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Posts posted by Hatyaier

  1. Just get the wife to talk to the local police, They will/should talk to him, Don't get into any confrontation, with him he may be on drugs, Drunk or just be a psycho. If he comes on your property and starts a fight , fight back , becasue the Thai Police would prosecute him not you.

    My wife went to the police when her ex said he was going to have me killed. They told her "Don't worry he doesn't want to go to prison."

    So far they were right but that is the help you can expect from them.

  2. When our dog was about 5 months old I was back in Canada. I reminded my wife almost daily to have her fixed. She waited too long and we soon had 5 new pups.

    We were able to give away 2 and I decided to keep 1. My wife talked to the head monk at our local temple and he told her they could easily take care of them because they always get more food every day than they can eat.

    I told him I would pay to get them fixed when they were old enough, but he said that it was not necessary because a vet comes regularly and gives them medicine to prevent pregnancy.

    This a rural temple and there are not a lot of dogs there but quite a few cats last time I visited. (Our dogs are fixed now).

  3. You haven't been in Thailand very long have you? Despite the fact that Thailand claims to be mainly Buddhist the dominant set of beliefs here is animism. It pervadres everything from birth to death.

    What's the length of time he's here got to do with anything?

    We in the West have our fair share of "taboos" too. Many people will not put No. 13 on their doors, some wouldn't dream of walking under a ladder (and not just for the obvious reasons). Many have lucky, colors, articles of clothing, numbers, etc., etc., etc., ...the list goes on.

    Many superstitions have been passed down in all cultures. People might not want to go against them just in case even if they don't really believe it.

    My wife says she isn't superstitious, doesn't believe in ghost,etc.but she occasionally buys live fish to let go in the river near us for good luck. It actually seems to work so far so she won't be stopping I'm sure.

    Also the other day she was talking with Chinese customer who claimed to be an expert In Feng Shui. I painted our house blue when we bought it. The lady told her that a blue house means money comes easy, but goes quickly. This has been true for her since since she got into real estate. (Apparently beige means the money will stay. Guess what color our new house we are building will be?)

    I was visiting a friend a few years ago when his girlfriend came in and cuffed him on the head and said, angrily, "Don't you come in my dreams anymore!" He told her a number in her dream so she bought lottery tickets. But she didn't win.

  4. A few months ago we took a drive down to a border crossing about 20 km east of Sadao. I didn't need a visa. Just wanted to check it out as it is the closest one to where I live. The IO we spoke to was very friendly. She said to do visa run I would have to stay in Malaysia overnight.

    I asked why because the other border crossings are not like that and she explained that it is up to head immigration officer at each crossing.

    I thought she was full of bs but maybe not with all the different rules everywhere. I think I will try it sometime anyway as it's not far and quiet unlike Sadao.

  5. We have some neighbors about 1 kilometer away. They are a wonderful couple, always helping us in many ways. (Teaching me how to take care of our many fruit trees, taking care of our home and dogs when we go away, and in many other ways.) They have a grand daughter about 6 months old whom they took to a fortune teller. He told them it should have a different mother. One born on a Thursday. They asked my wife but she was born on a wrong day unfortunately (or not). They did find someone though, but the spirits are apparently not all that smart, so they just need to perform some kind of ceremony to fool them and the real mother can take care of her.

    They have a son attending technical college in Songkhla. The other day about 12 of his friends showed up wanting to know why he didn't go to write the final exam. His father at first suspected that a ghost had entered his body, but then they found out the real reason. It seems that he bought a lottery ticket and promised whichever god is in charge of that sort of thing that he would bar-b-q a pig for his family if he won. Well he won 36,000 baht but spent all the money on gold, not buying the pig, which caused his mind to go blank.

    So last weekend mom bought a pig and hired someone to cook it. We were invited and It was delicious and so was the beer and the homemade booze. Of course his teacher understood completely and gave him 3 more weeks to study before writing the exam.

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  6. The state of the bear was indeed pitiful.

    However, perhaps the condemnation of the temple is out of place.

