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  1. UPDATE ON THIS STORY DRAMATIC ACTUAL VIDEO FOOTAGE OF THE ASSAULT. VID-20240806-WA0000(1).mp4 CCTV footage captured the altercation, clearly showing there was no punching involved, only pushing, which led to the tourist falling and injuring himself.
  2. Yes, it is always advisable to change your password periodically.
  3. Please check your PM. CLOSED
  4. So are we going to leave this posted or what ?
  5. Dear members, ASEANNOW forum will be offline for scheduled system maintenance and software upgrades today Tuesday October 17, 2023, from 6pm onwards. The maintenance will take several hours, and we will be online again sometime during the night (Bangkok time GMT+7) BE THE FIRST TO KNOW WHEN WE'RE BACK ! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER ???? Admin
  6. If you require assistance and wish to contact Support, please email support(at)aseannow.com and ensure you include the following: Your forum username A valid working email address A brief description of the issue/request. A number of people have contacted Support on a variety of issues, they have not included the above and on several occasions we are unable to respond, the most common is the email used has an issue and results in this...... "Your message wasn't delivered to xyzabc because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail." So, please help us to help you by giving us the requested information above, which then provides us with more than one way to contact you if the email fails. Thank you.
  7. Welcome to the Forum. Asean Now forum is an online forum website that provides information and discussions related to living, working, and traveling in Thailand. It covers a wide range of topics such as visa and immigration, Thai culture and lifestyle, business and finance, and news and current events. It is a popular platform for expats and travellers to connect, share experiences, and seek advice from peers and experts. There are a wide range of forums and topics available and new items added daily.Feel free to join in discussion or post your own content for the participation and enjoyment of others. Our Admin and Moderators are on hand to assist you should you have any concerns or problems. We hope you enjoy the forum and have a positive experience.
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  8. The contact us DOES work ! the fact that you sent multiple messages with identical content was the issue. Please dont do that. one is suffiecient and it will be dealt with in rotation. This topic having been asked/answered is now Closed.
  9. You can contact "Support" by email oer by PM. Having checked the log, no email was received from you and your PM has been answered. Sometimes a little patience is requird as questions/enquiries are dealt with in the order they are received. as as soon as is practical.
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