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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Did i read some where recently that they have stopped making plasma tv`s ?

    and is that the reason that most outlets are selling them off cheap to get rid of

    old stock?.....i dunno

    Panasonic stopped making them this month. AFAIK Samsung and LG are still making them.

    For me it's easy - unless it's to be used in a bright room, get a plasma. Nothing else matters.

    Not sure about this headache stuff - I'm very sensitive to that sort of thing, but no problem with my plasma. Can imagine a plasma in the US at 60hz might be an issue though. Or perhaps a plasma in the rest of the world displaying 24p content at 48 or something along those lines. (edit: or perhaps sitting very close to a massive screen might do it).

    Panasonic lost the quality prize for plasma about 8 years back.

    Doesn't matter if they make them or not, nobody was buying.

    Samsung make the best plasmas.

    LG make the worst but they are cheap.

  2. AFAIK there will not be any more development of plasma so the current 720 is the best resolution (which is fine for most material today but with 1080 and above becoming more common will eventually be overtaken). The advantage, contrast, may be a double edged sward as the poster noted getting headaches easier watching plasma.

    As for the above change of antenna lead (who uses an antenna lead these days?) yes it can make a difference but normally just change of the connector or adjustment of it does the trick. As for "mains" also at a loss to explain that but suspect he is talking A/V, HDMI cables and such. In which case I do not agree that people have to spend 1,000's of baht for name brand magic cables.

    What do you mean 720 is the best resolution ?

    All my plasma's are 1080p , and Panasonic has a 8K (7,680 x 4320 pixels) resolution.

    HDMI cables are digital, they either work or they don't.

    You buy the cheapest one you can that works, spending any more would be pointless.

  3. Been getting 70Km/litre from E20 in my Wave 110i.

    That's actually higher than the brochure claims.

    (185Km on 90bht of E20 @36.4bht/l, driving at 50Km/hr = 74Km/l)

    As Shurup quite rightly pointed out this post is about crashing their bikes on the first day. Please start a fuel economy post. Only time I've ever driven 50kph is on the sidewalk. If you only fill up like the Thais, 50 Baht at a time, you will get even more economy. Less weight.

    It's my thread, and I'll digress if I want to!

    • Like 2
  4. Stop eating.............Simple................I eat once a day now and reduced my girth. It is the only way, reduce Calorie input. YOU, have to do Toooooooooooo much work to burn off the weight.

    Not sure that is going to work, eat once a day, do that your not going to have any energy to do any exercise and will probably faint, even with my bare minimum knowledge id say 3 small meals would be better than eating once a day

    I do weights. Nooooooooooo problem. Age makes a difference for sure, but older guys do not need the influx of stuff.

    I have done it for years, the pop bellies tell me NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I say, I have NOOOOOOOOOO pop belly, I will do my thing and feel better than I ever have in the last 20 years. Up to you, as they say.........smile.png

    I get up, have a cup of tea, then exercise for 2 hours every morning.

    No lack of energy. Then I can eat what I like the rest of the day.

    Works for me!

    • Like 2
  5. sorry but i wear a nice shirt, decent shorts and also flip flops. if the <deleted> in some airports did not demand you remove your shoes i would wear shoes

    Sorry but no excuse for Flip-flops and anyway, the business about shoe removal is for YOUR OWN SAFETY. If they stop just ONE SHOE BOMBER from boarding a flight, I hope it is MY Flight and I don't mind what they do to ensure my safety. If you must wear Flip-Flops, simply stay at home or go to the beach..... Hope you at least take the trouble to clean out the muck from under your toe nails.

    Was there ever really a shoe-bomber?

    I thought the guy they caught, playing with a lighter and his shoes was a harmless nutjob.

    (And if groundside had done their job properly he wouldn't have had the lighter)

    (Airport security wouldn't let him on the first plane, cos he was obviously a nutter, French police told them to let him fly)


    If people are worried about shoe-bombers (or other naughty stuff hidden by clothing), flip-flops, shorts and singlets would be mandatory on flights.

    Not to mention, no bras, cos you could hide a lot of explosives in the padding.

    Lets see anyone try to hide contraband when everyone is only allowed to wear g-strings and budgie smugglers.

    • Like 1
  6. sorry but i wear a nice shirt, decent shorts and also flip flops. if the <deleted> in some airports did not demand you remove your shoes i would wear shoes

    Don't be hard on the airline staff, they're only trying to do their job. We wouldn't have to take our shoes off for checking if fcukwits weren't trying to blow planes up now would we?

    I don't believe any passengers have ever blown up an aircraft they were travelling on.

    Most of the checks need to be done, groundside, and not on the passengers boarding the flight.

    As far as I can see all the harassment of passengers is about power and control, nothing to do with passenger safety.

    You don't want to fly with the riff-raff, buy yourself a business class ticket.

    Maybe a little closer inspection of flight crew, they seem to be the ones usually involved with hijacking and smuggling.

    • Like 1
  7. Been getting 70Km/litre from E20 in my Wave 110i.

    That's actually higher than the brochure claims.

