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Posts posted by mcm991

  1. It would be interesting to hear loonodingle response to this, if we believe the footage and the date stamp is genuine, he could not be on the island, could he ?

    Has this pic been discussed already?

    attachicon.gifUni pic.jpg

    Is this not the one people claimed the furniture was not as it would have been on the date in question? It's not so easy to find this pic online anymore and I would be interested to hear an explanation about that door, if anyone has one...

    Photoshop by a monkey.

    • Like 1
  2. Yes you are wrong, I want justice and if Nomsod did it, let him rot in a prison.

    But so far theres no real evidence and I hate to see a bunch of conspiracy theorists on a forum dig up all kind of material from internet and social media sites. If you believe B2 are innocent, theres plenty of suspects out there. Bring them to the limelight if you have any leads that will help the case.

    As an expat living in Thailand I use Thaivisa to read about daily life and activities and we all have opinions about whats going on in this beautiful kingdom. This murder case is serious , nothing to joke about but this focus just on one person , Nomsod is not helping the case forward.

    My position is clear. I believe the Burmese are innocent for the many reasons I have stated in several posts previously, one of which is that they would have been grassed up by the locals on the following day together with the withheld CCTV from AC bar had they been involved.

    That leads me to one possible conclusion. The withheld CCTV could have implicated other suspects - suspects that have been protected by the RTP, or more seriously, ignored, while a case was made to implicate the two scapegoats chosen to stand trial.

    It doesn't need much consideration to reason that maybe family members of the AC bar could have been implicated, and that was the rationale for the initial RTP General to consider Nomsod and Mon as suspects, stating there was enough evidence to place them at the scene of the crime. When he was replaced on 23rd September, the emphasis shifted to arresting suspects PDQ, possibly with political pressure from above not to pursue one or more of the powerful family members. Eventually, both of them were cleared by the RTP - whether the 'clearance' has any validity, is unknown here.

    I don't know if Nomsod is a brutal killer, but I do think he was at least involved as a witness to what occurred (because he ran away, or did not give himself up from BKK once the RTP labelled him as wanted for questioning). This is the latest situation that has remained static, and will continue unless by some miracle the Burmese are found to be not guilty. Without new revelations form defence witnesses, the case will rest on the defence dismantling the DNA evidence - that could be tough.

    On another point, the person (forget who,) who is seeking justice on behalf of the Burmese along with Andrew Hall welcome TV posters support, and states that several points raised have been useful to the defence.

    I hope the above provides more clarity and rationality than 'conspiracy'.

    Again you assume he was on the island and not in Bangkok the whole time.

    Which is just speculation since there are no witnesses , except a running man video which could be anyone. I am not saying it's impossible but I would be very surprised if he really was on the island that night. Very surprised.

    All this is speculation, the focus on nomsod has been like a witch hunt in the social media.

    The boy has been cleared , his mistake was that he had an overprotective father and he should have done the DNA test earlier, although that would not been accepted as evidence by you guys anyway.

    See what I mean Balo?

    You are fixated on Nomsod........ all your posts rush to his defence.

    I don't know for sure either where he was ... but I do know that the evidence presented is very flimsy and needs substantiating in a meaningful way.

    So many loose ends and serious questions about this crime .........

    your interest seems entirely devoted to Nomsod.

    What is with this passion for the boy?

  3. What on earth are you talking about Balo? My post has nothing at all to do with disrespecting the victims.

    I think you and Nomsod are close.

    Almost all your posts over the last months are directly trying to defend him. Not his family, not the RTP, not the other nasty characters in this sordid affair.

    Just Nomsod.

    If he has info that helps his cause ..... let's get it on here. The exisiting data makes his case of being in BKK at the time of the crime very suspect. If he was not on KT then proper evidence is required. Let's hear it rather than the usual bollcks that he was cleared by the RTP..... which is meaningless to anyone with an IQ over 10.

    If you say this you must be a troll , I dont think a thai boy in his 20s has much in common with a 48 year old white man living in Pattaya .

    But its funny to read anyway when coming from a true conspiracy theorist.

    Apologies if I'm wrong .... you just seem so fixated on the boy. Maybe its a death in venice kind of thing.

