use my pension income? It is B 550 K (year, of course).

  2. 23 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Both are the same. You are calling your multiple entry non-o visa a spouse visa that is exactly the same as saying it is based upon marriage.

    In reality their is no spousal visa. It is one based upon marriage to a Thai.

    Thanks, Joe! I understand now.


    There is one visa that you must pay $200 and there are several names for it,. I call it a visiting spouse visa. The other name used is a non-o spouse visa.  That is the official name.


    So, this visa can be extended for one year, but you need 400 K + seasoned in a bank. If I wanted to make that happen, I would need to have that seasoned in a bank for 2 or 3 months and do all the paperwork and subject myself to visits by officers and hope my wife will be there when they come or else? I am not too sure I want to subject myself to this ordeal. Flying to HCM seems less stressful. The agencies make it appear that this is an ordeal and my wife believes it. 


    Can you give me your sense of what the Chiang Mai office is like based on the thousands of postings on this matter? Last time I went to the office, I had zero clue as to whom I had to talk to to get the specifics needed to comply. Before, at the airport office, there was at least one receptionist. I did not see this in the new office (Promenada). I saw all kinds of tables that had officers dealing with people. I did not feel to comfortable disturbing them.


    Wouldn't it be easier if TV had one permanent page that one could consult to see what is needed? Maybe it exists. Maybe there is a clear Chiang Mai immigration link/page where all this info. is put in a transparent way. I am sure there is one for the whole of Thailand. 



  3. 9 hours ago, BritTim said:

    It is more normal in your situation just to apply for a further one year extension. You normally only apply for a fresh visa if you were unable to meet the requirements for the one year extension near the time your current permission to stay ends. You can, in principle, extend the initial 90 days you received entering with your Non O visa year-by-year an unlimited number of times.


    My visiting spousal visa can be extended for one year? The visa I have is not a visa based on marriage. I think they are different beasts.

  4. 14 hours ago, elviajero said:

    A 60 day extension is a usually easy to get and is issued on the spot. It depends on the office you apply at as to how long would take. Your wife needs to go with you. And you’d need to provide your marriage certificate plus copy and copies of your wife’s ID and Tabian Baan. 



    In my case though, I would like to go to my home country in September of next year and so the added 2 months would be unnecessary, but I will keep this in mind in the future. Thanks.


    Which office in your experience gives on the spot?

  5. 6 hours ago, elviajero said:

    You shouldn't have a problem getting another non 'O' visa. This type of visa isn't, usually, limited.


    If you want to maximise your stay from this visa you should make an exit/entry just before the visa expires ('enter before' date printed on the visa), for a final 90 day stay. Then towards the end of the 90 days you can apply for a 60 day extension. That gives you almost 17 months from one visa.

    Oh! I see! This can be added to the 15 months. That is news to me. I wonder how much of a headache is it to go see the IOs for 2 months and 2000 B.?


    At the end of the day, I have to get out. It might suit me better to get out in terms of timing for a future trip back home with my wife, actually. (Fall is more desirable than a winter trip, for instance).

  6. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    You can extend it for another 60 days for 1900 baht at your local Imm' office.

    Should have added, I can't think of any reason why a second would be a problem. 

    Had about 12 in a row from various places. Multi Non O's.

    Thanks a lot for that. Really appreciated.


    I found the Ho Chi Minh experience to be excellent. My wife was with me. Does it make a difference?


    Not sure of the meaning of the "should have". Are you saying that the extension at the end of the 364 days visa at the local office for 1900 B. for 2 months is better than a 3 months visa run just before the visa expires (cost for me is 900 B. [bus vip, but economy class + burmese fee], but it is a 12 hour trip)? Not sure how long is the trip to the office for such an extension + paperwork.


    BTW, it is true that I could use the 400,000 B in the bank show. I hear wild stories of immigration wanting to see where you live and having to produce all kinds of pictures. I never had any formal wedding ceremony (and pictures), which I fear could be a potential issue, but it is a legitimate marriage. 

  7. 4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Look at this on the bright side, at least in Thailand the Thais have excuses for stabbing people, unlike in Britain where they stab people at random. 

    Not just the Thais. Here, as a foreigner has something happening to him, all you have to say --or assume, rather--  is: "Well She was a bargirl!" 


    This story needs a lot more information. We are asked to judge, yet we cannot. Maybe it was an accident. The willful act is more tantalizing though and slamming that label of bargirl makes it right.


    If she were a bargirl, I would say that he was at least partially responsible (twice), especially if she is 35 years younger than him. 


    What are people thinking --if there are at all. Marrying someone who is 35 years younger than them. Co-dependency, here I come.


    Trophy wives show that you have a very low ego.

  8. I doubt this answer will get any vote given the demographics and the inherent bias, but the guy is 67 and she is 32. Calculator: 35 years of age difference. Double trouble.


    Okay! Both agreed to the terms, but this is legal prostitution or very close to that. The man will never be happy with anyone of that age, except for the odd times where he wants a good time (assuming that is still possible).


