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Posts posted by pendingo

  1. Another day another circus.

    There are only two things the Thai authorities worry about and these are money and face.

    The long game is being played here.

    As far as RTP is concerned they've got their men.

    All the evidence fits and witnesses will have seen them at the crime scene.

    The two suspects will be found guilty, tried and summarily executed, end of story.

    Game over.

    If there is a different outcome I'll believe it when I see it.

    My apologies if this seems a little harsh but this is the reality as far as I see it.

    Meanwhile Mark Kent and David Cameron can relax in the knowledge that they have done a really great job and justice has been served.clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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  2. "The Minister of Tourism and Sport, Ms. Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul is confident in Pattaya's potential to be developed into a ‘World Sport Destination’ due to its readiness in terms of training camps, accommodations and restaurants."

    What planet is she on?

    Can't see it happening unless the Thai authorities especially the RTP clean up their act instead of ignoring the fact how tainted this country has become where sleaze and corruption are concerned.

    Having said that the UK and US are pretty much on a par when it comes to corruption but they do have some semblance of credibility something which Thailand doesn't have right now in the eyes of the world.

    Sooner or later they will have to drag themselves into the 21st century if they want to survive.

    Thailand is a beautiful country with some wonderful people apart from a few exceptions but it needs fixing and only they can do that.

  3. Why does Britain wait till now ? The British Embassy and British government should have been in at the beginning . Britain had a right to insist on British police helping Thai police and for British Forensic scientists to simultaneously examine the evidence and test the DNA . In view of Two British people being horrifically murdered in Thailand , even the Coup Military Government should soften to permit a British participation from the beginning . A skilled British Forensic Police team could have worked alongside the Thai police and have been a great help to them , in what has been a very difficult task .

    Britain nor any other country has no diplomatic right to intervene in the internal affairs of another country regardless of whether one of its citizens is either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of a crime.

    It says on the UK Bangkok Embassy website:

    What consulates cannot do for you

    ... interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings

    give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases

    On the head JL. I'm afraid so many people, including members here, have a completely wrong belief about what their diplomatic representatives can do for them and sometimes that's only when they bother to respond.

    All the ' musts ', ' should ', ' have to ' etc do not trump sovereignty, local laws and diplomatic protocol.

    Pressure can of course be applied and equally can be resisted so it leaves it up to an ' aggrieved ' country, in this case Britain, to decide how far they want to take it.

    As I said in an earlier post I am sick of all this bullshit.

    "Diplomacy," "Sovereignty," "Diplomatic Right," "Interference" etc, etc........

    No mention of the words "Fairness," and "Justice."

    Yes I am aware of diplomatic implications but surely the above trumps anything else.

    I detest professional incompetence and stupidity no matter what country.

    The victims and the suspects both have rights in equal shares.

    No chance of that now with the media circus and hubris that have surrounded this case.

    This could pave the way for an international investigation team to be set up whenever foreign nationals have been murdered in any country.

    There again pigs might fly.

  4. Talk about stable door.

    This is too little too late and shows just how uncaring the UK government is.

    Right from the start Cameron and the Foreign Office should have been in the mix.

    These two people were British Subjects and instead of pussy footing around they should have told the Thai authorities they would be getting assistance from a UK investigation team like it or not.

    Total mess up and I'm sick of all this bullshit.

    They will have been in the mix from the start

    Likely they were but obviously not enough.

  5. This is the "must do" UK parliamentary procedure following a petition with sufficient 'signatures' which BTW was initiated by a US citizen;


    if this matter is truly important to you, why not add your support in a material way?

    Thank you and I have done so.

    I have been sickened by this case and its handling by my country as well as by the Thai Police.

  6. Talk about stable door.

    This is too little too late and shows just how uncaring the UK government is.

    Right from the start Cameron and the Foreign Office should have been in the mix.

    These two people were British Subjects and instead of pussy footing around they should have told the Thai authorities they would be getting assistance from a UK investigation team like it or not.

    Total mess up and I'm sick of all this bullshit.

