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Posts posted by Hatyaier

  1. Here is the big whining for an elephant, but no one care how pigs for meat are treated or how the killings for halal beef is done....

    The topic is the senseless slaughter of what must have been a magnificent animal with a set of tusks worth stealing.

    I am sure many members here feel the same way as you about cruel slaughterhouse methods. I wonder whether you, as a "carnivore member", have made any progress against this cruel treatment of meat animals?

    Back to topic, as one other mentioned, why was the elephant left unattended at night on its own? It should have been in a secured location if it had any value. Perhaps he can claim on the insurance with the owner.

    I think you misunderstood me: What I mean is: For cruel on one elephant or a lovely rabbit everyone gets very upset.

    But that are 1000s of animals processed in a very cruel way and with unnecessary pain doesn't make anyone (OK a few) upset. Pigs are actually very smart animals, more than dogs. (And the forum is furious about killing dogs).

    My point is, that it is complete out of balance. Just lovely animals have rights?

    mmm rabbit stew!

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  2. An other story re-affirming my opinion and respect for the Thai people.

    To those always complaining about the Thai people, I say

    Get off your bar-stool, get out of (Don't want to pick of a particular place) , go out in the country and meet the real Thailand and Thais.

    I agree. Since moving to Hat Yai 5 years ago I've had my wallet returned to me by a young guy who came running after me. (scared me at first) I dropped it after buying things at Macro.Then I forgot my I-phone on a mini bus to Penang and had that returned to me. Then my niece forgot her I-pad at a bungalow at Taratau and I got that back for her. (It did take 3 months). Now living in the rural area I find all the neighbors always trying to help each other and me. Reminds me of the farmers where I grew up in Canada.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    monitor lizards eat cats if they can catch and kill them.

    many a rural thai will eat monitor lizards if they can catch and kill them.


    Thai name for them is hia (เหี้ย), which means bad person and is an insult, hence the fear for them, they certainly don't kill them and eeat them. It was my first "respectful" experience with locals, when I found a huge monitor lizard in my rubbertree plantation and they caught it and brought it to the temple, where more of them live in the forest.

    They have even changed the name to "Silver and Blue", to avoid calling the name "Hia"....

    Monitor lizards are big and eat rodents, fish (even catfish), but also small crocodiles, eggs and carrion.

    Not sure what they eat but I know the Thais eat them. They are on the menu at a rural restaurant near me. A Thai friend of mine told me when Thai people see them they are fighting, saying "It's mine I saw it first."

  4. ezzra states we need a better trained and honest police farce forcefacepalm.gif indeed correct.clap2.gif

    However a properly defined learner driver course and educated drivers in all vehicles with a strong emphasis concerning both the operators and drivers of P.S.V. along with H.G.V.vehicles might well go a long way to actually improving the standard of the way that the average Thai aims his or her vehicle.

    Interesting to note that in the majority of cases of foreign managed logistic operators both vehicle drivers and maintenance is much higher than the home grown bred of the same beast. A lot to be said for driver and mate and engineers education and ongoing training schemes operated by foreign managed entities and also a few Thai owned entities too..

    Reckon to date I have been lucky. 10 Years of motorcycle (Kawasaki 400C.C.) riding and 13 years of car and pick up driving plus the family toy (150cc Honda Click) and no serious mishaps.

    Lot to be said for those old ''blues and two's'' courses.

    The criteria for passing Thai driving test is about to be raised. Effective June 4th, so some positive news.

    Unfortunately I fear that the same double standards will still exist. My wife was a government employee for 25 years. When she went for her drivers license she showed her govt. ID and they handed her the license good for life. No tests necessary. Fortunately she is a good driver, although she doesn't understand all the rules.

  5. Fryslan boppe, on 11 Apr 2014 - 18:51, said:snapback.png

    Annother PAD-Dem take on things, in part meant to denigrate the Prime Minister - a non-PAD-DEM....And I see it worked.

    The very first line of the very first post/comment as follows:

    >>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.


    >>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

    I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.........What do you think?.......

    >>>>>>The caretaker prime minister faces many political and legal challenges because of the prolonged anti-government protests concentrated in Bangkok

    Time for corrections...again....Tthey are not prolonged anti-govt. protests....They are prolonged coup-advocacy activities...nothing to do with protesting or anti-govt.

    It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"......It is the electoral majority and the very essence of Democracy, which is facing these challenges.

    >>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

    Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think?

    The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

    Just the other side of the political divide folks.

    >>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

    But you don't wonder.

    >>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

    I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.


    Or could it be the people who have already done bad things while in power?

    It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"..

    I am sure she will be very relieved to hear that.

    >>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

    Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think

    Maybe that and complete accountability by the elected officials.

    The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

    Of course they would not like anyone who tries to reveal their corrupt activities

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