    (185Km on 90bht of E20 @36.4bht/l, driving at 50Km/hr = 74Km/l)

    how are you tracking it ?

    Milage between fills, using fill price at end.

    So when first purchased I filled to the top, drove 185Km then filled to the top for 90bht.

    I am assuming the mile-o-meter is reasonably accurate.

    Amazing as I was expecting 50Km/l.

  8. LED have better picture with higher quality then plasma

    Not actually true.

    Plasma is generally considered the more mature technology, with a far wider colour and contrast range than LED.

    Plasma does run hotter and use more electricity, but not by significant amounts these days.

    Best not to compare a 5 year old Plasma with a new LED, things have changed in the last 5 years.

    • Like 1
  9. My friend has a Honda Click 125i, same year, same problem.

    Idle-stop, stops at lights, then it doesn't start.

    Wheel it to the side, put on centre stand, kick start and it's off.

    Only sometimes, when the problem happens all the electric goes off, no display, no lights.

    Does seem to be a battery problem, he says he charged the battery and problem went away for two weeks.

  10. I am totally amazed that the posters on here can be so supportive and complimentary on this idiot's activities! This is exactly the situation of Thai mo'cycle riders that we continuously complain of! Never ridden a bike before? No tax, insurance, road tax? Did he know which side of the road to ride on? Doubt it! Sorry, but no sympathy from here - and certainly no encouragement to "go out and be more careful!"

    All the legal stuff is provided when you buy a new bike in Thailand.

    You only get a hand written receipt at the time, but the other stuff all arrives in the next 6 months.

    I drive on the same side of the road as everyone else (except for the Chinese tourists that don't seem bothered).

    "All the legal stuff"? Like a driving licence? Doubt it! Do you possess your own country's driving licence?

    Strangely enough, I do have a British DL that shows I am entitled to drive a m/c.

    I did drive a 3-wheeler when I was young, but never took a m/c test.

    Asked the guys at the Honda shop about a Thai m/c license, but none of them had one, and they seemed to think driving without one was OK.

  11. Agree with you guys criticizing the OP for his lack of responsibility. However well all know that passing a Thai driving test isn't going to teach you to drive a car or ride a bike properly. Thais seem to ride bikes as soon as they can walk. Which I highly disapprove of. Hopefully the OP will get proper instruction either hands on or through the internet (Tons of You Tube vids) and become an accomplished rider. Instead of another drunk falung on a scooter. I am concerned however that he didn't seem shaken at all by his accident.

    I never drink alcoholic drinks, so I won't have to worry about that.

  12. I am totally amazed that the posters on here can be so supportive and complimentary on this idiot's activities! This is exactly the situation of Thai mo'cycle riders that we continuously complain of! Never ridden a bike before? No tax, insurance, road tax? Did he know which side of the road to ride on? Doubt it! Sorry, but no sympathy from here - and certainly no encouragement to "go out and be more careful!"

    All the legal stuff is provided when you buy a new bike in Thailand.

    You only get a hand written receipt at the time, but the other stuff all arrives in the next 6 months.

    I drive on the same side of the road as everyone else (except for the Chinese tourists that don't seem bothered).

  13. I've been reading this thread to try and find places that would be helpful for finding foreign friends.

    Every post seems to be about women,

    does no poster care about making friends?

    are all the posters obsessed with women?

    I'm assuming most people posting are males 50+ in age.

    Have you ever thought that looking for women and obsessing about women would be a pastime suitable for much younger men.

    Friends, hobbies, retirement activities and our grandchildren are suitable subjects for men our ages.

    Not chasing floozies,

    Please, gentlemen, act your ages.

    Enough with the obsessing about women.

  14. Lesson learned. Always have 1st class insurance for your vehicles in Thailand.

    For the Forza I would guess that the first year would be about 6-7k with a theft payout of about 80k.

    I just bought my first bike in Thailand.

    Honda offer theft insurance on all new bikes, for 1, 2 or 3 years.

    Paid at time of purchase.

    Cost me 2k for a total of 2 years total loss insurance.

    I bought it because driving about without a number plate, tax or anything, seemed an invitation to steal.

    Forza should cost about 5k extra for 2 years worth of theft.

    Surprised you weren't offered it when you bought the bike, the sales girls are very keen to sell the insurance.

    You just need a police report to make a claim.

  15. Hi all,

    Have also just moved to CM, just in time for the smog, nice!

    I've been reading this thread as I would also like to meet some people to hang out and do stuff with.

    Trouble is, very few helpful answers so far.

    FiftyTwo did mention a hiking group which appeals to me, so I'll go along with that one Sunday.

    But CM has a nice river, does anyone go Kayaking, rowing or any other water sports on the river?

    What about a coffee shop where new foreign residents can meet to chat?

    I'm also a guy in my mid 50s, fairly fit, rowing, sailing, hiking, cycling.

    No interest in sex or drinking, please don't suggest bars and the like.

    Went to the expats club meeting at the weekend, forget it, I'm not yet ready to die, nothing there for me, my idea of hell (sorry).

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