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Posts posted by zaz

  1. I believe that Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations should loosen up their purse strings to aid its people in this disaster. I know that Israel has broken open its tight wad to help

    I didn't bother posting a thread re this earthquake since Muslims don't get much sympathy from you lot. This post by monochaser is just about the worst thing anyone could say right now, well done I hope you're proud of yourself. Just sit back and wait for the others to join in now...

  2. Bar girl or not bar girl, surely she can change (if she's playing now)? Are they so hardened by what they do? Are they so trapped by their way of life? Surely if they found a guy that they think would be THE ONE then can they not settle down? I'm sure they can. Can only give it a try but you'll be giving up a lot just to see what happens - is the risk worth it considering the odds are against you?

  3. Well I feel sorry for the guy anyway. Follow your heart but also take the advice given from the more experienced. But the distance relationship is the tough one....if it's going to work you'll both have to be together.

  4. Icey when you've finished with the baseball bat can you give me some too please, on the head, then on my arse!!

    Mr farangone, mate, pal, buddy, I can relate to your story very very closely believe me my TV mates know about my situation and gave me the same advice too - FORGET THE (THAI) GIRL she IS screwing someone right NOW. I know it's hard etc etc but you have to come to terms with it. Plus you're only a first-timer too which is all the more reason you should listen to the Thai veterans on this forum. Heck, I'm still very very fond of my bird and am finding it hard to swallow (the truth that is...) but time is the best healer for these things. In fact you're lucky if you've got a steady girlfriend with you now - I haven't even got that luxury....sob sob..

    Now where's that baseball bat Icey...??!!

  5. Just a few minutes ago, a massive thunderstorm passed over my flat (near Sukhumwit - BTS Thong Lo). Aaarrrhhhhh. Hmmmm. Standing outside on my balcony, I can smell... well, fresh air! The pounding rain has cleansed the air. The ferocious bolts of lightning have purified the atmosphere. The air is clean. The air is clear. Distant neon signs are tack-sharp. Lights are brighter. Colours are richer and more vibrant.

    Let there be torrential rain, thunder and lightning every day!

    Ah well, time for a glass of wine and a fag ;-)

    Wish I was there robenroute!! But I know what you mean, it certainly freshens things up a bit - but when it rains here in Yorkshire it just doesn't have the same magic...... :o

  6. A man is sitting reading his newspaper when the wife sneaks up behind him and whacks him on the head with a frying pan.

    "What was that for?" he asks.

    "That was for the piece of paper in your trouser pockets with the name Mary Ellen written on it," she replies.

    "Don't be silly," he says, "Two weeks ago when I went to the races Its the name of one of the horses I bet on."

    She seems satisfied and at this, she apologizes.

    Three days later he's again sitting in his chair reading when she nails him with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him out cold. When he comes around, he asks again, "what was that for?!"

    She responded,

    "Your <deleted>##g horse phoned."


  7. I'm almost giving up in this, it's so fckin frustrating trying to explain over and over a again and yet some people STILL don't get it...........someone throw me a life line please......or mods just close the thread because obviously it's all just bullsh1t.

  8. I tip and I enjoy their services

    Well I guess they're ok. The guys are well mannered and have a fab sense of humour and sometimes you can even have a bit of light hearted banter with them. In any case just out of politeness I'll drop them a 20 anyway. They're ok.

  9. after you kicked out of this thread everyone you don't like, you'll stay nearly alone here and you might have learned for your life how it does NOT work with peace......

    you could simulate here on how it does work in the real world!

    --We have to fight against everyone who does not like OUR peace--

    That's not true - please read the OP.

    In any case was there any sincerity in MM's post?

    Does the bold statement "Extermination is my impossible dream" differ much from the terrorists dream? I think not. Does it belong here?

  10. What is peace?

    In the context of this thread, peace is the exact opposite to holy war.

    Mighty Mouth, do us a favour and go eat some cheese.

    Peace, in the context of this thread, is no more hate spreading, no more violence, no more killing, living together and understanding each other and just letting people get on with their lives how they want to. I could think of another 100 situations that give me peace but they'd be out of the context of this discussion.

  11. every body that has had any sort of defence for these  extreme muslim trrrorists iddiots.[yes muslim] because that is thier religion.

    This is exactly what one of the main issues is - "[yes muslim] because that is thier religion" it's because these idiots just happen to be Muslim and think they are doing a noble act. What about G Dubya the Christian extremist w4nker - is it fair of me to say that?

  12. I cannot help but write the following stuff....this will possibly be a reflection on the part of the majority of the folks here who are fair and humanist.

    Why are a few bigoted individuals allowed to come into topics like this one and pollute the atmosphere here with their hatred-filled posts ?!

    This also causes a nice and intelligent discussion of the topic to be messed up big time.

    And....I find it sad that admins allow some of these posters to get away with some really nasty things they post....I can only hope that they don't share the sentiments of these bigots. Why does the posting of hateful stuff have to be allowed in the name of frredom of expression ?

    Maybe it is not a good idea to have topics like this here on this forum, as they eaily deteriorate into nasty and sometimes childish talk. I guess I'd rather read the stuff in threads like 'Why marry bar girls ?' and 'The funny things falangs do in LOS'.

    Now....I guess I should expect the usual, childish 'liberal-bashing' stuff from the people I mentioned above.


    Well said JemJem - I think the intelligent people amongst us will understand what you mean here.

    MODS - JemJem has a point...and your reponse is...?

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