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Donnie Brasco

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Posts posted by Donnie Brasco

  1. Toothless bigmouths are helpless against terrorists.

    Helpless against FBI stings too...


    'An undercover informant or agent posing as an Al-Qaeda operative gives them everything they need… gives them the transportation, gives them the money if they need it, and then gives them the bomb and even the idea for the terrorist attack. And then when that person pushes a button to detonate the bomb that they believe will explode—a bomb that was provided to them in whole by the FBI—agents rush in, arrest them and charge them with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and then parade that person out to the public saying, “Look at us. We caught a terrorist. This is us keeping you safe.”

    Not true in whole. Those stings are illegal unless law enforcement which does them can prove that the perp actually wanted to do it and they just "helped."

    They can't just grab some guy off the street and do it to him. If they do it's called "entrapment" and it's illegal.

    I have no problem with the police including the FBI using a sting to get the goods on a real threat before he can actually do something terrible. They have to convince a judge that they had what's called "probable cause" to do it. Probable cause means they had proof which they could use to convince a judge that what they did was necessary.

    The concept of Government and Law Enforcement breaking the law seems to shock you.

    You need to get out more, Dude.

    In fact there's currently a plethora of just such storytelling in the entertainment media.

    Every cop show worth watching seeks to legitimize this same exact methodology and behaviour by putting the cops up against evil perpetrators.

    Nice bit of conditioning, that.

  2. Toothless bigmouths are helpless against terrorists.

    Helpless against FBI stings too...


    'An undercover informant or agent posing as an Al-Qaeda operative gives them everything they need… gives them the transportation, gives them the money if they need it, and then gives them the bomb and even the idea for the terrorist attack. And then when that person pushes a button to detonate the bomb that they believe will explode—a bomb that was provided to them in whole by the FBI—agents rush in, arrest them and charge them with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and then parade that person out to the public saying, “Look at us. We caught a terrorist. This is us keeping you safe.”


    Well sourced and well quoted.

    It's no harder to plan than a decently executed bank robbery.

    And just because the unmasking of it embarrasses the likes of some people on this board, there is NO reason under the sun to ridicule those who simply want a proper investigation instead of a frantic rush by the usual suspects to confirm all relevant aspects of the official conspiracy theory.


    /Mod edit: additional baiting deleted. Benefit of doubt applied as you may have been posting when I announced the public warning.

  3. Conspiracy theorist . . . . . . Whatever that's supposed to mean.

    Anyone who reads your posts regularly - the ones that are not deleted by the moderators - has a pretty good idea what the term means. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsIjGnz8w

    "Conspiracy theorist" is a completely inaccurate term used to smear anyone who insists that ALL the evidence related to a particular topic must be collected in a proper investigation and then assembled and reviewed before ANY perpetrators can be chased down.

    As it is practiced these days, only GOVERNMENT conspiracy theories may be accepted. These theories have to fit into the general notion of American Exceptionalism and the vilification of Islam.

    Anything else is a "conspiracy theory".

    So - a conspiracy theorist would be anyone who absolutely and on the basis of FACT and history REFUSES to chug down the generous helpings of (cough, cough) Koolaid you dole out every time the topic of (cough, cough) comes up.

    Regards to Sal Mineo, Ferrante and Tischer (3 Ed Sullivan renditions on the duelling pianos fresh from their "Las Vegas tour", and hack Leon Uris.

    You can Dershowitz this thing all you like . . . . . .

    I'll stick with real scholars like Noam Chomsky, Norman Finklestien and Gilad Atzmon and the Orthodox Lubovic Chabad that attended Amedinajhad's Tehran conference.

    (And NO, before you haul out your favorite "wipe (cough, cough) off the map" canard, the FACT is that Amedinajad simply opined that when faced with the historical evidence the State of (cough) would gradually wither away and disappear from the map.

    Actually, no one really cares. If (cough, cough) start playing nicely with others why wouldn't they be welcome to stay ?

  4. The PR Machine is on this one, Stratfor are publishing analysis as to why this kind of sting is necessary.

    Of course Stratfor are well known to be a government mouthpiece and much more.

    Thanks UK

    Sure, they'll call this kind of manoeuvre a "sting". As I remember The Sting was a cute little Hollywood Redford-Newman film about con artists.

    These "American Hustles" have degenerated into a substitutes for proper police work.

    This is even BEFORE we account for all the innocent people who are murdered and entire populations who are mislead into hatred and slaughter because of them.

    Yeah. . . . . . Sting.

    Just who's getting stung? For what ? By whom? And for whom ? And why ?

