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Posts posted by pendingo

  1. This is all pure conjecture. If there is another world war there will only be losers except for the money people who generally back both sides in any given conflict.

    As for which side the Thais will support we shall only know this when we see whose army is marching in the streets, whose aircraft are flying in the skies and whose navy is alongside supporting their military.

    One useful pointer would be to ask the question who has the most gold in the world?

  2. It's the fatalistic approach to life that governs these type of things

    Just like when you see a series of stores, with the identical merchandise, along the side of the road, there are usually a half a dozen or more. When I ask the TG who is the one that sells the most, and her fatalistic answer is always the lucky one sells the most

    So the answer is those who get into accidents, or get fined for no helmet, are the ones that are not lucky, simple as that

    Absolutely, this seems to be the typical attitude of many Thais (not all as surprise,surprise I've met a few sensible ones, that is by western standards).

    They fear loss of face much more than dying and as you say Langsuan their lives are based around luck.

    By the way this is not criticism as such it's just my impressions on my travels around Thailand in the last few years.

  3. Thai girls who gamble are dangerous companions, Have met one who lost her house and car,

    He had a nerve to ask you for money,

    Leaving his wife while she was dying is a poor thing to do

    I couldn't agree more edit.

    Pretty despicable guy all round.

    I think his infatuation with the other woman must have got the better of his senses and his moral compass.

  4. Hi Frolly

    I've seen this in the various groups both work and social I have been a member of over the years.

    There are always the know alls.

    It might be an idea for you all to get together on a different day without his knowledge and discuss what you are going to talk about when he is at a regular meeting.

    That will give the rest of the group time to research indisputable proof from more than one source that whatever you are going to say is either correct or incorrect so you will know in advance he is talking BS or not.

    Don't challenge him, just tell him you all agree to differ, one way of taking the wind out of his sails.

    One thing that poses a problem is his drinking and the violence that goes with it.

    Just freezing him out and ignoring him could induce more violence.

    Make a note of the local cop shop's number and tell him that if he becomes threatening and/or abusive the police will be called and he will be banned from future meetings.

    • Like 1
  5. This is my third marriage and my second Thai wife.

    The other one made me bankrupt then left me after the money ran out.

    A very harsh lesson but well learned.

    We've been together for 8 years and there's rarely a dull moment.

    I'm nearly 68 years old now so if this marriage ends that will be it for me.

    It'll be back to dear old Blighty to contemplate my next move but it won't be to get married again that's for sure!

  6. Unfortunately If you are going to have a relationship with a Thai lady then this is all part of " The Loving Relationship " Although it sounds like you are " paying for everything " in your relationship? if so " why " ? I would of not gone in a car to drive 3 KM down the road!! why not walk? take a torch,i appreciate that some of the roads are not good but really driving 3 KM especially with the amount of cars and people about when you could of walked! ( and so much more " romantic " ... ) wub.png

    In my experience not many Thai ladies like to walk much further than 100 meters these days especially when a car is available.

    3Km!! -Perish the thought!!

    • Like 2
  7. re-open the investigation and accept help from British and American

    So by suggesting Americans get involved why exactly ?,

    Are you suggesting the British coppers cant handle this without the US ?....ironic seeing as Britain "invented" modern police investigation techniques/methodology.

    Or is it a case your from the US ?....and just couldn't help your help yourself waving "the flag" ?

    For the record Soutpeel I'm from the UK so it's not a case of "waving the flag" for any one nation.

    What I am suggesting is cooperation between countries when it comes to the murder of foreign nationals.

    If the victims had been Americans I would have said the same thing.

    I am not questioning the competence of the British police either as I'm sure they are quite capable.

    However there is a history of successful cooperation between the British and American police when it comes to solving complex cases and that's why I suggested it.

    So let's turn this on its head shall we as it looks like you are the one doing the flag waving from where I'm standing.

    I believe that the US have more advanced technology available in Thailand. So not a bad suggestion at all.

    I still say if these kids were American the tanks would have been all over this case with no iffs or buts. Unlike her majesty's team.

    I hope that good ol Uncle Sam may come out in public support of the Brits at some stage soon. This may lend a lot to what the Brits can achieve on the ground here

    Here's a link: http://www.open.ac.uk/research/main/news/international-co-operation-crucial-for-solving-crimes-against-britons-abroad except I would replace "Britons" with "Foreign Nationals"

  8. re-open the investigation and accept help from British and American

    So by suggesting Americans get involved why exactly ?,

    Are you suggesting the British coppers cant handle this without the US ?....ironic seeing as Britain "invented" modern police investigation techniques/methodology.

    Or is it a case your from the US ?....and just couldn't help your help yourself waving "the flag" ?

    For the record Soutpeel I'm from the UK so it's not a case of "waving the flag" for any one nation.

    What I am suggesting is cooperation between countries when it comes to the murder of foreign nationals.

    If the victims had been Americans I would have said the same thing.

    I am not questioning the competence of the British police either as I'm sure they are quite capable.

    However there is a history of successful cooperation between the British and American police when it comes to solving complex cases and that's why I suggested it.

    So let's turn this on its head shall we as it looks like you are the one doing the flag waving from where I'm standing.

  9. Should've brought in Dirty Harry on this investigation.

    My apologies in advance if anyone thinks this shows disrespect to the families of the victims.

    The RTP have done that all by themselves by their public displays and charades and to cap it all publishing gruesome photographs of the


    The time has come for a massive shakedown and heads should be rolling right from the top downwards.

    It looks like the prosecutors are seeing this as a very large hot potato which will need handling with great care.

