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Posts posted by rabas

  1. 6 hours ago, Roo Island said:

    Dodgy. But gives what you want to hear. Sad




    Overall, we rate The Times of India Right-Center Biased based on reporting and story selection that favors the right-leaning ruling party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to four failed fact checks.


    Correct. They'll publish anything left or right but often distort it into clickbait, like youtube.  Like they twisted Orban's pre-election 'peace march' to be a broad EU anti-war movement. Anything to get your attention. 


    We are rapidly moving from the soundbite into clickbait era. No info required. 


  2. 31 minutes ago, tgw said:


    there were no such promises.

    "not one inch to the East" referred to the reunification of Germany, where NATO promised to not shift troops to Eastern Germany.


    another thing to consider is that the cable isn't a recap of the situation, it's a report about what Lavrov said.


    I was in Ukraine before the Orange Revolution. Lots of things (loads and loads of criminal acts by Russia) had already happened by then. Ukraine's bid for NATO membership at the time was a move to get protection from Russia.


    I'll add that the Orange revolution was a result of the poisoning (and assassination attempt) of Viktor Yushchenko, then pro Western (and NATO) candidate in Ukrainian's 2004 presidential election, and subsequent massive election corruption that led to pro Russian candidate Viktor Yanukovych's temporary election, which was later nullified.


    Yushchenko was poisoned by dioxin, a horrific poison that left his face scared. Dioxin is in the same genre as other Putin toxins like radioactive polonium and banned nerve gasses.

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  3. 2 hours ago, niccodemi said:

    From the link which you posted:


    Later that day, at a meeting with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, he acknowledged that "It is important for the Soviet Union and other European countries to have guarantees that if the United States maintains its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, there will be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction or military presence by a single inch in the eastern direction". and, in addition, he asked Gorbachev whether he would prefer a united Germany "outside NATO, completely independent, without American troops, or a united Germany that retains ties with NATO, but with a guarantee that, that the jurisdiction or NATO troops will not extend to the east of the current line." When Gorbachev replied that "the expansion of the NATO zone is unacceptable," Baker agreed with this.


    It's clear that there was no written agreement about NATO not expanding eastward but her (Julia Loffe) claim that promises were all a fiction is not a serious argument - plenty of records in the link you posted.

    Regardless of the above, I fail to understand why anyone would think that expanding NATO towards Russia's borders, considering it was Russia's mortal enemy throughout the Cold War, is a good idea.


    Yes, that's why I put the link to more details in the post, it is controversial. In fact, the title of the link page is “Controversy in Russia regarding the legitimacy of Eastward NATO expansion”.  It's a good summary.


    If you read the link, “not one more inch” comes from discussions on Germany reunification, at which time the Warsaw Pact was still intact and would not collapse for more than a year. Can you imagine the West promising Russia that they would not move one more inch into Warsaw Pact countries until their unforeseen collapse? So not one inch was about Germany reunification.


    The other point, there are no recorded notes, not even on a paper napkin, no mention of the issue in the agreement itself, and no statements about its absence in the agreement after signing.


    I don't know, not sure anyone does but as Julia said Putin's statement that it was guaranteed seems to hold little water. It was a Putinism. But note Julia seems to suggest Putin believed it. She has made similar points before about what is in Putin's mind versus reality. That is something that needs consideration.


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  4. On 6/3/2024 at 9:34 PM, Gweiloman said:

    I don’t think you can handle the truth. But just in case you’re genuinely wondering, I direct you to an interview conducted by Mr. John Anderson, former Deputy PM of Australia and leader of the National Party with Professor Mearsheimer whereby the latter gave his views.


    I’m expecting some ad hominem attacks by the usual vile posters on these two gentlemen. It takes a seriously under developed mind to favour the arguments of retirees living life on the cheap in Thailand compared to the thoughts and knowledge of two internationally known personalities.



    Excellent video. 


    Prof John Mearsheimer argues that there were two camps from the 1990s in Clinton's time, one pro NATO expansion and one against NATO expansion that included Ukraine and Georgia. He was against and argued that attempts to include (independent) Ukraine in NATO would trigger Putin to react in the way that happened. In that he was right.


    The bedrock of his argument in the video (listen) is based on Putin, not Russia, not the Russian people, not the well being of the world, but Putin.  Now read what he says in one of his books [wiki]


    "Mearsheimer's first book, Conventional Deterrence, addresses the issue of how the decision to start a war depends on the projected outcome of the war, i.e., how the decision makers' beliefs about the outcome of the war affect the success or failure of deterrence. Mearsheimer's basic argument is that deterrence is likely to work when the potential attacker believes that an attack will be costly and is unlikely to succeed."


    So the reason we are here is 1) despot Putin remains in power and 2) The West, starting at least with Obama, failed to deter him. NOT because there is anything good about Putin for the Russian people or the world. 


    Anyone selling this video to mean Putin is good either lacks understanding or is pushing propaganda. 

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