    Ask these questions to well in the face of well orchestrated media "Blitzers" (who seem to have all the answers just a little too soon) and you'll be labelled a "conspiracy theorist")

    Conspiracy theorist . . . . . . Whatever that's supposed to mean.

    Oh yeah, "tinfoil" as opposed to "FBIfoil"

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks, iReason

    (. . . . . By the way, you really don't reason at all. . . . . . you call people names.

    But labeling yourself as the polar opposite of what you actually do is the stock in trade where you come from ain't it ;-?.

    I see that orange-picking gig in (cough) has blossomed into a bit of a career for ya'

    I'll pass on scrolling through your dross, thanks.

    Emoticons are your thing. . . . . . the rest of us use the English language, no biggie.

  6. Donnie Brasco

    More gibberish.

    Opponent?? blink.png

    You give yourself too much credit.

    You must be real fun at parties. laugh.png

    Another putz who just likes to hear himself talk.

    cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    IReason uses the dismissive approach. This is a tactic common to posters who have NOTHING to contribute to a discussion and are more than willing to admit it. Actually, they are PROUD to admit it.

    By his own implication "fun at parties" (wherever he may find them) and averse to informed discussion, people like this are reduced to begging on forums like this. They Hoover around the site like catfish looking for a bit of action.

    Then there's this jejune penchant for emoticons and his infantile name-calling.

    I suggest that his type of jibber-jabber might be more suited to "Line" or a Tapatalk exchange.

    In these formats (popular with the ESL set and the illiterate as well as those with a penchant for ad hominem slights and others whose tweets and blurt-limits confine them to 140 characters) people like the ironically named iReason are able to cleanse the remote corners of their minds of anything resembling original thought.


    • Like 1
  7. Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

    I feel so much safer.

    Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

    Spot on.

    It's the same old story.

    The timing is usually significant as well.

    Various players in the military/security industry have at one time or another during periods of prosperity or crisis garnered massive "what if" budgets. Not only do they want to keep getting this "what if" money, even if it means scaring the bejesus out of every man/woman & child in their jurisdictional purview they'd lots more of it.

    That's why they scare people with this.

    It's a cycle, really, as well as a basic "narc" play.

    The useful idiots that get pulled in as perpetrators, terrorists or what have you are just hapless fools looking to establish identity. In the majority of cases without their FBI, CIA, NSA "handlers" these guys couldn't find their @$$e$ with both hands and a flashlight.

    Give a local ethnic crim a few bucks, an operating budget, guidance, and some "relief from scrutiny", to get these bozo PATSIES in play and (guess what) . . . . . He eventually WILL, okay ?.

    The deed is done. Can be horrific. Can be monstrous. Can be "nipped in the planning stages"

    The terrorist bozos are then harvested as fodder for the incredibly consensus prone, simplicity prone, hater prone (cough, cough) media.

    The usual band of nitwits takes valuable time off watching "Dancing With the Stars" and "pro poker" to suck up this new improved reality TV.

    CNN and Fox wheel in their bombastic, "scarificationist" terrorism experts to put the final nonsense pronouncement onto the whole stinking stew of lies, conjecture and waste.

    Who benefits from this kind of dross ?

    Well, Funseekers, how 'bout we just follow the money.

    Isn't it strange that these would be domestic 'terrorists' never have any friends apart from confidential FBI informants. It really is an extraordinary coincidence!

    Another sad lone nutter manipulated and entrapped by the FBI. I suppose it makes it look as if they are doing something to justify their huge budget.

    Brilliant point you bring up.

    Odd, that.

    It's as though they've been isolated.

    This is SOOO relevant to the discussion.

    I always wonder what the tenor of the FBI "interviews" of friends and acquaintances might be.

    ("We know where you live ?" . . . . . That sort of thing ?)

  8. The muslim murders are happening live on TV these days - a big difference (and have been since the 1990's).

    They are real. And they are here.

    Maybe your onto something here....

    Should western media give equal air time/ representation to those killed collaterally damaged to death

    in places like Pakistan/Afghanistan etc daily

    Will that make it real? Is it unreal now?

    Odd you should bring that up, Mudcrab.

    I will suggest here that the horrors they face are real.

    Being blown to bits has no appeal to them, I suspect.

    Even though they "dress funny" and "eat odd food" and of course use "squiggly writing" their anguish and their pain and their sorrow and their FEAR of terror is real.

    What a curse it was to have found oil on their lands.

  9. Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

    I feel so much safer.

    Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

    The lamest piece of supposition and conjecture I have read in a long time.

    Well, there it is finally. No suggestions of tinfoil there yet but I guess somebody had to finally ring in with this poorly considered, knee jerk "psychological assessment" of what 95 % of us have been saying here.