    As regards face saving exercises it's time these were abandoned in the name of reason, logic and justice (yes I know, a very large pill to swallow

    for the Thai authorities, but swallow it they must to gain a modicum of respect from the rest of the world).

    All they are doing is creating even more loss of face for the whole of Thailand.

    Release the two Burmese immigrants into the care of their families, re-open the investigation and accept help from British and American

    investigation teams.

    It's no big deal any more.

  10. Here's the dialogue between father and son: "Ok son it's now safe for you to go and give your DNA sample. I've spoken to our boys in the RTP,"

    "Thanks Dad."

    Totally laughable as if anyone including the majority of the Thai public is going to believe this charade.

    Refusing to give a DNA sample in the first instance makes him a prime suspect regardless of whether he committed the crime or not.

    This ain't going away any time soon.

    • Like 1
  11. This dog meat trade has been going on for years in Thailand particularly in the North East.

    There is a huge demand for dog meat in Laos and North Vietnam where it is sold as a delicacy.

    Occasionally the "bucket trucks" as they are known get stopped by the police and the dogs which are still alive are taken to rescue centres.

    The culprits get fined and sent on their way only to do the same a day or so later.

    The impression I get from Thai people having lived here for a few years now is that when it comes to life and death whether animal or human being they take a fatalistic approach.

    "Mai pen rai" and "not my problem."

    We can talk about solutions on this post until hell freezes over but nothing will get done until someone finds a way of getting into the Thai psyche.

    It's not as if the so-called civilised western countries are squeaky clean when it comes to human and animal cruelty either.

    I don't condone this awful trade and yes something needs to be done about it but at the same time we need to see our countries setting an example

    • Like 1
  12. rkidlad, on 22 Oct 2014 - 21:52, said:

    I recently did my first ever extension. Went faily smoothly and have to wait not to see if I've been aproved.

    Only thing I noticed that was different to what I was advised was:

    They interviewd me and not the missus (think the lady wanted to practise her english)

    They let me draw the map 'til they realised I'm a spaz at drawing so missus rudely grabbed it from me.

    They didn't like my condo contract. Moved in years ago and now I'm just on a rolling contract. Told them they could call my landlady and ask her. She's happy for me to just be on a rolling contract 'cos I said I didn't wanna sign a new contract 'cos been there so long.

    Apart from that, it was smooth sailing. The missus, being the sweet mouthed girl that she is, asked why my salary had to support her and not vica versa, and why so much paperwork. Lady in immigration said they were making sure Thai people were not marrying bad people. Basically protecting Thai people.

    And if you believe that.........

    They let me draw the map 'til they realised I'm a spaz at drawing so missus rudely grabbed it from me.

    I presume your talking about a map of where you live?

    I use Google maps, then place the 'pin' on the address location. I then print that off and write the address in a relevant space.

    Makes life easier and Immigration prefer it to a drawing.

    I did precisely that but they still asked my wife to draw a map of our home location at Chiang Mai Immigration when I first applied for my 12 month Marriage Visa extension.

  13. Hi Benalibina. and Chad

    Have you ever tried the Samaritans?

    They are all over the world even in Thailand.

    Here is their website in Thailand; http://www.samaritans-thailand.org/. Phone Bangkok:(02) 713-6791 24 hours 7 days a week.

    There should be someone on the end of the phone who will listen to you who also speaks English and be able to help you.

    I went through a very dark period in my life some years ago similar to what you are both going through now and even contemplated suicide.

    These people were a great help to me and guided me through this time.

    There have been some great suggestions from other TV members with regard to diet and exercise but the first step is being able to talk to another human being in confidence, first of all on the phone and then face to face on a one to one basis.

    I wish you both well and anyone else on TV who is going through a tough time right now.

  14. I despair.

    No point in the UK police coming if all they can do is observe.

    Thai justice prevails again.

    I wouldnt believe the Thai media circus if I were you...

    Thank you for that englishoak..

    I'd like to think they will be allowed to do more than observe.

  15. Bear in mind everything is now "fixed" so I doubt there will be much for the British detectives to go on.

    It's good that finally some action is being taken but I'm afraid too little, too late.

    All we can hope for is the UK sends a top investigation team and they are allowed full access to everything they ask for and not just what the RTP wants them to see.

    Fairness and justice both for the victims and their families and the accused and their families have to be seen to be done if Thailand is to regain its credibility in the world otherwise it has a lot more to lose than just face.

  16. Another day another circus.

    There are only two things the Thai authorities worry about and these are money and face.

    The long game is being played here.

    As far as RTP is concerned they've got their men.

    All the evidence fits and witnesses will have seen them at the crime scene.

    The two suspects will be found guilty, tried and summarily executed, end of story.

    Game over.

    If there is a different outcome I'll believe it when I see it.

    My apologies if this seems a little harsh but this is the reality as far as I see it.

    Meanwhile Mark Kent and David Cameron can relax in the knowledge that they have done a really great job and justice has been served.clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

    It's a very sad summary, but may well be correct. I differ only in that I would not expect them to be executed, in order to show the Thai authorities in a merciful light.

    Emilymat you are right about that but I was relating to how the RTP is looking at this.

    I should have made myself clearer.

    What I am really hoping for is that a mistrial will be called, RTP gets its butt kicked and heads will roll.

    If PM Prayuth wants to achieve his goals there has never been a better opportunity than to break away from the old ways and clear out the dross from the RTP then institute better training and modern practices compliant with a 21st century police force.

    Only then will he gain face with the rest of the world.

    As for Mr Cameron and the effusive Mr Kent their time is short.

    We want real men (or women for that matter) in charge not cowards hiding behind diplomacy.

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