    Thai people dump their unwanted pets at temples, knowing that the monks and helpers will do their best to help them.

    Ditto wild animals found injured or their babies abandoned.

    The temples simply don't have the expertise or the moneyarrow-10x10.png to look after these animals, but they usually try their best in difficult circumstances.

    If Thailand had a proper organisations dedicated to animal welfare such as the RSPCA in the UK then the temples wouldn't have to bear this unwanted burden.

    What a load of crap, It does not matter how they acquired this animal they kept it so they should have at least saw that it got food ( Sun Bears are omnivorous so I am sure they could have found something in the food they beg to feed it} and enough sunlight to keep it alive. Does not take a lot of expertise to know it like all animals has basic needs. If they could not figure this out I am sure they could have found someplace to take this poor animal to like the organization that found the poor thing or a zoo. I doubt they even tried. These monks sure did not do their best to help this poor creature in fact they did DAMN little, it makes me lose respect for the buddist religion. And you piss me off for trying to make excuses for them, there is no excuse for the way this poor creature was neglected it is criminal.

    Have you seen the rather charming documentary series about three Roman Catholic priests and their housekeeper on Craggy Island off the coast of western Ireland, "Father Ted"?

    How do you think they would have coped if somebody had dumped a Sun Bear in their parochial house? Do you think they'd really have known how to care for it? Feed it? Mrs. Doyle's tea, cake and sandwiches probably wouldn't have met its dietary requirements.

    Your anger at the religious institution is misdirected. Your anger would better be directed either at the people who dumped the animal there, or wider Thai society for not providing proper refuges for animals in need.

    In the absence of evidence to the contrary, I would suggest that the temple probably did its best with limited knowledge and limited resources.

    The evidence to the contrary seems obvious to me.

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  7. Hat Yai's been our home for the last ten years too, it's a nice city and a place I'm happy to call home. With the extra security in the city it's probably a lot safer than most Thai cities and certainly cleaner than many; the need to feed the city's power generating incinerator means we get daily rubbish collections. So no there are no more rats and roaches than you'll see anywhere else.

    Have you ever been anywhere else???

    According to my neighbors and the previous tenants of my house who lived all over Thailand, Hatyai is one of the worst places in terms of rat infestation. My wife also agrees with them.

    You call Hatyai nice and safe??? hahahaha

    Funny you are.

    I find Hat Yai safer than Phuket. Bangkok and Pattaya. And no I have no businesses anywhere in Thailand. I admit I have seen rats here. Also at Koh Samui, Hua Hin, Bangkok, Pattaya, Khon Kaen, Nong Khai, Chang Mai, Chang Rai and many other places. I wonder why someone would dislike a place so much when it is obvious they have spent very little time there.

  8. A couple of years ago we got 2 puppies (Thai dogs). One evening as we were leaving to go into town I noticed a big frog or toad near our door. When we got back home I saw the frog was missing it's head and 1 dog was ill. It was still sick in the morning so we took it to the animal hospital. I explained what I had seen but they said it was not what caused it because they would be able to tell by looking at it's mouth. They gave me some pills for him. He died later that day. Now I don't have a lot of faith in Thai veterinarians.wub.png

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  9. She has a skill me thinks.

    My wife is similar in Thailand, but lost in Australia. She says everywhere looks the same.

    Ive noticed Thai girls can be quite psychic. They seem to sense 'things' quite well, but I cant give one particular example.

    My wife strangely gets an itchy lower back when rains on its way. Sounds weird but Ive taken enough notice and its accurate. Itchy in the morning,blue sky, she says its gonna rain, and it does everytime

    Itchy back is real. I get it to, and I'm not Thai. But about the sense of direction, my wife is fairly average, and we infrequently get lost in BKK - usually because of talking, like recently taking someone to the airport. But I now know my way around Bang Na. What i don't understand is that my wife and others don't like asking shops or strangers for directions. Don't know why ?

    It's because she knows Thai people will never admit they don't know something and will point you in any random direction.

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