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Posts posted by Pmbkk

  1. 58 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

    This is why I only rent


    As someone that does rent out some of my personal condos I totally agree in Bangkok.


    I have promised my wife I will not buy any more houses or Condos - anywhere.


    Move the responsibility to the owner and give yourself freedom to roam - especially if not tied down.

    Noisy neighbours etc - just move. Just make sure you have a clause in the contract that you can give x months notice.


    Owning & renting Condos is a pain and you have better things to do.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Also, paying 12 month in advance seems not the smart thing to do.  


    A close friend(English) of mine did this in Spain and it wasn't feasible for him to use the condo for a year ( he actually signed a 3 year lease ) during Covid - no return on his lease payment.


    Unless you know the house/area very well I'd advice against it.


    You never know what's around the corner.

  3. 9 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    So they can open again at 6pm on Sunday...just in time for the footy matches.


    All premiership games kick off at 4 p.m. (UK) on Sunday as it's the last day of the season - so 10 BKK time


    I rent out some of my personal Condos, I've hardly ever kept any deposit - even when I should.


    Most people tend to renew so I take that into consideration.


    We did rent a condo for 6 months as ours were rented - and even though we returned it in better condition than we got it the landlady was refusing to return the deposit. We spoke to the agent and got our full deposit back.


    Re the contract - check your get out clauses, when the landlord can ask you to leave and what notice you need to give as circumstances change. In my experience in Thailand they are usually fixed length(12 months) - I offer an option of notice period to both parties and penalties either party would incur. I also ask for 2 months deposit which again in my experience is pretty standard and covers me if someone doesn't pay the rent within 15 days.





    • Confused 1
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    Don't Thai ladies like shopping - you'll just be buying it and stocking it up with more of what you don't need until it's full(it's on sale)  - and it'll stay there forever. Maybe then buy another once full as you have space.

    Running costs will be higher than bulk buying savings for a small family.


    Shopping trips won't diminish - and sometimes they're nice to get out of the house as a family ????

    • Like 2

    We've just finished renovating our 3 bed rental apt. 

    It's above an international school and is 50/50% split between private and serviced apts.


    My wife spoke to the maintenance guy this morning and he was telling her that they've started
    renovating their serviced apartments as they're expecting a large  increase in demand as the country opens it's borders. 


    They're increasing their serviced apartment costs by 10% - and this is a popular condo in the heart of Bangkok so they obv' expect to rent them.




    I used to have a team of consultants working for me.


    One Irish guy was desperate for a posting to Jo-burg.


    I sorted one out - a few days after he got there he phoned me up in a panic. Someone had put a few bullets in his hire car as he was driving through a park. He wanted out asap - I told him to go back to the hotel, go to the airport and get on the next flight to LHR.


    My best mate's brother runs gold mines ( his wife is SA ) lives in a huge house which each area gets locked down as they go to bed - security guards outside. He used to come over to get Oxon  graduates. One trip his driver dropped him off at the airport and he was shot on the way back to his house.


    When I did a bit of consultancy there, I didn't think the driving was anywhere near as bad as Thailand - but the risks were greater. ????




    • Like 1
  8. On 5/8/2022 at 4:51 AM, mrbojangles said:

    Don't worry. You've still got those fading memories to hold on tightly to. Tick, tock


    You sound like a kid with this tick, tock ?


    Do you still play tag when Mum lets you out to play - I'd say kiss catch, but I have my doubts ... ?

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, StreetCowboy said:

    Aye, right, and a fistful of small denomination Swiss Francs is going to stand him in no stead whatsoever at his local 7-11.


    I think you missed the point - stay off the whisky. He's comparing the US to Thailand - and I'm doing the same with Switzerland currency


    The dollars he gets in change in the US won't help him in his local Thai 7-11 either


    You like to make your statements like you're a cowboy - looks like you shot yourself in the foot  !



    7 hours ago, Bangkokhatter said:

    However the most popular design has the words "You count on me", the actual correct lyrics are "You can count on me". Not correct right.


    If they're doing the can, can dance - no issues. Obv' everyone will see the pun. They've added the can


    If not change schools - and you can   ????


    Contact the source and post the link/law...


    I believe there are many points in that link that are not true/implemented.


    You sign a contract from date x to date y under certain conditions.


    A tenant can move out with 30 days notice and many more in that after a contract has been signed - I'd be surprised.


    I don't know of any agent that specifies those in their contracts - and I rent out some personal condos.


    I would pursue getting this new law - even if it;s in Thai and post it.


    You'll have stacks of people giving 30 days notice, expecting their deposit back in 7 days - and if not off to the court....






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