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Posts posted by zaz

  1. Zaz you are lumping an entire group of people as bad, isn't that exactly what you were upset at when it was directed at you. It wasn't right when others did it to you and it's not right when you do it either.

    Of course making generalisations is stupid, whether I do it or anyone else - fact is we will all get upset when we fall into the generalised category of people.

    Conclusion - it hurts doesn't?

    My personal apologies if I caused you offence.

    Note - See the difference between some people, I admit and apologise when I'm out of order whereas others unashamedly continue their rampage of offence with complete disregard :o .

  2. I hate muslims like they hate the rest of the world.

    What's wrong admitting that?

    That's just inherently wrong then isn't it, completely wrong because your underlying reason for hating Muslims is such in an incorrect generalisation.

    I am a Muslim and I don't hate the rest of the World, if there's anyone I don't "like" I would say that I actually feel sorry for them and pray for them like a Muslim should. I wouldn't strap a bomb up my arse and sit next to anyone on a bus and blow myself up if I didn't like them. How's that?

  3. At the end of the day Islam is a religion of hate and violence. There can be no argument to this. The whole thing is based on the Quran right? Am I right? Yes. Try reading the ‘Holly’ Quran. You only need to get as far as page 2 to find the evil phrases i.e. ‘the unbelievers have a disease on their hearts and Allah hath increased that disease’ that is very moderate for the Quran. Read more and you will be amazed. If this is the fundamental teaching of the Quran how can we expect true Muslims to behave any other way than as terrorists? Indeed it those that make no effort in the name of Jihad that are the wrong doers.

    I have worked with many, many Arab Muslims from all over the world and I have honestly only met one moderate Muslims. He was afraid to voice his moderate views and would only speak candidly. You may think there are moderate Muslims until you scratch a little deeper below their surface.

    In my opinion all religions are in some way bad, but Islam is far and away the most dangerous. I see it on a par with the Nazis and I see no reason why it should be tolerated.

    To find out more about the wonders of Islam check this site:


    ....oooo pleeeeeeease!!

    Rich when you get your head out of your arse you'll see there is such a nice world out here...try it sometime...

  4. Again you are being very selective of your history. British, American and countless other nations have their own barbaric and shameful histories so your point in highlighting Arabic atrocoties really holds no water in this debate.

    My point is why continue relating to history? We are here and now and can make our own fresh judgements and decisions can we not?

  5. Smoking is hazardous to your health and I in no way wish to encourage the filthy and disgusting habit...........I buy mine from 7/11

  6. Okay Boon Mee, what exactly is your point. You hate the Muslims right? I mean it's kind of dragging it on a bit with all your quotes, just come out and say it. And after you have said it, I will feel very sorry for you. Because, as we have all been trying to say on this forum.... the people who are causing trouble in the south are not your average Muslim living in Thailand. I think some of your points have reason for discussion but it's time to stand up and say what you are really thinking.... or are you some sort of 'planted' antagonist?

    Very simplistic there, seonai. I'm simply bringing out historical facts - what you make of them is up to you. 'Tham jai khun'

    No Boon Mee you are being VERY selective in what types of quotes you wish to post - and it's obvious to us all which side of the fence you stand. Do you really want add fuel to the fire? Why? What has historical crap got to do with resolving the problems of the present? And again it's all turning into a discussion about Islam again - how about we talk about a certain population of people in the South of Thailand who have a particular grievance and that the government and those people need to get involved in valueable discussions - that's all there is to it.

  7. The only way of solving this issue, worldwide, would appear to be for the Muslims to root out the terrorists in their midst and eradicate their subversive influence. Unfortunately it seems, in general, that they are standing in a state of denial, claiming that what is going on has nothing to do with them and their religion and is therefore not their responsibility. Most people appreciate that the majority of Muslims are abhored at what is going on, but the lack of cooperation in revealing the culprits to the relevant authorities is unacceptable.

    I asure you that routing out the terrorists is no easier for us normal Muslims than it is for anyone else. However, I think the Muslim authorities should educate their people the fact that the violent way is the wrong way and not the way of Islam as should other communities educate their people into realising that this is not really Islam.

    There are a lot of posts here from people claiming Islam is inherently violent etc etc these are just defamatory and offensive remarks from people who don't care what they say to whom.

  8. Great idea wonder how we can them get there. I for one don't blame Islam, I blame the extremist who happen to be Islamic this time.

    Someone came up with the idea to let the Islamic people settle this, truthfully probably the only ones who can. I doubt that the average Muslim is any happier then anyone else about this, since they are the ones really paying the price.

    The problem that I can see how does the outsider identify who is the extremist and who is not, before the bad actions happen.

    Zealots on both sides of the street are not a good thing, I hope something stops this before we have a world wide war.

    True - the violence can and should probably be resolved within the Muslim community. I wonder, however that if anyone within the community stood up and asked for the violence to stop would they then be targetted and killed to shut them up and let the blood-mongerers continue on their rampage?

    I am a Mr Nobody and a Muslim but I have love in my heart and I value my own life and the life of others - I am willing right now to stand up and try to help these people see eye to eye and understand each other - is there anyone else?

    We can discuss this topic over and over til its death but who would be willing to get on the ground and initiate peace?

  9. Make no mistake: Islam is the provocateur in Thailand. It’s widely believed that Islam actually wants to provoke everyone so it can get conflicts started. Then the escalation blame game starts at which Islam is a master. Why not pre-empt the source of this trouble and just ban Islam?

    Here is the blame game that Islam plays so well. Islam is certainly at fault for destabilizing Thailand, but Islam will never admit it. Islam has no conscience, only obedience to Allah (Satan). Islam is not capable of admitting its guilt.

    And, we can clearly see the illogical claims that Islam makes of Israel. The very same unreasonable claims to an Islamic homeland are now being made in Thailand. :D

    That's a very offensive post....... :o

  10. Most of the world is in denial and following a dreadful appeasement policy. I think most hope the problem with muslim radicals will go away, so let them have what they want or ignore it.

    Like a bunch of Ostriches with their heads in the sand.

    “The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men”


    i think this subject will not be treated with indifference as it is on every bodies mind no matter where you go it is brought up as a discussion point daily, boring as it may be getting to some, this will not just fade away, as indo siam posted we need to stop this now and not later, as later will be to hard,

    The question is, how can it be stopped?

    Here's an example of how this mentality is worldwide:

    Honor Killing in Denmark

    The Dark Ages come to Denmark in broad daylight, as a Pakistani man murders his sister in a public street: Bror draebte sin soester .


    "Calmly and methodically, big brother stoops over his little sister while shooting one projectile after the other into her. Her spouse, affected by several shots to the abdomen, can only look on helplessly, while his wife is executed by her own family."

    This senseless murder brought to you by Islam, the religion of peace. :o

    Excuse me...where exactly did I miss the connection between the derranged Pakistani murdering his sister and the religion of Islam....?

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