  7. Police corruption in Thailand is just the tip of the iceberg and this present debacle over the Koh Tao murder investigation together with rewarding police officers with 10000 THB for catching people who use bribery to avoid prosecution only serve to highlight it.

    Here is a link which some of you may find of interest: http://www.humanrights.asia/resources/journals-magazines/article2/0901/07fighting-corruption-from-the-bottom-the-case-of-thailand.

    Take a look at section 4. Highway bribery under the sub heading Corruption Types.

    This was written before the coup but I believe post coup corruption is still alive and well in Thailand despite the Junta's efforts.

    • Like 1
  8. Crass though it is at least they are open (and in your face) about bribery and corruption in Thailand.

    What you see is what you see.

    I'm just wondering how long it will be before it goes underground as in Western countries.

    All I can say is next time you get "nicked" by a Thai traffic cop don't even think about a bribe unless you can pay more than 10000 THB.

  9. What is it with people who insist on typing or writing "would of", "could of" or "should of" in a sentence when commenting on Thai Visa, Facebook, Twitter or in newspapers or when writing a blog.

    How hard is it to write or type "would've", "could've" or "should've" or "would have", "could have", and "should have"?

    Call me old-fashioned, OCD or tell me to get a life if you like but it irritates the hell out of me.

    It seems to be the new fashion which has taken over from split infinitives and don't get me started on that!!

    By the way I didn't go to a posh school i.e. public school or grammar school just a bog standard state secondary school which had some excellent teachers who cared about their profession and their pupils.

    Today's misuse and misspelling of written and spoken English language speaks volumes about the current education system in the UK.

    Is there anyone else on here who feels the same way?

    • Like 2
  10. I use the internet for keeping in touch with relatives and friends and internet banking.

    There's also TV and films I like to stream or download from time to time.

    Must admit it's frustrating when the power goes off when I'm in the middle of a conversation on Skype (one of the joys of living out in the sticks in Thailand).

    Just been without internet for 24 hours but I'm glad to say it hasn't phased me.

    I have stacks of books and games to read and to play.

    Must be getting old now as I remember the times when I used to listen to "Children's Hour" on the radio, go out and play on the streets with my mates or read a book if I wanted to be quiet.

    Our first TV was a 9 inch screen PYE with a massive cabinet and there was just the one BBC channel before ITV came along.

    It was always breaking down so the TV repair man was almost a permanent feature in our house.

    One good thing was my mother used to keep the biscuit barrel topped up.

    As regards a telephone my father wouldn't have one in the house saying it only brought bad news.

    In a way I could understand this as when he lost friends and relatives the news came usually via someone's telephone.

    So we used to use next door's phone or the phone box down the road.

    Any other guys on Thai Visa remember those halcyon days?

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  11. This is what I would call a "Michael Fish moment".

    Any of you UK expats remember the hurricane that wasn't supposed to happen back in 1987?

    I remember it very well as I was right in the middle of it.

    Have never trusted any weather man ever since.

    For all the sophisticated equipment they have and the satellite tracking I still prefer to use my old pine cone and a bit of seaweed lmao.

  12. I turn mine off because I don't think having wifi signals bouncing around all day an night is great for your health. I know I can't avoid them all, but nothing to lose by turning it off when I go to bed.

    Even if you turn it off there are still radio signals "bouncing around" from other sources, possibly even stronger ones. We are all exposed to radiation of some sort or other 24/7. Think about it!!

  13. Im saying that if everyone in the world be it at home or in business turned off their routers at night the internet as we know it will stop working. Where do you think the internet comes from, space?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    It would never be off entirely because of the different time zones around the world. When you are going to bed someone else is getting up. Anyway to keep on topic I never turn my router and modem off unless there is a problem. I turn off my PC and laptop when they are not being used and also my tablet. Turning off the router seems to be a pointless exercise otherwise. I tend to agree with the guys on here who say leave it on.