    Some foreigner men should be a bit more realistic and less superficial.


    I assume she was slimmer 3 years ago. They started going out and eat junk or quasi-junk food in restaurants (lots of sugar, poor quality food and old food). The trophy wife is tarnished a little and now he wants a new trophy. That's my guess. True, she could have been a little monster showing off her true colour, but I bet he is not Mr. Perfect either. Right? Maybe a more mature choice of women would lead to bliss.

  9. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Yes, I believe that as we get older, we tend to get set in our ways. BUT, that doesn't mean we can't learn and change and adapt. Look at me!!!


    A year ago, I don't think I'd ever heard of PM2.5 and wouldn't have had any idea what it was about. Likewise, never really paid any attention to smog here in Thailand, espec. since there's not a lot of overt open burning going on it BKK.


    Now, today, I've got an air purifier in my living room, another air purifier in my bedroom, both running whenever I'm in either room, I've got Filtrete sheets on both of my air con units' filters, and I've got a box of 3M masks for wearing outside when I'm outside and the smog is anywhere near the unhealthy levels. But, I'm a reasonably educated soul with a lifelong habit and interest in learning new things.


    The question is -- what proportion of the Thai population has the interest, ability and willingness to educate themselves and adapt in the same kinds of ways. That part, I'm not so sure about. Environmental interest and awareness doesn't seem to be a very high priority here.


    Wow! Good for you! you are rare breed!


    I was wearing a mask the other day as I was playing a sport. I was the only one, naturally. The Thais thought it was really funny. I could not quite get what they were laughing about, but I am sure that it was either the look of it (it is one of those heavy duty 3M filter, not the cheaper masks they sell here, or the fact I was wearing one. Then, the next day, one Thai biologist wore one. I have been playing since for many reasons. Are Europeans wearing masks now, now that some know that diesel exhaust is not as clean as they were led to believe?


    There are few Thais that do wear masks. They really should when they drive the scooters. Still, how many do wear the better ones? I have not seen one. Their physiognomy is different, so the cheaper ones might not be as bad a fit as it is for us. Still, is the fabric okay?


    As I stated, the neighbours of a friend of mine routinely burn stuff. He has offered for trash removal services for ALL his neighbours and they do not want it. Maybe they are not able to get it. Maybe the earth is really flat.

  10. I have a friend who has told me that his neighbours' trash (plastic and all) is being burnt on occasion. He told them to stop --politely-- even offering to pay for the trash removal expenses, but to no avail. It keeps happening. I guess they are now mad at the foreigner for deflating their ego or creating problems that are so minute he is the insane person. It seems that some do not have the foggiest (pun intended) idea of what they are causing to themselves or to others. Any pesticide residue in the trash? I guess, no one has told them that those particles enter the bloodstream and their brain. I guess no one has the guts to tell anyone for fear of retaliation, which seems to be part of the culture here --and as we have seen very recently -- all the way to the top. Mind you, the older one gets, the more set in one's ways one is, no matter what nationality you are or where one lives. This belief that elders must be respected because they are is also preventing progress, but not just in Thailand. Young and poor people must wai,... Rich and older folks not so much.

    • Like 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    So I guess the governor has now answered the request of his vassals for help in reducing local smog levels. And that's to go after the entity that organized the clean air petition.


    Yes, he has. He probably has an air purifier on top of the a/c machine in his office. From his vantage point, the problem does not exist, I guess, but putting a mask on pictures is a problem. It is all relative.


    There is enough material for another Samuel Beckett's play here, but, correct me if I am wrong, ...


    ... logically, if dead people can have feelings (which I guess is how I interpret the complaint), then it follows that they could also be hurt by the smoke. There is no denying there is smog/smoke and there is no denying that it is bad for one's health, so, in essence, putting masks on them would be an act of caring for them. I wonder what would be their reaction if they were to come back and see what Chiang Mai has become.


    However, the truth, the underlying reason for the complaint is that we would not want to tarnish the image of Chiang Mai  (or Thailand) as having a pristine environment. 



    • Like 2
  12. Am I the only one that has found one positive? I find that the rays/UV are partly blocked by the smoke. As a result, it is not as hot as the concrete tiles and brick walls are not storing up the heat at the rate they usually do at this time of the year.


    There are announcing rain in the next 3  or 4 days. 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    City Life magazines planned peaceful protest, regarding CM's horrendous air quality and its repercussions,tonight at Thepae Gate has had to be cancelled.Full details on their fb page.


    Democracy at work


    Yes, on the Facebook page it is indicated. No explanation.


    Yes, there might have had a few phone calls from some individuals that forced their hands in cancelling it.


    Still, baby steps, baby steps. I would prefer a giant step, but I will take what I can. The initiative was a good one --albeit it ill-conceived and small in scale.


