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Posts posted by Bangmod

  1. She might want to take revenge on het fugitive ex-husband for dragging het into all the crap she had to undergo after the 2006 coup and court cases.

    Would love to see het ratting on the "King of Dubai" and his sister.

    You never know what she got on her sleeve, especially that she was not officially called in by the Army.

    Smells fishy.

  2. well, now the former government knows what they needed to do to pay the farmers: throw out the constitution! anyone who thinks YS didn't want the farmers paid is too caught up in their own rhetoric to think clearly. they tried but they were blocked at every turn because the yellow's didn't want the farmers paid- much better for them if it was there to drive a wedge in the government's base.

    but it sets a super great precedence: want thing done? throw out the constitution.


    You sounds like Robert Amsterdam, also coming up with blame the others.

    you might wane move away from Thailand and work with the government in exile...

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Now there's a welcome sight of an air stealing piece of hate filled, racist, human garbage if I ever saw one.

    He might be many things but surely not a racist.

    Of course he's a racist. Against anyone who's not Thai. but that doesn't make him unique.

    I do not agree with you, as I was let in in the inner circle of their movement and was even in the same room present when the made the decision to take the airport, so that breaks your theory.

  4. x153431-imagejpeg-225701-wpcf_728x413.jp

    He's dead Thai looking, especially compared to the guys behind him. I wonder how many Yuan it cost to buy a Thai name like "Sondhi"???

    He almost looks like a relation to Mao Tse, or even Thaksin himself... but let's not go there.... international relation importance an' all that,,.. all that... errm... BS

    Hope he rots in hell.

    The same to you...

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