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Posts posted by Bangmod

  1. In the first half of this year, 30 e-commerce vendors were found guilty cheating off their customers by not delivering the intended product(s) after a customer has made a purchase.


    That must be a new phenomenon, because it used to be so that if people from overseas ordered from Thai based websites, the post employees were running off with the ordered gear, instead of sending it abroad.



  2. recently the junta launched a heavy crackdown on visa runner and illegal teacher. The message was pretty clear : teacher get out of thailand.

    Not only the salary is low, but in some case the school dont even provide a work permit:

    But who gonna suffer first? Of course the small, local, poor, public school who hired a foreigner for just 20 Kbaht.

    The junta wanted obviously let the poor student in a sea of ignorance.


    Nope, they just want qualified teachers, and not the rogue ones, who often left home to evade personal problems, and are just looking for a nice way to score chicks and beer 

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  3. seriously they try to make us believe, this 40 kg woman does the same job than Viktor Bout? really?cheesy.gif

    Which yellow came with this stupid allegation? the mad monk???



    and except the yellow looney on this forum, who they want to fool? Because any people with more than 2 brains cells....whistling.gif

    Because any people with more than 2 brains cells..


    Clearly you do not belong to that group....

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  4. Bet you didn't see that one coming....


    wondering why no one did see a demolition team there on Monday, it would not have been that 100 Cambodians came on foot, with spoons to demolish the 2 houses quietly, there must have been some heavy machinery involved, and especially now that the mention all wood was removed from the place.


    If found that the already corrupt head of DSI was involved in this, will he be charged with polluting a national park as well??

    Looking to the picture, he should.

  5. I havn't seen much on the actual losses incured by the rice scheme, other than estimates......and the audit isn't completed yet.........

    If they don't have watertight case...and of course we are not privy to much of the information nowadays.....I can see this case falling flat very quickly.



    You did not see much actual losses??

    -most important, the lost of life from some farmers, who didn't got paid.

    -the thousands of tones, who appeared to be stolen, which was in the news last week.


    Ooh you're a redskirt, turning a blind eye??? Now I understand your point.....

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