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Posts posted by ManofReason

  1. Confirms What has been rumoured since the protests began,!

    Also a great indication of where the war weapons are coming from and who attacked the police with live ammo and grenades. Also as the Thai navy uses multiload 40 mm grenade launchers that can fire M79 grenades.

    Also The seals commanding Officer should be relieved of his command to undergo an investigation Re; His attempts at starting a international incident by claiming Cambodians were behind the attacks, offering an alibi for the first (3) arrested seals (on undercover drug investigation) As 60 seals from his command are said to be involved and if he did not know anything about it, negligence of his duties!

    They military should order all active duty personnel to cease acting as security for any private personal and look into stopping any payment still be made to those individuals ie: such as retirement benefits.

    Their is no place for these loose cannons in a free society!


    So will evidence be provided to support these accusations, people be arrested, charged and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

    No, I thought not. Just the police accusing the military again. Trying to provoke a response? The man in Dubai must be thinking hard again.

    Like to see the police do their job, protect all members of society and not just those who happen to support the Shins.

    What happened to the 4 reds caught with guns and grenades, the woman caught driving the car from which shots were fired at protesters, the off duty policeman who was caught after shooting at protesters from the back of a motor bike?

    The Shins are no more supporters of a free society than any wannabee dictator or have you forgotten their attacks on free speech already?

    ISOC is run by the military not the police. And thus your whole post is garbage.

    • Like 1
  2. Yingluck is being accorded the due process of law. She has for her part, however, started out abysmally by refusing to meet with the NACC, and by also smearing this constitutionally empowered committee on facebook. The fact of the matter is that these charges are enormously serious, and evidence has been pouring out from every direction in this administration throughout the scandal-ridden, corruption-ridden administration of it. And in the midst of it all, Yingluck has displayed the most cavalier attitude and near-disdain for the process of legal oversight. She still has enough time to show respect for these charges and the constitutional function of this committee. And she can start by telling the UDD to stop calling for the eradication of the checks and balances of the legal system, to stop calling for the elimination of the independent agencies, to stop calling for the neutering of the courts, to stop calling for the country to split down the middle, and to stop physically preventing the farmers from expressing their criticism of the administration. Once she has absorbed that cautionary list, she can start preparing herself for next Wednesday when Article 7 takes effect and strips her administration of its caretaker status in lieu of a parliamentary quorum.

    If only Yingluck had the decency to host a cooking show, it would make it so much easier for the NACC to achieve their goal.

    • Like 2
  3. 'Somsri Sommercon, a local UDD leader, said she is deeply angered by Mr. Jirayut′s support for the People′s Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD), which aims to oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.' Thou shalt not have a view we do not have. Thou shalt not think. Thou shalt not exercise your freedom of speech. Thou shalt not support those we do not. Thou shalt not mention corruption or rice. Thou must remember only we are right. Thou shalt obey. Thou shalt obey. Thou shalt obey. Red Guard Bible [2014 updated]: The New Commandments

    Why the surprise? The UDD is just giving the PDAC a very small taste of its own medicine. What's good for the goose...

  4. coup next week for sure.

    The red shirts won't surrender this time. I just hope the yellow shirts and army remember they brought it all on themselves.

    What red shirts?

    The last time that they tried to take Bangkok and oust the anti government protestors they realized that they had made a very big mistake and went back home with their tails between their legs.

    Now they are reduced to carrying out cowardly hit & run terrorist tactics.

    The red shirts are loosing support at a rate of knots and are now a spent force.

    Are you really so soft in the head that you believe these bullies can take on the army?

    "The Red Shirts are losing support at a rate of knots"

    If this is true,when do you think the Yellows will feel confident enough to show up for an election?

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