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Everything posted by natway09

  1. The laws on foreign ownership of freehold land can get very complex. Have a look at the Japanese in Queensland on the Gold Coast & many of the vineyards in NZ that have sprung up with foreign ownership. Shania Twain at Cromwell in NZ I think it was had to sell 2 vineyards due to new laws on ownership. The Chinese would just buy up, giving Thailand a one off foreign earnings bonanza but in the long term would takeover. Only got to look at many places in Cambodia. Laos is slightly different as the non elected Govt basically can reclaim any land they want, whenever they want. Strata title % of condos foreign owned has the same problem. Once China owned more than 50% of the area they can basically control the development,, also fraught with danger
  2. I can't openly have a beer sitting 2 metres away from the next customer in my local for fear of catching Covid, but they can pack a train & transport it. Someone must have some pull
  3. These Police on Koh Samui must be very diligent, stupid very rich or need some training in Bangkok The format is arrive at the bar between 8 & 9pm. Slip the envelope for that night into your pocket, then make sure you are busy elsewhere for the rest of the night
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