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art vandelay

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Posts posted by art vandelay

  1. As always, revellers are requested to follow Songkran traditions, which include splashing only clean water - no ice or other ingredients - over each other, not getting violent with their water guns and avoiding close-fitting clothes in light colours and spaghetti-strap tops.

    how about respect for other people?

    • Like 2
  2. "The massive Songkran festival travel will unavoidably bring highway accidents resulting in the high fatalities each year."

    Surely traffic accidents can be avoided. Drive with a bit more care & attention...

    requiring drivers to take a valid test of their ability to drive before granting them a license

    educating all road users on safe and considerate behaviour on the roads

    effective policing and prosecution of traffic law violators

    just a few practical and measurable steps that could be taken for the benefit of all.

    • Like 1
  3. i've asked several thai's if they know what the playboy logo is... they dont.

    thai's are pretty ignorant of contemporary culture from other countries. they see a band wagon and jump on.

    some girls display their ignorance by having a playboy tattoo which is particularly sad and depressing

  4. my gf's mate got one, definite improvement, makes her look less 'issan' - guess most foreigners wouldn't like that but she's not interested in foreigners. and she is happy and feels great so what's the harm?

  5. how about the carrying of babies and small children while riding a motorbike one handed? how about the motorcycle passenger carrying a baby or small child? how about the fact that other thai's see this happening and do nothing about it!

    the life and safety of children counts for very little for many thai people. sad but true.


    Not quite concrete walls. , but I love the way my Thai gf wants to big note with her friends. Two examples. First when I buy her something she posts it on Facebook to her girlfriends. She basically doubles the price I told her I paid for it.

    Second , I go to HCM every month. Anyway I give her money when I leave. My formulae is 1000 baht a day. She telss her gfs that I give her "big money" when I leave.

    All this is to make it appear she is being taken very good care off and is LUCKY.

    I love their sweet little hearts. Its all about face as the farang say.

    By the way I could give many more examples.


    when i read posts like this i feel i'm living in a different country... my GF has a good job, lawyer, is not interested in competing with her friends and colleagues; is happy to have a samsung when all the others have iphones, only recently upgraded to 'fitfops' because i told her her lower quality shoes where potentially damaging her feet/legs, she goes to the gym and does yoga several times a week and doesn't ask or expect a penny from me. sure treat each other from time to time but that's it.

  7. bought a stamp at the post office the other day. price 13 baht, handed over a 20 baht note. the teller needed a calculator to work out how much change to give me.

    you'd think a post office teller would be required to to be able to do basic mental arithmetic calculations...

    love the way 7/11 stores have of reducing the number of tills open relative to the greater number of customers queuing...

    just sigh and smile and sometimes sure, to preserve my sanity, just walk away

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