  14. Get her to sit down with you and sort out a monthly budget. Tell her she has to show you all the bills. If you don't see a bill don't pay it regardless of what she says the money is for. As regards the family you took them on as soon as you entered into a relationship with her so I'm afraid you will have to give some leeway there. Learn to say no more often and tell her don't believe any bullshit from her friends about what they allegedly get each month. Some of it may be true but you can only give her what you can afford. There may be tears and tantrums and possible threats of finding another farang but I think she knows what side her bread is buttered on but make sure she knows the consequences of any dalliance. As regards your son see a lawyer about being his legal guardian. I've been married now for seven years to my Thai wife and although it hasn't all been a bowl of cherries it works and I think the world of her still.

  15. I buy large tins of Quaker Oats from Big C together with honey.

    I put a tablespoonful of honey with the porridge and mix it in.

    I've been eating porridge like this for years and never get tired of it.

    I drink some sort of herbal tea my wife brews (of which I was sceptical at first) with my porridge which seems to work wonders for my system - I've lost 3 kilos in weight since I started taking it a few weeks ago.

    After that I have a fruit drink and then finish off with a coffee.

    Then I'm ready for my day.

  16. Luudee, don't hang about on this.

    First of all file a report to the police with the photographs, name of the teacher, the school, the time and date of the beating.

    Corporal punishment has been banned in Thai schools since 2000.

    As a parent I would make it my business to get this person investigated and possibly sacked.

    Beating the crap out of her by way of revenge will just get you arrested, much more satisfying to get justice and root out poor teachers.

    Primary education seems to be major issue in Thailand unless you have the funds to get your kids into a private school.

  17. I'm dreaming of a day when guys like you quit whining an realize that you are not in your home countries anymore. The infrastructure here is not accountable to you.

    As long as there is an issue with regard to electrical safety in Thailand I have no problem with any ex-pat "whining" about it.

    It means they are aware of the hazards and will take care regardless as to whether the authorities are accountable to them or not.

    I don't know how long you have lived in Thailand techboy but your complacency may catch you out one day.

    Maybe you've lead a charmed life so far.

  18. Glegolo/keithkarmann

    If you are happy with the way things are then go for it.

    However it is possible at some point your gf and her parents may expect you to get married.

    I'm afraid you will then have to pay some kind of dowry but if you sit down with your girlfriend and her parents you may be able to negotiate some sort of reasonable payment but this is only if you intend to marry.

    I have now been married for the best part of 7 years with my Thai wife and gradually we built our house together with money I saved from when I was at work.

    My wife and her parents have always treated me very well and there are no trust issues here.

    I am quite happy that she will have the house when I depart this mortal coil.

    Good luck and best wishes.

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  19. Tracker1, the majority of guys on here are right.

    You are the boss and you are in charge of your life not a doormat or skivvy.

    Kick this woman into touch (rugby term in the UK, I mean figuratively not literally of course).

    She does not deserve your loyalty.

    I lived with someone like this in the UK for nine years and then one day I snapped, packed my bags and walked out. determined never to let this situation happen again and never looked back.

    Granted it is not easy to do and only you can make that decision.

    You have to ask yourself whether you want to carry on like this or get peace of mind.

    From what you say there are no children involved so a divorce may be relatively easy but I'd take legal advice first.

    Whatever, but make sure you get in first because it looks very likely she could be on the verge of giving you the old heave-ho anyway and is just looking for an excuse.


  20. Am I missing something here?

    All of a sudden this is a coup as well as martial law?

    Can anyone enlighten me please?

    Oh well, being long in the tooth and living in Thailand I suppose I should have expected this.

    No big deal for me living out in the sticks.

    Business as usual.

    I am very rarely out after 10 o' clock and don't get up before 6 am.

  21. My condolences to this man's family.

    I never believe the media mainstream or local even when it comes to reporting of any kind these days.

    There are very few reporters it seems get their facts straight and in some cases can be too lazy to go out and get them themselves.

    Any views expressed here about how this guy fell from the third floor can only be speculation and by the looks of it will remain that way.

    As with police forces all over the world the Thai police whether we consider them to be good or bad have only limited time and resources to investigate this case as determined by their paymasters (whoever they may be).

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