    You're late iReason. You're LATE !

    Notwithstanding that punctuality detail there's another problem here.

    You have neither addressed any of the issues nor addressed any of the concerns of 95% of the people on the board.

    That's gonna cost your side.

    You guys got away with this for over a decade.

    But now ? Well it's gonna cost you tons of credibility

    We're joy

    "You have neither addressed any of the issues nor addressed any of the concerns of 95% of the people on the board."

    I couldn't care less about the "issues and concerns" of your dubious claimed.

    "That's gonna cost your side."

    "You guys got away with this for over a decade." blink.png

    I have no idea what that paranoid sounding gibberish is about.


    When the only argument your opponent can come up with is that "he has no idea" to, in other words he can't comprehend or hasn't the background or wherewithal to comment he EITHER has to be yelling the truth OR he's pretending to be too obtuse and I'll-informed to deal with the points you've raised.

    Those of this mindset are probably more comfy in an argument about sports or English grammar than a discussion that involves facts and argument.

    "I'm too unschooled to get your meaning" is a pathetic plea to others who haven't a clue about the issue under discussion to gather 'round and form a little coven of ignorance.

    More and more, these days, people who actually CARE what's going on and who are not fearful of pursuing cogent lines of inquiry ignore the ignorant and the insulting.

    They seek the truth that's revealed when all the facts in evidence are assembled.

  10. Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

    I feel so much safer.

    Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

    The lamest piece of supposition and conjecture I have read in a long time.

    Well, there it is finally. No suggestions of tinfoil there yet but I guess somebody had to finally ring in with this poorly considered, knee jerk "psychological assessment" of what 95 % of us have been saying here.

    You're late iReason. You're LATE !

    Notwithstanding that punctuality detail there's another problem here.

    You have neither addressed any of the issues nor addressed any of the concerns of 95% of the people on the board.

    That's gonna cost your side.

    You guys got away with this for over a decade.

    But now ? Well it's gonna cost you tons of credibility

    We're joy

  11. BTW

    Is it just my imagination or are there really not a lot (way way more) TV commenters who have gotten wise to this Terrorist Two-Step and who are willing to ask questions and willing to talk about it ?

    This increased inquisitiveness and scepticism BOUND to happen in the absence of any credible investigation of whats actually being perpetrated by the ever-vigilant guardians of our well-being.

    They're getting better at it.

    But not fast enough.

    People are catching on.

    The tide will turn.

  12. Shock horror, infectious bacteria in product that the rest of the world discards as offal.....

    Not forgetting the grilled intestines you get,with the grilled whole chicken.
    Wow. I ate some gun gai yang (grilled chicken gizzards) for the first time yesterday and this morning, my gut is hurting.

    I'm going to try some "Eno" and see if that makes it better, otherwise I might need some antibiotics...

    I regularly eat those gizzards, and chicken livers. Never had a problem, or with the blocks of blood.

    All counties have their own dishes that some think strange - black pudding (pigs blood), haggis (sheep's offal wrapped in sheep's stomach), brawn, etc. Germany offers similar dishes like Saumagen, Blutwurst, Brauhaus Sulzer; the French and Italians with their cooked songbirds even robins.

    If you don't like something don't eat it - but don't slag off others that do.

    With the exception of slabs of beef or pork, most of that weird stuff that they hang in the glass cage in some food stalls is organ meat. We eat exactly the same stuff when we consume hot dogs and the various wursts and sausages. The only difference I suspect is that we push it all through a Foley screen and blend the grey slop on the other side with red/pink food dye.

    I haven't a clue what happens to chicken blood but along with heaps of garlic and MSG, OUR pigs' blood gets coagulated into black pudding liver wurst and Weiner's.

    Personally, I'm just trying to get off ALL meat for a while.

  13. Well it's up to the Thais.

    I'm sure it won't be anything nearly as good as the South Africa constitution and it remains to be seen if there will be any such language at all in the final document. This has come up before and led to nothing.

    So those opposed to equality language for gender and sexuality minorities in Thailand, I doubt you have much to worry about.

    It's not "up to the Thais"

    It's up to science.

    When (after sex with another body-modified man) a tattooed, pierced man disposes of his used condom there will be male gametes on both sides of the membrane.

    The science on this is settled.

    He's had sex with a man he found sexually alluring. Big deal. Who cares ?

    There is no third sex. The economic and a political market for it does not make it so.

  14. I am not even bothering to look at any stories from Paris - but I'll give it high marks for MO = FalseFlag.

    Sure thing, mate.

    Tin foil hats are the new black, innit?

