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    A beach on an island

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  1. Will give that a try, thanks
  2. When going for a haircut at a new place they always, well mostly, want to take a bunch of photos of of their "good" work. I don't mind and smile sweetly at the camera, but it's all a bit odd
  3. Been noticing lately that more and more items on Lazada are suddenly "Out of Stock" Example Example Example Example A quick scan of these pages shows the majority of items are "Out of Stock" What's going on? Is Lazada going out of business?
  4. Thank you all for your input, interesting and useful information. (Well most of it) Just for those who seem to be hell bent on convincing me that there is no life without a mobile phone, well good for you. but I don't have the need for one. I don't have to worry about phone charges and have a landline that comes with the internet that is good enough for me. As for downloading and that streaming stuff on the phone. I get all my MP3, music and audio books from the internet, no problem.
  5. Appreciate your thoughts, but lugging around an extra speaker, even a small one seems to defeat the point of the on Walkman concept. Anyway speakers have come a long way since our day, the quality from those mobile phone speakers is truly amazing.
  6. Thanks for the link. A bit pricey but will follow up on some 🙂
  7. Thank you for your suggestion but, don't have and don't want mobile phone
  8. Perhaps read my post again again "Any thoughts and personal experiences anyone would like to pass on"
  9. A fake what? It's an MP3 player by Xiaomi what's fake about that???? I have a tyre inflator unit from Xiaomi that is very good and does what it says on the box, so it's a name I have some faith in.
  10. I'm looking to buy a Walkman type MP3 player that I can use for music and MP3 Audio books. I'd like inbuilt speaker plus's headphones but don't need Bluetooth. I'm kinda looking at Xiaomi Home IQQ New Model X3 Any thoughts and personal experiences anyone would like to pass on ? Thanks
  11. I use a program called TVMobili Install the program, select which files and disks you want to view on Tv. That just about it. Works a treat on my Samsung. I used to used another similar program Serviio, but for some reason changed. Can't remember why, probably just wanted to try something different. Anyways they both work just fine foe me.
  12. Watch this video:- It's genuine and legal and works.
  13. The Zelensky Story https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/mediapacks/the-zelensky-story "The Zelensky Story tells the “extraordinary story” of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky The series charts Zelensky’s journey from young actor and entertainer to one of the most recognisable leaders on the planet, presiding over a nation at war with Vladimir Putin’s Russia" Amazing story ! Three part series available @ the usual places.
  14. Thanks for prompt reply 🙂
  15. I recently noticed a couple of posts under my name that I did not actually post. The posts are:- https://aseannow.com/topic/1329861-why-is-milk-so-pricey-in-thailand/page/4/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1316003-buy-a-condo-to-airbnb-is-it-really-profitable/page/3/#comment-19093125 I have changed my password, will this stop any more false posts in the future?
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