    Carry on insisting that he was in Bangkok all the time .......... that seems to get you a lot of mensa awards around here.

    Yes you are wrong, I want justice and if Nomsod did it, let him rot in a prison.

    But so far theres no real evidence and I hate to see a bunch of conspiracy theorists on a forum dig up all kind of material from internet and social media sites. If you believe B2 are innocent, theres plenty of suspects out there. Bring them to the limelight if you have any leads that will help the case.

    As an expat living in Thailand I use Thaivisa to read about daily life and activities and we all have opinions about whats going on in this beautiful kingdom. This murder case is serious , nothing to joke about but this focus just on one person , Nomsod is not helping the case forward.

    Happy New Year Balo and indeed to everyone else here.

    The vast majority here are only looking for justice. For the killers, the victims and and for any innocent bystanders.

    You have chosen to believe the official line and not question all the other 'elephants in the room'.

    I can't do that....... it is not about conspiracy ........ that is too easy a label. Especially if anything not from the mouths of the RTP is considered a conspiracy. Surely, if you live in Thailand...... you know it is often not so simple.

    • Like 2
  4. Great , bring me into your fantasy world , the fascinating world of conspiracies.

    It just shows that you have no respect for the victims in this tragedy , who asked for some peace before the trial . Their life will not get better if they have to read all the nonsense posted online.

    What on earth are you talking about Balo? My post has nothing at all to do with disrespecting the victims.

    I think you and Nomsod are close.

    Almost all your posts over the last months are directly trying to defend him. Not his family, not the RTP, not the other nasty characters in this sordid affair.

    Just Nomsod.

    If he has info that helps his cause ..... let's get it on here. The exisiting data makes his case of being in BKK at the time of the crime very suspect. If he was not on KT then proper evidence is required. Let's hear it rather than the usual bollcks that he was cleared by the RTP..... which is meaningless to anyone with an IQ over 10.

    If you say this you must be a troll , I dont think a thai boy in his 20s has much in common with a 48 year old white man living in Pattaya .

    But its funny to read anyway when coming from a true conspiracy theorist.

    Apologies if I'm wrong .... you just seem so fixated on the boy. Maybe its a death in venice kind of thing.

    Carry on insisting that he was in Bangkok all the time .......... that seems to get you a lot of mensa awards around here.

    • Like 1
  5. mcm991. Your post leaves me a bit cold. You think balo is friends with Nomsod. And you think Nomsod is involved in the crime.

    If so do you think its commendable to cover up for a murderer ?

    Yes ... I do think that Balo is friends with Nomsod.

    No. I do not believe in any cover ups and it sure smells of a cover up from where I stand.

    But I would welcome any other information about the night of the crime, no matter its source. There are so many missing pieces. Any new info can be assessed on its merits.

    (I have no idea about Nomsod's involvement. But there sure are many questions that need answering in a convincing way if we are to believe his innocense)

    Great , bring me into your fantasy world , the fascinating world of conspiracies.

    It just shows that you have no respect for the victims in this tragedy , who asked for some peace before the trial . Their life will not get better if they have to read all the nonsense posted online.

    What on earth are you talking about Balo? My post has nothing at all to do with disrespecting the victims.

    I think you and Nomsod are close.

    Almost all your posts over the last months are directly trying to defend him. Not his family, not the RTP, not the other nasty characters in this sordid affair.

    Just Nomsod.

    If he has info that helps his cause ..... let's get it on here. The exisiting data makes his case of being in BKK at the time of the crime very suspect. If he was not on KT then proper evidence is required. Let's hear it rather than the usual bollcks that he was cleared by the RTP..... which is meaningless to anyone with an IQ over 10.

  6. Given the information that Hannah's and David's parents have the information contained in this older article, it is even more bizarre to read that they announced being satifsfied with the investigation done bt the RTP: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11102860/Two-brothers-questioned-over-backpacker-murders-in-Thailand.html

    Here, again, mention of wounds on David's hands, indicating a struglle and a fight. To imply that the two Burmse dwarfs escaped a fight with a man of David's stature without a single scratch is just insane.

    One who had injuries at about the same time was:


    Sean is a key witness!!!!

