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Grin Grasser

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  1. Wow. Sounds too technical for me. I have never tried a Virtual Machine. Also, no linux. As I ponder how tracfone.com blocks a vpn that is using a vpn server in USA, it occurs to me that tracfone may have identified all ip addresses in USA for all known vpn's. Once tracfone knows those ip addresses of vpn's, it can block all vpn's. So, a vpn has to come up with a way around such ip identification and other vpn detections. That would be the so-called vpn offering obfuscation. But, then tracfone may have learned how to detect obfuscation and again block the vpn. In other words, it would be a constant back-and-forth on gaining access to tracfone. My basic problem is to provide a USA phone number for verification of access to a web site or online account, when the company states: no international phone number, no voip phone number, no landline number (because a text is sent for verification). Tracfone was a low-cost possibility to meet the above limitations, because it has an unpublicized capability. But it is a prepaid service and I cannot get into my tracfone online account to buy more service time.
  2. Did you access www.tracfone.com using Proton VPN?
  3. Interesting suggestion. I will try it when I acquire a new laptop.
  4. Interesting suggestion. I will try it when I acquire a new laptop.
  5. Thanks for your observation. Did you try your vpn service PIA to access www.tracfone.com?
  6. Thanks for your reply. Which WiTopia service do you have? vpn-only, cloakbox, cloakbox pro, or other?
  7. Obfuscation is for web sites that blocks outside-country access and can identify that you are using a vpn to mimic an in-country point. Why? I am in Thailand and cannot access www.tracfone.com. It blocks access from outside USA. I tried my vpn service and it shows a page that said, error. I asked the vpn for help. The vpn made various suggestions and none worked. Finally, it tried to access the same web site and was blocked. A search for vpn and obfuscation resulted in recommendation for six vpn services. One of the six was my vpn service. I emailed or messaged (via the service's web site) and asked each vpn if it could access www.tracfone.com. My reason was to access the web site and my online tracfone account to extend service for my USA telephone service when I visit. Of the supposed vpn services with obfuscated servers in USA, nearly all replied, they tried but could not access www.tracfone.com. Or, said, sign up for our service and if you have a problem we will help you because our vpn service hides outside-country user. I interpreted the second reply to indicate that the vpn's customer service was not helpful and/or did not understand my question. Question: Any vpn service that can accessed www.tracfone.com from outside USA? Thanks in advance.
  8. I can search the internet and get a list of Thailand holidays. But, there are sudden holidays and holidays when bars/clubs can open. Is there any web site that maintains a list of nights when bars/clubs must close? For example, Monday night, October 10, 2022, I went to LK Metro and every place was dark. No lights, no music, no people, no motorcycles, no cars, etc. I like to be forewarned. Thanks in advance. Grin-G
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