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art vandelay

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Posts posted by art vandelay

  1. content simple introduction tasks for elementary level students.

    the boss will want to see you have the attention of the students, confidence in the classroom, good classroom management, active and involved students and most importantly students speaking english.

    make sure you dont talk too much. 30% teacher talking/70% student talking should be achievable with introduction type tasks.

    obviously have a lesson plan; tasks, timings, lesson objectives etc. and to really impress the boss i'd give him a copy of my plan at the start of the lesson.

    make sure you have a good mixture of activities; speaking, listening, writing, reading etc.

    good luck!

  2. you often read about thai's threatening to sue, what they dont seem to get is that you cant sue if something is true. you cant sue someone just because you dont like your dirty laundry being aired in public.

    i remember the thai lady in the UK whose sponsor said he didnt want to support her visa renewal. she said she was going to sue UK immigration for 100 million baht because they refused to renew. wonder how that went for her...

  3. fairly typical knee jerk over reaction rather than contemplation and communication to find a compromise solution.

    maybe you shouldn't be trying to manage the situation at all. just sit back and let your step daughter make the arrangements and be prepared to calmly accept whatever course of action she comes up with.

    including being prepared to go or not go at the last minute because nothing has been arranged in advance...

  4. assuming you have you a CELTA or equivalent then the practical classroom management sessions will serve you well but 50 is a big class.

    assert yourself from the start; you can always become less strict but if you start off being too easy on them you will never gain control

    work with the students to come up with a classroom contract outlining do's and don'ts that they all sign and put up on the wall

    arrange the class as you want it to make management easier e.g. separate trouble makers

    be well prepared with a variety of activities; listening, speaking, writing in each lesson

    be clear and consistent on boundaries

    dont come to work with a hangover.

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  5. Is this very similar to Bess in the UK dropping in to see West Minster Abbey, so what!coffee1.gif

    David Cameron is the British Prime Minister, not Elizabeth II, erm... she's the queen. apart from that the analogy is valid, though Cameron's visit to Westminster Abbey at say Easter or Christmas would probably be covered in the UK media

  6. if you were seen vandalising the foliage at a hotel in your own country would you expect to be held to account?

    if you saw someone, a thai possibly, vandalising foliage at a hotel you were staying at in your home country would you expect the management to take action?

    restitution should of course be 'appropriate' to the damage done and a suitable apology given.

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