    ...while aother person (Nomsod) bought a full week in absence what is ample time to heal minor scratches, bruises and cuts.

    Btw. this is the same trick intoxicated Thai drivers use when killing someone in an accident. Run away first and turn yourself in at the nearest police station one or two days after, when sober.

    The RTP and mafia apologists will find it very hard to explain why the mafia brat was hiding for a full week. It is one of the hundreds of facts they can't make go away.

    You talk like he was on the island, a full week in absence from what ?

    We have no witnesses that can confirm he was on the island. According to your theories that is because they are too afraid to speak .

    But we do have cctv footage of him in UNI and teachers that can confirm he attended the class. No bruises to heal , no cuts to heal , no minor scratches, its all in your imagination.

    Balo, I'll assume from your contant defence of Nomsod that you are a close friend of his.

    Other issues of this case seem unimportant to you.

    Your loyalty in commendable ....... but I wonder if you could ask him for his take on this all ... and post it for us all to see.

    So many inconsistancies and doubts ........ all point fingers directly at him and his family.

    I for one would like to hear his explanation other than what has been previously said. So many loose ends that need clarification.

  7. Interesting to see the gang of 4 have been reduced to the lone voice of the self proclaimed crusader.

    One can assume that now the court is spreading the trial for a very long time that these threads will become less populated as people lose interest.

    But, like draftvader, I believe a poker hand is being played and the RTP are amateurs against their opponents.

    Much has been said about the non-role of the British police but I can assure you:

    Having worked in a professional capacity with police from the North of England, the midlands and the south east a characteristic that is common becomes very obvious, the are all fiercely proud of what they do, how they do it, their training and their abilities.

    At the moment I believe they are smarting in a serious way from the criticism they are enduring because their political masters ordered them to look like go-fors on a fools errand. Even the top brass will be taking this very personally.

    They will not allow this negative perception of them to go unchallenged, thats a certainty.

    I too look forward to 2015 and the revelations to come, even if they are in 15 second bursts. A 15 second burst of information from the UK is worth more than 3 months of B S from the RTP and their cronies.

    Yes it is really nice to see that some of the gang of 4 may have had to take a holiday , as you say there is still one nutcase trying to derail the threads what they have been doing is so obvious and with a very clear objective to hide truths unfair for all families of the victims and the accused .

    I think thai visa should have very strong penalties for these people or atlas send them a message and tell them to slow down or else , as we all know it is ok to debate but trying to flood and debate every post seems wrong.

    Well, go ahead and contact the administration and share your ideas of imposing penalties on posters because you don't like what they say.

    I think a person going around taking pieces of statement out of context and belittling the small fragment about is annoying and really unnecessary. And really not contributing to the discussion.

    At the end, you will always go back to your corner and declare "wait for the trial" when you can't answer a question. If you are here trying to teach people how to write logic statements, either provide example and not talk down at people. Seems like you are here to push people's buttons more than help them logic.


    Two studies published in 2013 and 2014 have found that people who are identified as trolls tend to have dark personality traits and show signs of sadism, antisocial behavior, psychopathy, and machiavellianism.[36][37] The 2013 study suggested that there are a number of similarities between anti-social and flame trolling activities[36] and the 2014 study suggested that the noxious personality characteristics known as the "dark triad of personality" should be investigated in the analysis of trolling, and concluded that trolling appears "to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism."[37] Their relevance is suggested by research linking these traits to bullying in both adolescents and adults. The 2014 study found that trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting hot-button issues to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortunate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, merciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, "Do not feed the trolls!" The 2013 study found that trolls often have a high expectation of what it means to be successful, which is higher than they are able to attain, and this results in them resenting others who think they are successful but who fall below their standards.

  8. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Police-free-bar-owners-and-look-for-ex-village-hea-30243997.html

    One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

    That is, of course, distinctly different from the claim that the father of Nomsod said his son left in the morning of the murders.

    One would expect that a credible source for such devastatingly incriminating statement would be at the fingertips of those pushing the Nomsod theory, but so far, nothing.

    You are correct and I knew you would be along shortly to point out the distinction.