    Still, it was an initiative. Let's encourage them. Thais must keep putting the pressure on the  <deleted>

  14. BYD Sending 1000 Electric Taxis To Thailand, Will Open Battery Recycling Plant In China




    Not that the TukTuk/Songthaw mafia are going to lay down easily here/retrie their fleet (not that in the grand scheme of things they are the main problem), but every little bit would help in mitigating to some degree the problem. If BKK can do it, why can't Chiang Mai and the dirty North of Thailand? Maybe we have a bigger problem than dirty ... air here in the North.

  15. 50 minutes ago, weary said:

    CheGuava, well spotted about Chiang Rai. The media needs to figure out what is going on. If CR can enforce the burning ban, there is no reason CM could not do the same thing.



    However, iF hunters are setting things on fire, then it is really hard to "enforce" anything. Is the Huay Tung Tao park/Lake fire out? 


    Can you check if that fire did not skew the data (for at least a week)? Sorry. I am too busy with another project to check from your posts. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, CheGuava said:


    A couple hundred people would be a really good turnout.   I'm inclined to agree with you.. the actual petition doesn't make much sense: it's not provincial or municipal authorities who define environmental standards and even if they did the WHO target is not achievable in much of the world and especially not in Northern Thailand where it doesn't rain half the year.  


    They have a tendency to present WHO targets as some 'international standard that should obviously be followed', but think for a moment that 92% of the world is over this target, and if it was actually used as a limit for making policy decisions (canceling events, handing out masks, telling people to stay indoors) then more than half the days everywhere in Thailand would trigger alerts which just isn't feasible.  The petition is actually for a standard that would be MORE strict even than the EU, UK, and US standards..  myeah.. that seems both unlikely and not actually useful to have a limit that is exceeded most days.


    The WHO realizes this which is why they have interim targets, and those would likely be achievable with incredible, dedicated effort.  The new Thai PM2.5 standard is along those lines: every day in March goes over the limit, but it's worth fighting for.


    So yeah, it'd be nicer if the petition was actually about something that provincial authorities can actually do something about  (lengthening a burning ban and enforcing it a lot more strictly) but.. in the end I don't think it actually matters.. it's an opportunity for people to make their voices heard and walk around with masks, even when the air may not really be all that bad Friday at 5pm.  

    Great comment.


    Yes, we have to give people a chance to do something. If it is unachievable, they will tune out. I completely agree. In that sense it is too strict, too strong, almost senseless. It looks like this was not well thought through, but it is the opportunity for your voice to be heard and to share your point of view. If we do it diplomatically (and we need to here), they might take the "advice".


    Anyway, with the mask on, the authorities will not be able to gather much evidence! Let's make sure we wear the right one, not the flimsy one! Can we put a message on it?

  17. 1 hour ago, mrmillersr said:

    Total joke.  Nothing about laying down the law and enforcing it against those that like to "burn baby burn". 


    What the hell good is it to ask that the WHO standards be adopted,  installing more monitoring devices or adding warning systems when the pollution levels get too high.  How does this solve the problem?  It's like saying we're not going to find a cure for cancer but we will find better methods to detect it early so we can tell you how long you've got to live once you have it.


    This is truly the LOS (land of stupidity) where the real meaning of 'mai pen rai' is we just don't give a sh@t.  If you don't believe that then you are as delusional as those that think this problem will get better before it gets worse.  It won't.

    I agree with you that it is a weak attempt, but I think that it might be just another of those saving-face routines. At least I am hoping that it is the hidden agenda. Otherwise, I do agree that it is very weak.


    But, I feel that we have to treat any advance (however small) as positive. We should really encourage this and support this. Is it just for show? Is it to appear to be doing something? In some ways, it is pointing to a problem. If there are (I know there won't be) millions of people showing up, the government will be pissed off at the negative publicity. Trust me. They will be. On the other hand, if only a few hundreds show up, it will be seen as a way to appease the so-called nutbars and tell the rest that something is being done. Hard to know what is the MO. Hard to know what is the turn-out going to be. Hard to know if it is going to be "gently" censured, by covering another graduation ceremony. Sorry! We wanted to show this, but ... there was that road accident. LOL


    It is something. 


    Is it the start of something bigger?


    It is maybe a way to start the dialogue and meet people, plant the seed, other seeds.


    Maybe this is a baby step to something bigger,. It might make the news and reach some farmers or make a politician, a doctor, a parent think about his kids or grandchildren. Many do not know the difference between the particles, air filtering, filters,... Even the most advanced have puny filters that do little. 


    Many of the big wigs are in the South, I know, far away from the problem. I know a few. But it is a start. Puny, small. I agree. But it is something to make the news, to get the wheel moving. One inch at a time.



  18. An interesting story reported on the Citylife Chiang Mai website about a fire that destroyed apparently 10 rai of forest  at the Huay Tung Tao park/Lake because --apparently-- hunters wanted to force animals into their traps.


    So, yes, it seems that some people are unaware of or unphased by the dangers that smoke causes to them and others. Maybe they have an antidote! Maybe the hypothesis is false.



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