    This tinfoil hat refuge, the "not worthy of comment" posture, the threat to unilaterally dismiss posters by his own campaign, this willful (all too willful) ignorance reeks of cough, cough, (hack) spit tactics we've seen before.

    The usual suspects on these boards screaming bluddy murder behind the scenes, while claiming they don't understand or the comments are unworthy of comment.

    Now that IS rich.

    • Like 1
  15. OK. You win. Ignore list time. (Life is too short.)

    You're just another poster here, Jingthing.

    Whyancha watch that UNEDITED vid of that cop who was supposed to have been "executed at close range" by an AK47 round and give us your opinion on it.

    Here are mine:

    The muzzle smoke was much too white to have been real round.

    The wad hit the concrete footpath two feet from the cop.

    You can see the hit.

    Comments ?

    The terrorist ID's left at the scene.

    Comments ?

    • Like 1
  16. ...

    Isn't the Internet wonderful ;-?

    We can still speak freely (more or less) unless it's about (cough, cough . . . spit)

    About what? I can't read your mind. I know you think your posts are coherent, but I have news for you. They ain't!

    (Ignoring your personal attack rant noise ... NOT interesting or worthy of any response.)

    Your full good guy mode is a real hoot

    Your "worthy of response" jive is the best you can pull out of the ol' talking points bag y'all use.

    I KNOW my posts are well received.


    My comments are massively coherent to those who can read and think.

    You on the other hand have massive following among the ignorant and the fearful to whom facts and evidence mean nothing.

    But DO go on.

  17. Funny thing JT, you come on here and want to be perceived as one of the good guys, and compared to the terrorist in Paris of course you are.

    But the irony is, at the same time you are part of the problem.


    Dude, in future please kindly desist from attempts to make this personal about me. There is a topic here. It is not me, so ...

    attachicon.gifRejected stamp.jpg

    Wrong-o. JIngthing

    YOU rejecting posts all on your own is patently ridiculous.

    Poster of the year fuss go to your head ??

    You are so blissfully unaware or so willfully unaware of the facts surrounding these horrific incidents that you ARE part of the problem.

    Isn't the Internet wonderful ;-?

    We can still speak freely (more or less) unless it's about (cough, cough . . . spit)

    • Like 1
  18. More of this is needed

    I also have a thought. People get confused between the difference hating of all Muslims and hating scum who use Islam as an excuse for their murder lust, Instead of labelling these murderers as Islamic radicals or whatever they should be re-labelled as "invading tribes" and take the word Islam or Muslim out of the equation. Deal with invading tribes according to the situation. it doesn't matter who the tribe is or what their excuse is, just deal with it appropriately. Nobody likes invading tribes and by taking any mention of religion out of the frame then there can't be confusion and whitewashing people with broad strokes!,

    Well yeah, of course.

    Yep-er. Let's really nail all those invading tribes.


    Unless they're (like) from . . . . . (cough, cough)

    have you been taking disco biscuits or something? I was going to say what b*llox you talk but you don't actually say anything, do you? (cough cough)

    Give your disco biscuit references a rest there Alwyn

    Everyone . . . . And I mean EVERYONE including your preciously obtuse self knows exactly what country I'm talking about.


    Your background and your references are of such exquisite shallowness and your demeanour so pathetically obtuse I suspect you've never ever been into a truly factual exchange on this subject.

    Livin' the dream ?

  19. Hey Lukecan

    >>>Thailand is an amazing country, unlimited dining options, the cost of living is quite low, you can lead a decent lifestyle for 2-2.5k usd a month, in the west this money is only enough to get you by. I'm 25 years old, its my 5th time in Thailand now, I want to settle in Bangkok some day, its an amazing city. For me the most important thing is being able to afford a decent serviced apartment, I hate cleaning my room, in the west a serviced apartment will cost a fortune, you really need to be rich to live in one.<<<

    Like many expats, I have been commuting between here and the old country for decades.

    Just as it kept me in Mexico, in France, in New York and now in Bangkok . . . . . the prospect of unlimited dining options keeps me in the thrall of Thailand.

  20. Hey Lukecan

    >>>Thailand is an amazing country, unlimited dining options, the cost of living is quite low, you can lead a decent lifestyle for 2-2.5k usd a month, in the west this money is only enough to get you by. I'm 25 years old, its my 5th time in Thailand now, I want to settle in Bangkok some day, its an amazing city. For me the most important thing is being able to afford a decent serviced apartment, I hate cleaning my room, in the west a serviced apartment will cost a fortune, you really need to be rich to live in one.<<<

    Like many expats, I have been commuting between here and the old country for decades.

    Just as it has kept me in Mexico, in France, in New York and now in Bangkok it is the prospect of unlimited dining options that keeps me here.

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