    Still ... I find it an odd response to the question.

    If it were me in that situation.......

    I would reply something like ........ 'My son had nothing to do with this. He is in Bangkok..... ' (assuming he actually was in Bangkok)

    but..... I understand you have a position to maintain.

    I actually find the statement, if accurate, remarkably dispassionate.

    Think about it, he didn't know were his son was and instead of the knee-jerk parental reaction of defending his son regardless of what he knew or didn't he went for the cold hard facts, he didn't know where he was or if he was responsible, that's what I call intellectual honesty.

    Perhaps you are not a parent.

    His answer does seem to indicate that he did not know where his son was at the time ...... (I'd know if my kid was in Bangkok or not)

    but also that he would not be too surprised if his son was involved.

  9. Indeed, the question was not phrased correctly, it's the kind of thing that happens when writing something at work and I'm interrupted in the middle.

    Let's try again and see if someone can spare some time out of the echo chamber to answer: cite for Nomsod's father saying that his son left on the morning of the murders?


    One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

    That is, of course, distinctly different from the claim that the father of Nomsod said his son left in the morning of the murders.

    One would expect that a credible source for such devastatingly incriminating statement would be at the fingertips of those pushing the Nomsod theory, but so far, nothing.

    You are correct and I knew you would be along shortly to point out the distinction.

    Still ... I find it an odd response to the question.

    If it were me in that situation.......

    I would reply something like ........ 'My son had nothing to do with this. He is in Bangkok..... ' (assuming he actually was in Bangkok)

    but..... I understand you have a position to maintain.

  10. But the boy was not on the island, he was in Bangkok so whats your point ?

    I have already explained that 1 week ago . He left the island before it happened , it could mean he left 2 weeks before or days before. You can not believe every word written in the Thai press. I wish you could leave this kid alone now, he has a life and thanks to social media bullshit it almost destroyed him. Do you know his feelings into all this ? If the B2 are scapegoats then what about him ?

    You've made it clear you believe the alibi. Yet, you apparently didn't convince anyone. I would be the first to 'leave the kid alone' if there weren't a slew of factoids (some of which could be termed 'evidence') which incriminate him. There are also intriguing things which incriminate Mon, Mon's cop friend, and the so-called 'Stingray Man.' Those issues don't go away simply because the 2nd head man decided 'all of a sudden' () the perpetrators had to be Burmese. The RTP can claim the Headman's people are not suspects (have they actually articulated that? source?), but the RTP's credibility is lower than Pinnocio's.

    Indeed, the question was not phrased correctly, it's the kind of thing that happens when writing something at work and I'm interrupted in the middle.

    Let's try again and see if someone can spare some time out of the echo chamber to answer: cite for Nomsod's father saying that his son left on the morning of the murders?


    One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

  11. And I bet you believe the single still image from a CCTV showing a particular person in his Uni is 100% kosher and unedited too?

    Since I actually saw a video your point is moot.

    The running man picture was also taken from a CCTV camera, the video can be seen clearly. Just type koh tao running man into youtube, google, bing or whatever. And Nomsod does that unmistakeable left hand tic. I hope you'll watch it but bet you won't

    AleG has likely seen that footage. Yet for the 4 people on these threads who vehemently don't want to acknowledge any links from the crime to the Headman's people (including Nomsod), they won't see him in that clip, even though nearly everyone else following this case closely, sees him there. If I take a person outside and point out a bird sitting in a tree - That person won't see the bird if his eyes are closed tight, or if that person is fixated on refusing to acknowledge any bird could ever be sitting in that particular tree.

    People.... stop trying to convice the Gang of 4 about anything.

    They are not here to be convinced or to debate or to discuss.

    Their JOB is to deny deny deny. That is what they are here for. They have no other purpose here.

    IMO. the best strategy is to ignore them completely and they will run out of oxygen fairly quickly. Not necessay to put them on the ignore list if you don't want to..... just pretend they are not here making a noise.

    OTOH, if you like bashing your head against the wall. ... feel free to feed them.

    Just remember ........ THEIR JOB is to present the official mantra. You need to understand this point!

  12. I'll be pedantic for a sec .........

    Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation. - said Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee

    so... they were cleared.


