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Cat ji

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Everything posted by Cat ji

  1. Good point. Especially if it continues to increase, there might well be some reactions like this.
  2. [my bank] 2 factor authentication means biometrics, which they want to supersede OTP. Typically the face, iow phone selfie camera. The bank has my fingerprints, which is used when I go in, but i haven't seen it mentioned wrt 2FA.
  3. Good is subjective - very subjective, especially this. End of. internet/youtube <deleted>.
  4. It is all here. Just not in one place. You need to do several weeks - at least - of reading on this forum.
  5. I am ready to do some roasting here. Draft saved. Reactions to what was said about Russia and ''cannon fodder'', and ''national heroes''. Comparisons with Britain and with USA, with reference to WW1 slaughter and to Vietnam and conscription.
  6. Trees for paper and packaging are grown commercially for that purpose. Usually pine and wattle, afaik. So the rest is about it is done wrt ecology - what was originally there, effects on things that live in it. ...Entire process optimised for specific size and type of timber.
  7. I would just end the interview in a minute or two. ...That's just the tip of the iceberg, the rest you'd find out later.
  8. Because they're old bitches. Or just plain stupid.
  9. Because something was going on, obviously, and some news reporters have connections. yeh, but psychos often don't do the best thing. ???? riiiight. Just read the story man. It is not about visa. What does it take for you to understand - he was ranting, behaving aggressively and threatening violence and so on.
  10. There has been a trend, since many years ago, of early onset puberty. [Related to 'pseudo-hormones' in packaging and hormone stuff used by milk producers.]
  11. Police raids - random checks to see whether licensed premises are checking ID like they are legally required to d, i.e. they are liable. Although of course there is police corruption.
  12. Nonsense. <deleted>. Sounds like straight from Daily Express or The Sun or something. And of course motivated by anti-vaccine attitude, just one step from science denial and foolish conspiracy theories.
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