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Posts posted by scoutman360

  1. I agree with your logic, but I also think it is good in a small way, because it means people are thinking and considerate about germs. I am SURE there is some benefit, even if not 100%. Regardless, I would rather have a culture that is trying to protect others from infection than a culture that prefers personal comfort and spreads it around. I have met many here that always want to cuddle up to me when they are the most sick. Sorry, not today.

  2. 4 hours ago, siam2007 said:



    If there would be only honest taxi-drivers in BKK (or elsewhere in Asia), UBER wouldn't even operate here.

    Thai people love Uber and GRAB too, it is not only the foreigners.


    As for DMK airport: As has been mentioned, the lines can be very long, but if you don't have a lot of luggage, it is easy to walk out to Vibhavadi road, where usually several taxis are waiting ( and you don't have to ay the 50 Baht airport fee). Just make sure not to use someone who is barking "where you go" towards you, as those usually are out to rip you off. Choose one of the taxis, open the door, tell your destination (and do NOT ask "how much"!!!) and if the driver nods, get in. He then should switch on the meter without asking, if he doesn't or starts discussions, just get out and use the next one waiting there. Don't put your luggage in the trunk, as this could prove unfortunate in the rare cases something goes wrong with the driver

    Spoken like a true Bangkokian.

  3. I understand his reasoning because only the landlords make money. The tenants will try and lose everything they own. Just look at the saturated shopping mall market in Bangkok and the turnover. Sad, really.

  4. On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 4:17 AM, canerandagio said:

    I know many a girls who went to Korea with no intention of giving any service other than massage and I pray that they were able to stick to their intention,. Call me gullible if you wish, but I have a few decades experience on the matter and I think I know what I am talking about: I am talking about honest, respectable girls with a naivety and family circumstances dire beyond the understanding of the average farang.

    Those who write here saying that 99% of the girls working in massage parlours are engaged in sexual activities, and those who write that girls who go to Korea know exactly what they are going into should reconsider their views, as many girls go without having a clue where they are going or what they are getting into, they just follow friends after they have tried all the options they could find at home to make a living.

    Many thai girls in Korea work 24/7, that means, they are available anytime a customer walks in, day or night. Often they are prohibited from leaving the shop because of fear of police spotting them in the streets, so they are confined inside the shop virtually all the time. They have the choice of paying the air ticket by themselves (which they often don't know how to do) and take the risk of losing the money if they are rejected at immigration and sent back to BKK, or they can let their future boss buy the ticket, paying it double the amount through their work, which means the first month or two of their work is unpaid (they work for free).

    Some of the views expressed here seem to lack respect for many girls who did not have the opportunity to get a proper education to life from their families not to mention from a formal education or professional training and I do not for a moment believe they enjoy going to live in a shop in a foreign country far away from their families at the mercy of a boss who can easily decide not to pay them if they don't behave as he sees fit. They do not go for one or two months... they go for one or two years, or more, unless they are caught, imprisoned and - if the boss pays the fine - repatriated to their life as it was before...

    Sounds harsh, but sometimes it's useful to look at things as they really are...


    I know 2 girls, close friends. That can confirm your story. One went to S. Korea for a massage job, and she was stuck there and is still stuck there after 1 year. Another got a job in a Thai restaurant, and couldn't come home until her debt was paid to the owner. The restaurant was a scam for prostitution.

  5. I have researched the forum and I understand this topic has been covered everywhere. Just want to get an update before I make an appointment. I understand Chulaborn Hospital is hands-down the cheapest, but do I need a translator to book an appointment? Is there good value with any other hospital in the Bangkok area? Any promotions? Thanks in advance.

  6. It is just me, or are Christmas candy canes just no where to be found in Bangkok? Every year I look, and every year, nothing but truckloads of cheap Santa hats. But no candy canes or Christmas stockings, for that matter.



  7. On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 2:26 PM, Blue bruce said:

    the tubes for the cables are already there along with other assorted tubes and sewer lines. All it took was taking them down and putting then under ground, now gigging required

    I remember them putting those black with orange stripe cables underground a few years ago. They laid them a few inches under the sidewalk tile. Most have broken the surface, been crushed, and filled with debris and water by now. They surfaced around the telephone poles. I haven't seen them used, even now.

  8. I understand that Thai law applies to foreigners when it comes to retirement benefits  (social security) regarding foreigners working in Thailand. I also understand that it takes 15 years of employment to be eligible. I am 3 years away from meeting that requirement, but I just noticed that during my first 2 years of employment here, my tax returns were being filed under a different tax I.D. number, and my hospital card had a different number, because I was paid as an expat at that time. I was later "localized" from a different employer.


    So, my question is, am I really eligible to collect retirement benefits in 3 more years? I have 2 years of employment under a different tax I.D. number. What problems will I face when that time comes?


    Please refrain from the jokes and brainless replies such as "call the office". I will do that if no one here has a factual answer. Thanks.


  9. Her being with you for money is not always a bad thing. A large difference in age is not always a bad thing. Go back in time and you will see it was normal until recently when the feminists started a war against it, and men gave into it. Every relationship has a reason they are together, or they wouldn't be together. Love can be part of it no matter the age difference.


    She wants something from you, you want something from her. What is the problem? If it works, it works. I know a few young Thai women married to older farang and they are very much in love and happy. Good for them!

  10. I switched to induction and love it. You can heat things very fast, while electric takes forever waiting for the heating plate to get hot. The only thing I don't like is the induction seems to be regulated "on" or "off". So, if the setting is on low then you see the sauce boil, then stop, boil, then stop, as the switch turns on and off.

  11. Kairi, ignore Scuba. Totally irrelevant. I grew up in an abusive family and eventually planned my escape. I was 15 yrs old with no where to go and no money. I survived on my own (with help of compassionate strangers) and you can too! I even finished school and university. Find a friend, relative, temple, church, anyone to help you. There are many people who will. You just need to ask. Be strong and don't let the abusive people talk you out of it. Plan quietly, and when the time is right, go secretly. Make sure they don't know where to find you. Again. Be strong.  You need courage and confidence that things will only get better. Good luck.



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