    Same 3? Or are you speculating?

    I'm too busy today to go trawling through articles but I'm sure the RTP said initially that they detained 3 nocturnal, guitar playing migrant workers.

    I'm assuming it must have been these B2 +1 .... but yes, I am speculating - but I think the odds of them being one and the same are pretty good.

    As I pointed to someone else, you are conflating things, as it clearly says in the quoted text "Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation." That is not the same as "they detained 3 nocturnal, guitar playing migrant workers."

    Yes... I did say I was not sure.

    But still - if it looks like a duck ..........


    A guitarist and two singers described as suspects were later traced by officers, interviewed and allowed to go.

    • Like 2
  13. This DNA stuff just not seem like such an open and shut case to me. Maybe that's why it was knocked back so many times.


    Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee said on Wednesday that the DNA of 12 people had been tested, including nine samples from Burmese migrant workers and one from Ware.

    From that same article:

    Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation.

    This could be tricky if they are referring to the B2 + 1 here.

    Thanks, Panya was promoted a week after your claim.

    Yes he was. That does not mean that he did not say it though.

    Edit to add: When police cleared Nomsod in one sentence ....... as far as you were concerned it was the end of the story ..... never to be revisited. He was in Bangkok - cleared, innocent, period, end of any suspicion. You must have said it to me a dozen times not to mention other posters. Nomsod was clear. Police had cleared him ... he could not have been on the island.

    But when the B2 were cleared ......... not really so clear after all.

    Alas, "the B2" were not cleared.

    I'll be pedantic for a sec .........

    Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation. - said Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee

    so... they were cleared.


    Same 3? Or are you speculating?

    I'm too busy today to go trawling through articles but I'm sure the RTP said initially that they detained 3 nocturnal, guitar playing migrant workers.

    I'm assuming it must have been these B2 +1 .... but yes, I am speculating - but I think the odds of them being one and the same are pretty good.

  14. This DNA stuff just not seem like such an open and shut case to me. Maybe that's why it was knocked back so many times.


    Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee said on Wednesday that the DNA of 12 people had been tested, including nine samples from Burmese migrant workers and one from Ware.

    From that same article:

    Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation.

    This could be tricky if they are referring to the B2 + 1 here.

    Thanks, Panya was promoted a week after your claim.

    Yes he was. That does not mean that he did not say it though.

    Edit to add: When police cleared Nomsod in one sentence ....... as far as you were concerned it was the end of the story ..... never to be revisited. He was in Bangkok - cleared, innocent, period, end of any suspicion. You must have said it to me a dozen times not to mention other posters. Nomsod was clear. Police had cleared him ... he could not have been on the island.

    But when the B2 were cleared ......... not really so clear after all.

    Alas, "the B2" were not cleared.

    I'll be pedantic for a sec .........

    Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation. - said Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee

    so... they were cleared.


  15. This DNA stuff just not seem like such an open and shut case to me. Maybe that's why it was knocked back so many times.


    Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee said on Wednesday that the DNA of 12 people had been tested, including nine samples from Burmese migrant workers and one from Ware.

    The tests found none of the DNA matched that collected from semen found in the female victim’s body, he said.

    However, the tests found that DNA from a cigarette near the scene matched the semen.

    So... what is this DNA match that makes you so confident of their guilt @JD? I don't see it.

    Edit to add: is that why the cigarrete is so important?

    The link you supplied is from Sep 18th when everything was still pointing to Mon & Nomsod as stated by the RTP, there was no DNA match at that time, however after the RTP replaced the head investigator on Sep 23rd, EUREKA, we have a match!

    Are you referring to Panya?

    No to EUREKA the magicman

    From that same article:

    Police had initially detained and questioned three male migrant workers from Burma, but DNA tests and other evidence have ruled them out of the investigation.

    This could be tricky if they are referring to the B2 + 1 here.

  16. This DNA stuff just not seem like such an open and shut case to me. Maybe that's why it was knocked back so many times.


    Royal Thai Police adviser Jarumporn Suramanee said on Wednesday that the DNA of 12 people had been tested, including nine samples from Burmese migrant workers and one from Ware.

