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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. Hmmmmm

    Try the sister of the murdered photographer now she was good press or maybe the speech he gave but no journos allowed in case thy asked any of those pesky questions that might require answers.

    As a matter of fact even the home journos don't get a run.

    He's unhappy his wife's unhappy the country's unhappy!

    His words not mine

  2. Boy the she won't be back brigade are back!

    Last time she come back there was enough egg on the yellows faces to make a thousand omelettes.

    Yet you guys are thirsty for more.

    She will be back and why not with recent events her popularity only grows and once again she will grab all the headlines and boy that really must get up those yellow elite noses.

  3. As for girls joining the sex trade well starvation and poverty are a pretty good aphrodisiac .

    As for the beggars flower sellers shoe shiners elephant touts etc everybody knows where they including the BIB so all they gave to do is make the effort to clean it up.

    But there is that pesky corruption thingy from preventing any of this happening.

  4. You still following me around Ginny

    I'm not the only one slagging off at the coup.Well yes there is me and hang on yes the rest of the world.

    He got there via the gun took power by force said he wasn't going to be PM and shutdown any opposition and freedom of speech.

    Now the press is asking not even hard questions and he can't handle it and that's internal so imagine if he had to answer the real hard questions.

    As for dragging up the old suicide defense there's plenty of farmers in oz that have done the same thing and it's not just restricted to to Thailand .

    Really pathetic that you have to stoop that low in defence of your beloved dictator.

    Anyway nice try in hijacking the thread but it's all about the general now He wanted it he took and he was condemned for it and now he has to deal with it.

    Koh Tao is a pretty good indicator of the level of respect this unelected junta shows towards it's co operation with other governments ie the Brits!

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  5. Yes but the predecessor was elected by the people of Thailand and didn't take it via the barrel of a gun he shouldn't even be on this trip abroad !

    Not a bad week though for Thailand first the Tour de France then the Ebola cure and now this bloke running around trying to justify his actions .

    Asked him if they could look into the murder of of two British subjects the Brit gov were told to butt out so that pretty much shows you where he stands.

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