    The tests found none of the DNA matched that collected from semen found in the female victim’s body, he said.

    However, the tests found that DNA from a cigarette near the scene matched the semen.

    So... what is this DNA match that makes you so confident of their guilt @JD? I don't see it.

    Edit to add: is that why the cigarrete is so important?

  17. You will need to wait until an appeal is filed.

    Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........ not even the defense. (even though they are entitled to see it all by law ...... ) until they tell it to the judge.

    IMO, the possibility of the B2 being found not guily at this stage is almost zero. Everything is stacked against them....... to the point of being ludicrous.

    Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........

    Didn't the Thai Authorities say that the families have perused the evidence and are happy with it.

    Does anybody really believe in Thai courts evidence is presented without the defense knowing about it and after the prosecutor presents all their evidence then the judge allows the defendence in court and asks them refute all the prosecutors evidence without knowing what it is crazy.gif This is simply not true, they get to see one item of evidence if they are able to answer a riddle. They then have the option to either accept that one piece and stop there or they can pick one of 3 doors in which 1 has another piece of evidence, another has nothing and takes back the first piece of evidence and the remaining door is an automatic conviction and straight to a death sentence. This process can go on until all evidence is viewed by the defense. So. lets stop spreading the idiotic notion the defense will not see and being able to challenge the evidence against their client.

    Excellent. This is a vast improvement over the previous system.

  18. The defense would be negligent to allow examples such as these pass without challenge. I would hope for them to request a full chain of evidence leading to a printout as such. They need to get the smartest expert this side of Saturn to deal with DNA issues. My gut tells me DNA will be the one that the prosecution is hanging their hat on.

    • Like 1
  19. In any case whether the analysis was done here or there is of little consequence, "planting" such evidence is an extraordinary claim, and those, in my book, require extraordinary evidence to prove.

    Why is an extraordinary claim? Because sperm cells are not any cell, the supposed conspirators couldn't just pick a hair from the defendants comb and swap the DNA from the initial samples with it. Sperm cells are haploid, they only have one set of chromosomes and are easily differentiated from other cells with the complete paired set. The swap would had to be using sperm cells, to date the defense or the defendants (as far as I know) haven't been asked to produce a semen sample, so the "oh, they can just swap the samples" scenario is done and done right there.

    On top of that the body of the victim was sent to the UK before the defendants were arrested, so it would had been impossible to plant such evidence on the body, plainly impossible. So the conspiracy would had to hinge on the Thai crossing their fingers that the UK wouldn't perform a postmortem and collect samples that could later be used to demolish the case by the defense.

    The only way it would work would be to have everyone into it, local authorities,the UK authorities and the labs doing the testing. As I said, it's an extraordinary claim, were is the extraordinary evidence of this wide ranging conspiracy?

    All mentioned above is moot. Fudging the DNA trail wouldn't require planting DNA, semen or anything else. The easiest way to alter the DNA evidence is for one person to get the cards which show the DNA sequence found on/in the female victim. I've mentioned earlier how the B2's DNA cards could be copied and labeled as 'DNA found on Hannah.' Who would have access to the original DNA cards? Probably only 1 or 2 officials. I admit, this would not work if DNA results were sent out to 'many many people' as JTJ claims. But we don't know whether that's true, and frankly, it's doubtful, when Thai officials won't even send Nomsod's DNA profile to the Brit experts.

    addendum: Even if it were true that Thai officials sent DNA typing out to "many many people" as JTJ asserts, then perhaps it was sent out after the re-labeling/alterations to the DNA profiles found on Hannah.

    Again, pure speculation, you assume the DNA samples and analysis have been reduced to a card with a few numbers on it and therefore it would be easy to tamper with it.

    If the DNA is a match there are 2 possibilities.

    It matches because the B2 were more 'involved' than many believe here.


    the DNA evidence has been manipulated in some way to show a match when in fact it should not.

    Either way.... the defence are going to have to hit this one really hard. I assume that expert witnesses are allowed...... but for sure the DNA evidence needs to be pulled apart in a very meaningful way. I'm hopeful that if it has been bodged ....... a real expert could spot it. Hopefully, the defence is up to the task.

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